Has anyone, ahem, "edited" their Star Wars Trilogy

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Rob Babcock

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I'm thinking of making an edit version to cut out the crap that doesn't belong in there.  The Playstation2-looking Jabba in ST:aNH comes to mind.  Also the nonsensical drivel he added in the form of a bizarre musical number in Jedi would be much better on the cutting room floor.

I'm curious if anyone has done some judicious editing to try to make a more watchable & authentic Star Wars set.


Has anyone, ahem, "edited" their Star Wars Trilogy
« Reply #1 on: 3 Oct 2004, 01:51 am »
I fully enjoyed all three movies even with all the changes.  I wouldn't change a thing.  I watched these movies (which I've seen MANY times before) with three of my kids and they really loved them.  I can't tell you how much fun it was to watch these movies that I grew up with and love with children who have never seen them before.  When Darth Vader tells Luke that he was his father, my daughter said, "It's just like Buzz Lightyear." LOL :lol:

I think we're going to watch all three movies over again this week!

Joe M.


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Has anyone, ahem, "edited" their Star Wars Trilogy
« Reply #2 on: 5 Oct 2004, 06:39 pm »
You have a smart daughter!  I haven't seen the "new" versions, yet, although I did like what was done with the previous versions on VHS.


Has anyone, ahem, "edited" their Star Wars Trilogy
« Reply #3 on: 5 Oct 2004, 06:47 pm »
Would that be possible, Rob?  By that I mean are the undesirable scenes cleanly inserted so that you could remove them without disturbing the movie?  I guess it would depend on whether the new scene is a complete modern fabrication or if it's modern CGI pasted on over 1977 footage. Do actors' lines from '77 overlap with new modern scenes?

Wouldn't you need some $eriou$ hardware to edit the DVD and make it back into a DVD without running into copy protection schemes, re-compression and all that jazz?  Hmmm... I've never done any video editing myself (mighty daunting prospect for the reasons just given) but I thought that it was rather tricky to extract the digital bits off a DVD.  Maybe I am mistaken.