The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'

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The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'
« on: 19 Sep 2004, 06:01 pm »
Well, Friends and Neighbors, I've gotten most of my toys together for the major tube amp shootout.
Yes, as I alluded to in G's post, I went out and dropped coin on 3 amplifiers of differing pedigree, and they are all here.
Its a long drawn out process that all YOU GUYS (and you know who you are!) got me started on with these damned tubes!

Its kind of funny, when I started first meeting fellow GAS members, I was coming from a 'Stand And Salute' point of view with my Bryston solid state rig.  I won't deny that I still think it sounds great, but any GAS members wanting to hear that actively biamped Bryston/ Vandersteen rig are gonna have to dance fast and we'll get something set up where we can give a listen to it at its best before.....something happens to it.
More later...

ANYway, I ended up buying a Sophia Baby tube amp with volume eventually first.  It was a great flirtation process buying it used, flirting with the seller who changed his mind a couple of times.
And in the midst of that flirting and after I read enough that I *really* wanted to listen to the Baby, I found a local source for a Dynaco SCA35, and as cited in another post, just had to bring it home.  And found the 'Baby' sittin on the porch waiting when I got there.

Okay, that makes two, but the 3rd came from my original searches where I found a 300b, dual mono homebrew that was darned pretty on Ebay.
I watched it thru my other purchases and it never moved off the minimal bid on 'deBay.'  As a lark, I was home and here for the end of the auction, and watched unbelievingly as no one bid.  Wife thought with me staring at it, I must have bought already and gave me what I thought was a 'green light'.  For the lark, I set up to bid going well upwards, thinking STILL I would be overbid, and at 6seconds I popped the bid and got it.
"Shit! I got it!"  
Long story short, its here too.

So now, the longwinded story has reached the crescendo, from the openning overtures of you guys and your tube gear you MADE me listen to everytime we got together.  The themes of finding the Altec 19s, and what they were, the letdown of their relatively poor performace with Bryston rig, the renewal of interest when tubegear was brought here to pique me....

and then the chase....
and I got my own bitches about that as I got motivated to the point of insanity and obsession.  The 'monster' got out to research and buy, and it has been damned difficult living with him and getting him back in the cage...

And now we are getting the main point, where silly ol' DeadFish learns not to trust his ears and how to stop worrying and to love the tube...

What sounds best so far?  Depends on which day you ask me.  
All of them have something to bring to the table, that is why they are here, and I wasn't wrong in that.  
It has been a delight.  
I am glad that the 300b SET amp came last.  It let me warm up to what I was hearing before being bludgeoned over the head with 'oh.  wow...!!!!!!!!)  It comes with the liabilities of a little hum and rattle, but when the music is on... This is when I first considered maybe the Bryston gear WILL have to take an exctended vacation...
Of course, I have to PAY for this stuff, so like I mentioned earlier, some of that Bryston gear might have to hit the road.  I am grown enough babyboomer now to realize, contrary to what my generation has TRIED to do, I don't get it all.  Concessions must be made.  'Specially if I want to eat.
Wife has been wonderful, coming to terms with my tendency to obsess before we married. God bless her!  Hell, for someone who usually just 'listens along', she has gotten a real interest in putting the Sophia Baby in the bedroom!  What'll they think of next?

I've some questions on setting this stuff up on equal footings as much as possible..  
I've been using the 18g twisted pair ratshack wire that Blackmore suggested to me a while back, and my 'garden snake' stuff from the Brystons just isn't gonna fit those little lugs on the SCA or Altecs.
I've got some Cat5 and am gonna whack together some Thorsten Loesch FFRC cables from a recipe on TNT.  Don't think I am gonna trouble myself with the major braid version of Cat 5.  
Any other suggestions?  Scott, you really like the ones you make, but my mind is a blank again.  They still got that stuff at Electronics Exchange?
I got from Steve what he was using, but cannot find anything Googling that stuff.  
Anyone else?

 OH yeah, tubewise, y'all have favorites for your particular gear, but any general warnings before I go buy quads of the worst fugging brand of EL84s or something?  ALso, anywhere local you like buying them or even on the internet you would go back to.  Two of these amps did the mail with working tubes, so I have confidence.  I can understand if y'all don't want to let go of where your favorite vendor is locally who is stashed with what you want.  But you know, I'll hate you for it.  :mrgreen:

Of course, there will be more questions, and answers, and even then more questions.
But I'll quit now and go listen
And pray when my wife smiles at me that she isn't planning on playing this gear at my funeral soon.

My thanks go to all who helped nudge and coddle me into this tubular hell.
Nursing me on the way, you nothing but patient, knowing you were gonna have a playmate in Hell for eternity eventually.
Thanks go also to Peter, Zaw, and Jerry especially, for letting go and selling their amps.  Jerry especially, who built this dual volumed 300b and was willing to let HIS baby go out into the world.  Its a real sweetheart, and he a real gentleman.  He gets 'first dibs' if the 300b is going to go away.
And finally, thanks to all for the future answers they might give.


Scott F.

The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'
« Reply #1 on: 20 Sep 2004, 02:44 am »
So hmmmmm goes the 300b.

Welcome to SETville :lol: There may be a couple of things that can be done to reduce the hum a bit but nearly every one I've listened to (expensive or not) hum. It's just something we live with to get that magical sound that comes from those things.

When it comes to wire and interconnects the CAT 5 may be best suited for the Dynaco. I've got a sneaking suspision that the sound might dry up a bit too much with the 300b. Who knows though, it's worth a try since it sounds like you have some on hand. If you have to buy some don't. I've got about 800 feet left on a spool if you need it (like all of it).

Unfortunately Electronics Exchange doesn't have anymore wire like I've got. I bought the last of it. I've got plenty here for some interconnects plus I've still got a spare pair of speaker cables from when we made them up way back when. You are wecome to a pair if yunt'em.

As for tube sources here's a couple I deal with all the time.
These guys aren't audiophiles. They are pure industrial tube dealers. You have to know what you want when you call them. They are reasonably priced even on the 'boutique' tubes. Usually about 30% less. Good guys, reliable plus they do tube matching. Key point here.  If you want (say)  a pair of 12ax7 Mullard box plates, you have to tell them to match date codes. If you don't you may end up with two matching tubes from different factories or dates.
If you are looking for standard, current production tubes (SED, Sovtek, etc), these guys have a decent selection and decent prices. They match tubes also.
If you are looking to spend some serious money on NOS tubes, this is the place. Kevin has some extremely cool tubes in stock. Don't expect any bargins. Kevin takes a trip once a year to Europe to go tube hunting. He always comes back with tons of things like Mullards, Telefunkens, Siemens, real Bugle Boys and tons of other great sounding stuff. Be prepared to mortgage your house before you dial his number especially if you want some NOS 300b's.
Believe it or not, these guys carry tubes too. Depending on what you are looking for they may have it. Most all of them are current production stuff with the exception of a few NOS JAN Philips 12ax7s.

As for actual recommendations for the individual tubes, we need to do that as a get-together. You need to hear the tubes in your amps in your room. Anything other than that way will be a total guess. Fortunately, between all of us, we should have enough differnt brands so you can make a good decision. Trouble could be, getting us all there so you can audition them :D

Glad to see you are on the road to audio recovery. The exorcism worked.

Oh, I got second dibbs on the 300b if you decide to get rid of it, OK?


The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'
« Reply #2 on: 20 Sep 2004, 04:30 am »
Thanks for the tips Scott!
I hadn't found THAT many, so far.
And some of dese guys are nuts with their NOS and prices!
Original Mullards may sound great, but I cannot take another homeloan out.  :nono:
And I'd certainly like to take you up on your offer of speaker wire.

I'm getting soooo used to  'everything I know is wrong' now...these little bitty wires put out so much sound....!

And yes, I'll put that 300b on your list!  :D



The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'
« Reply #3 on: 20 Sep 2004, 04:47 am »
Quote from: Scott F.
So hmmmmm goes the 300b.

Welcome to SETville :lol: There may be a couple of things that can be done to reduce the hum a bit but nearly every one I've listened to (expensive or not) hum. It's just something we live with to get that magical sound that comes from those things.

You ever try using Herbie's Tube Dampers?

I don't have any tube gear, so I can't directly comment on the tube dampers performance. But have used his Tenderfooters to great success. The customer service is top-notch as well. :D

The HAL-O 60 looks to be one for your 300B tubes.


The stage is SET ; 'hum along with me....'
« Reply #4 on: 20 Sep 2004, 09:16 pm »
I certainly haven't knowingly listened to the tube dampners you mentioned, Bubba, but know I've seen some on some of the guys' gear.

This is my first big foray into owning tubes. (other than an X-10D tube buffer.)  I have a whole new collection of tweaks to run down and try.

FORtunately, a lot of tweaks from the solidstate chase I ran are still usable, like the dedicated circuit, aftermarket cables, etc.  
Thank God I don't have to do THAT again......
(as that role of wire calls to me for a separate circuit for digital! heheh)

And re-reading Scott, ayup, I got plenty of Cat 5.  I bought enough to do the major braiding version for biamping the Vandies, and never got a round tuit to do so.  Glad I got the wire sitting here.
Definitely would like to try your wires though.
Too much to choose from is never enough..... :wink:
