Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity

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Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity
« on: 17 Dec 2014, 03:50 am »
I have a very nice acoustic guitar (custom Tippin) that I have never really bothered to keep humidified.  Been thinking lately that this is a dim idea and that perhaps I should do something about it.  I am looking for suggestions for a good, cost-effective means to do so.  With a previous guitar I tried several products (can't remember their names) that I didn't care for much and finally gave them up.  I am looking for something that is a) low-maintenance, b) no leaks, and c) idiot-proof (remember, this is me we're talking about here).  I was wondering if those electronic hygrometers are worth a darn, too.  I'm thinking that is overkill but am open to dissenting opinions.

What are your experiences with humidification products?  And while I'm thinking of it, what is the proper humidity to keep an acoustic guitar?

Thanks, folks.



Re: Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity
« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2014, 04:48 am »
Old Skool.
An Apple placed in the case.  :thumb:

I've used one of those rubber tubes with a sponge inside too.

Steidl Guitars

Re: Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity
« Reply #2 on: 18 Dec 2014, 03:36 pm »
Nice guitar, and good on ya for taking care of it. 

If you are looking for an in-case humidifier, I drill a series of holes in the top of a cheap, plastic case made to hold bar soap for traveling--they cost about a buck.  I then cut a cellulose sponge to fit.  Similar idea to the rubber tube mentioned, but lasts much longer.  Just be sure to squeeze out enough water from the sponge so that it doesn't drip.

Overall, though, I don't find in-case humidification works all that well in part because folks forget about it -- it is better than nothing, though.  What I usually suggest is that you get a room humidifier to manage humidity in one room of your house.  A nice place to do it is in the bedroom, because if your place is on the dry side (esp. common during winter), it will be better for you too.  Keep the guitar out of the case (if you can), which might encourage you pick it up more frequently too.

Most builders keep their shop pretty close to 45% RH, which is often quoted as a typical, average indoor RH.  Ideally, your instrument wants to be close to the RH at which it was built, so if you're really wanting to be careful, check with Tippin. 


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Re: Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity
« Reply #3 on: 18 Dec 2014, 04:10 pm »
Was just looking this up recently. Here is a great article with a number of options:

I was using a humidifier for a while from planet waves but then I stopped and my acoustic seemed fine. I even had a digital humidity reader thingy I feel that's excessive. Not necessary for me...

But I might pick up one of the options from that article and give all this anther shot.. Not sure which one yet...

And I'm someone who keeps my guitar in my case always when I'm not playing because I love the ritual of getting it out the case/putting it back... It doesn't make me play any less :)



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Re: Keeping acoustic guitars at proper humidity
« Reply #4 on: 18 Dec 2014, 10:15 pm »
45 - 50% humidity, I use one of the rubber tubes wetted with distilled water for the acoustics, a sponge in a perforated prescription bottle for the electrics. 
Every Saturday during the Fall and Winter I rewet the sponges, no humidification products used during the Spring and Summer.