DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..

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How to shop an amp with a pillow on your face...

Had an interesting interlude the other day, locally.

As most of you 'locals' know, I've been looking for a tube amp.
In my relentless internet search, there are a lot of references, or at least 'reverences' for Dynaco gear.  Amoungst the better offerenings, the ST35 amp comes up a lot, especially for modding/updating, and sometimes with it, the SCA35 which is the integrated based on this amp.
Poking around on Audiogon and Ebay set me up for price expectations, and I started chasing the idea (along with several others) on what it would take to hear their EL84s on my Altecs.
Amoungst the 'middle of the pack' pricewise, I found one with a St. Louis zipcode on Audiogon.
Well, an email let me know that the fella had a shop where the amp was, but we could arrange to let me hear it over the weekend.
Well, what an offer!  I didn't take advantage of such a kind offer, but certainly I owed it to myself to listen to it if I could.

SO, being the 'idjit' that I am, I ventured forth across St. Louis at 3:30pm on a friday...I must have wanted the experience, as I generally would rather have my teeth pulled out than drive in 'the City.'

So I wound up at Alpha-Tech Electronics on Big Bend, Zaw Win proprietor.
I hadn't been in that place since looking for someone to fix my Atari 8 bit computer, back 'in the day.'  
They've moved since then, and you walk right into a counter and see a working electronic repair shop with all the appropriate 'stuff' hanging around.  Oboy, I get to listen on a testbench, thinks I.
Well, Zaw stopped what he was doing and we became acquainted and he offered me a listen.  At that point, he took me upstairs to his listening room.  Ah.........
Actually, more than one, I found out, as he told me the place used to be a studio for Ken Hensley, I believe, of Uriah Heep fame.  Good acoustics!

Lacking anything like mine easilly available for speakers, he suggested we try the Magnepan 3.6 demos he had sitting there.
'Sure!' sez I, though if it worked, who knows how revealing they would be on the shortness of the SCA35.  The unit had been cleaned up by ZAW, but was stock (except for an added headphone jack) and regularly working.  Not some mystery piece found in grandpaws garage packed away, like so many on the internet.  

Looking further at the 'used' gear Zaw had there, I felt right at home alongside his Theta ld/cd player (of which I have a broken one in the closet) and a Rega P3 turntable, which I have on top of my gear.  Old home week! woohoo!

First up was some acoustic music which sounded really nice.
Not familiar with it, but the other end of the room was coming alive.
Zaw had folks coming in and out and had to leave me to myself a few times, and that was okay, for listening's sake.
By the end of that cd, I'd found it making me believe that the SCA had real potential.
I mentioned noticing the phono stage and asked Zaw about it and he set about making the P3 sing.  I didn't want him to go thru much for it, but he wanted to hear it.  With apologies again, he put on a yardsale copy of Neil Young's Harvest.  I listened, and by the second cut, was sure that this album is why vinyl went away and cd's reign now.
I like Neal, sometimes a lot, and sometimes not so much, but there were a lot of imperfections burbling out at me.  Oh well, so, I don't need the phono stage anyways...
So I found another album.
Andreas Vollenweider's 'Caverna Magica.

Completely different gear.  It musta been, snuck in there real quick while I blinked.  This stuff took residence and whirled.
Damned pleasing listen!

Well, you gotta realize I was looking at spending money on a $225 old integrated running thru almost $4k speakers!
But it still had to make the sound to begin with, no matter what kind of 'gloriousity' the Maggies bestowed.

Well, still not having an amp at home to listen to, I had to 'dicker' and I had to take home...
Okay, it don't sound as glorious thru the Altecs I'll tell you, and a tip o' the hat to the Maggies.  But its got potential, and that is what I am looking at now.  
My amp drama is still to play out, with other players expected in the post, but I like this little thing and it looks like an interesting platform to start with for poking around on and slicing up, if only to learn along the way.
And besides, the wife needed other tubes to listen to for understanding what they all have to offer.....(sure!) :D

My thanks to Zaw at Alpha-Tech, and it was a pleasure making his acquaintance.  He was never less than personable with me, and did a lot just to secure the sale of that little old cheap integrated.  Heck, I wish I was in the market for those Maggies!  Absolutely stupendous sound to my ears, but you might remember, this is week 6 of 'water-on-the-ear' treatment.  YMMV
Now I gotta go back and listen to OTHER stuff he has setting around. wink:  Well, maybe when my ears clear up...
At least I have someone that might be able to fix the old Theta deck..

Thanks for tuning in.  Thought you would like to hear an interlude, 'along the way'.  Recommend a look at what Zaw has available, when shopping used/demo, based on the experience.  It was good for me.



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DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2004, 10:57 pm »
Heck, I wish I was in the market for those Maggies!

Isn't Steve in the market for maggie 3.6's?  these may be just the ticket... congrats on your purchase.


Re: DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience reveal
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2004, 11:10 pm »
Quote from: DeadFish
At least I have someone that might be able to fix the old Theta deck..

Am fairly positive that all of the Theta LD decks were Pioneer based.

And the best place in the country to get Pioneer LD decks serviced is Bayview Electronics. If Duncan can't fix it, it probably isn't possible to fix it. Man, I've never seen so many LD players & LD player parts in one place in my entire life as when I stopped by Bayview! :o


DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2004, 11:40 pm »
I appreciate your input, Bubba!

Thing is, I used this machine for a long time, decided to buy laserdiscs on ebay, and before they came, it broke.
I sent it to Theta who graciously put a new drive in it, and charged me $400 (plus shipping 2 ways for this boat-anchor).
One month warranty.
Two months of working.
It has been in the closet, close to 2 or 3 years now so I wouldn't have to look at it.
Of course, it hasn't 'healed' yet.

Maybe now that I've heard the glory of tubes, I might 'lay hands' on it...


I'll have to do something with it eventually though, or my wife might take me seriously to use it to keep my body from floating.....


steve k

DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..
« Reply #4 on: 14 Sep 2004, 12:33 am »
Congrats DF!!

How does that Dynaco sound on the Altecs with some Sopranos??

Actually, I'm quite surprised it was able to drive those 3.6 monsters at all. That's reassuring that I haven't gone completely off my rocker looking for 3.3's/3.5's to soak up the VTL's. Just out of curiosity, what's Zaw asking for the 3.6's?

Enjoy!!! :lol:
steve k


DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..
« Reply #5 on: 14 Sep 2004, 01:09 am »
In this hobby, you are off your rocker to anyone else for being here.
To the rest of us, you aren't 'off your rocker', but merely 'an inspired hobbyist, perhaps with a vision...'.

That's MY story, and I'm sticking to it...

Most certainly, I tried to give the idea that I really didn't think the thing would drive the Maggies particularly with any sense of finesse, but I was wrong!  I may have to even try to biamp the vandies with it...

If nothing else, you could at least hear what your amps sounded like with them if you courted Zaw a little bit.  :wink:
The ones he has were demos at Flips and he is just trying to move them for them.  They sure filled the room!  I can see your attraction, to be sure.

Oh yeah, the Sopranos openning music is sounding real good on the SCA. I don't know if there IS a speaker capable of all that bass, but these are trying real hard.  I've been swapping back and forth on the Baby and they are both sounding good, compared to what how I had heard the Altecs on my stuff before, especially.  I'll certainly do a review, one to the other 'ventually, but it is a bit early.  I'm starting to hear differences, but gotta train my head a little bit more.  I think that I hear more noise out of the Dynaco, but it has that preamp stage to wade thru, and there are good reasons there are folks on the 'net teaching you how to cut it out. Then again, there is the ear thing.
Kind of odd how SOME music seems to cut right thru the problem, and some music is about as congested as I hear a telephone right now.
(Temptations vinyl of Cloud Nine sucked as bad as Neil Young!)
It must be me.
...or them pixies swapping equiptment...



Re: DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience reveal
« Reply #6 on: 18 Sep 2004, 10:48 am »
Quote from: DeadFish
How to shop an amp with a pillow on your face...

Had an interesting interlude the other day, locally.

As most of you 'locals' know, I've been looking for a tube amp.
In my relentless internet search, there are a lot of references, or at least 'reverences' for Dynaco gear.  Amoungst the better offerenings, the ST35 amp comes up a lot, especially for modding/updating, and sometimes with it, the SCA35 which is the integrated based on this amp.
Poking around on Audiogon and Ebay set me up for price ...

I must be missing something Fish. What happened to the 300B amp you got off EPAY?


DeadFish in Alpha-land. Dynaco/Maggie experience revealed..
« Reply #7 on: 18 Sep 2004, 12:17 pm »
I thought that that amp had a story for a *different* day...

"since the end is never told,
  they pay the teller off in gold,
   in hopes he will come back...
    (and they can argue for their souls...)

                                                            ....robt. hunter