Digital Sources

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Digital Sources
« on: 27 Aug 2004, 06:36 pm »
Anyone using SACD as a source with their AKSA / TLP / GK-1?

I have yet to pit SACD vs. a good transport + redbook DAC.

I heard DVD-A 5.1 and was not impressed.



Re: Digital Sources
« Reply #1 on: 28 Aug 2004, 05:59 am »
Quote from: Lost81
Anyone using SACD as a source with their AKSA / TLP / GK-1?

I have yet to pit SACD vs. a good transport + redbook DAC.

I heard DVD-A 5.1 and was not impressed.

Could it have been that the DVD-A player you heard was just not up to scratch??

The reason I ask is that I visited a dealer friend of mine a couple of weekends ago - he has an amazing sound setup and a huge room (27' x 50' x 12') to listen in.

He played vinyl, CD, SACD and DVD-A.  The vinyl was magnificent but the DVD-A sound was better than the SACD (and probably up to vinyl standard!).  However, we didn't do a direct comparison of the same recording so maybe the DVD-A pieces we listened to were recorded better?

However, he reckoned SACD will win the war, just like VHS did!  Me, I don't care ... I'm a vinyl man (  :lol:  ... so slick and cold, next to your skin!).




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Digital Sources
« Reply #2 on: 5 Sep 2004, 02:26 pm »
I pretty much listen only to sacd, and have for nearly the past year.  To me, it's just better sounding than cd, period.
I listen mostly to classical, and some old jazz.  Pop music of most genre's is just not what I listen to.
And it so happens that most sacd releases are classical and old jazz.  And I think this is where sacd's strengths really shine.
I only have a 2 channel system, and MC is not really on the horizon.  Sacd gives a bigger sound, with a lot more sound in the lower third of the frequency spectrum.  This is a generalization, but seems to hold.
An MC surround system has enormous potential for music if well done, and clearly really gets the most out of a Hi Rez disc.  But the extra amps, speakers, and such is all a bit much at the moment.

We now seem to be in a multi format era, and there seems to be something for everyone's taste.   The mass market is clearly all cd, and not likely to change.   The niche markets, sacd, records (vinyl to more modern types), are small, but seem to be holding steady.  Sacd releases continue to grow, but are mostly all classical.  The audio dvd stuff is having a hard time getting established.   The new dual discs are the latest attempt, coming out in November just in time for that Christmas rush.