I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...

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I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« on: 28 Jul 2014, 09:55 pm »
Hi all, this is my first actual post here. I have done some hunting, but can't find anything too specific to my situation. I purchased a MC275 (my dream amp) two weeks ago and now it's time to plan the next steps. I am pretty sure I'm sold on the Salk SongTower QWT for my speakers, but the preamp is stumping me. Here are my ideas so far, McIntosh C48, C220 or an AVA Transcendence 9 with optional Vision phono stage. The last option would cut the balanced in and outputs, but from what I hear, it's pretty spectacular.  However, in my small space, 12'x18', I have some pretty tight wiring so having the noise shielding of XLR inputs is nice. The added bonus of two phono inputs with the C48 is also very interesting, however, it's not tube. Anyway, I could go on, but I would be interested in what y'all think. Thanks for your input!


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Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jul 2014, 12:22 pm »
I am also looking for a preamp and phonostage to pair with my MC275. I have been thinking about the Red Wine Audio Isabella and was wondering if anyone has heard this preamp. I am now going to check out the AVA preamp also. Thanks


Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jul 2014, 02:12 pm »
I'll h ave to check out that Red Wine Audio Isabella you mentioned. The AVA Transcendence 9 and Fet Valve CF tube preamps have a pretty loyal fan base and the build quality is supposed to be very high and they are built in Minnesota.


Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #3 on: 30 Jul 2014, 02:46 pm »
Atma-Sphere will be introducing a very reasonable 6sn7 based preamp later this year. You might want to check that out as well.

*I have no relationship with Atmasphere

Posted elsewhere by A-S' Ralph Karsten

"For many years we have been refining a 4- tube circuit (2 tubes if line stage only). We have had many long debates about whether we should market it, as its a departure from our normal stuff; its single-ended (which is the big deal) and is more conventional circuitry. It uses a pair of 6SN7s for the line section and a pair of 12AT7s for the phono section.

However its also a very nice sounding unit, and we've seen it easily take on preamps that cost several times more with no worries. We've had a prototype that we have been playing here at Atma-Sphere for the last 3 years; we know this preamp very well and it really does do the job!

It has a welded chassis, 4 inputs and isn't very big. So far the plan is that they are entirely hand-wired and that has been working quite well. It has vintage styling, but not like our other products. Actually it is the first of a new lineup of amps and preamps.

With the Stepup transformers it works with low output moving coil cartridges and will retail for $2800.00. Without the SUTs, it works with high output cartridges and is $2400.00. Finally, it is available as a line stage for $1900.00. We expect to ship the first units in August."


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Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2014, 03:04 pm »
I have a Van Alstine T-8 that is extremely capable in any situation (or has been.  I am selling as my home office system is going the way of the Dodo due to baby #2).  I am sure the T-9 will perform fantastic.  The added shielding of the XLR is really not needed unless you are going to do long runs.  My rack, etc. is all contained within a four square foot area.  I also live (and can see from where my rack is) within 1500 feet of a radio tower.  No problem with unbalanced connections.  Now why I cannot get AM radio is a different issue.


Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jul 2014, 05:47 pm »
Congrats on the MC275.  That amp is classic.  If you like the sound of tubes you might want to consider a classic tube preamp, the Cary SLP 98P.  I have had one for a number of years and like the Mac amp the 98P (P for phono) is time tested having been in Cary's lineup about 15 years.  If the design ain't broken don't change it.  It is all hand wired point to point (no circuit boards) in North Carolina, pretty to look at, has a large external power supply, and responds well to NOS tubes.  Mine sits in front of a Decware ZMA amp.  Great sound.  I'm sure it would mate well to the MC275.  Two downsides:  single ended connections only and MM phono only.  The phono section is quite good however.  I plan on putting a Bob's Devices SUT in front with a MC cartridge next year.


Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jul 2014, 06:41 pm »
Thanks for all the great info! This was my dream amp for ages and finally got a good deal on one with the Gold Lion and Mullard tubes. It sounds amazing.

sfox7076, thanks for that info! I am really strongly considering the T-9. Frank has one in his "used" section and will put in the Vision phono section. It's incredibly tempting.


Re: I just got a MC275, now it's time for a preamp...
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jul 2014, 06:47 pm »
Also, my run is only 6'. It does run behind one of the speakers. Not sure if that will effect things or not. I do get a little background "hiss" now, but it's likely the preamp causing it. It's an Adcom GFP-565. No complaints, but would rather match tubes to tubes especially since I mostly listen to vinyl.