If you are serious about audio ------

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If you are serious about audio ------
« on: 2 Jul 2014, 12:30 pm »
Then you might find this interesting. I first learned about Oswald's Mill from some article I read somewhere about 6-7 years ago. Subsequent sleuthing and a conversation with Jonathan Weiss led me to seek out Bill Woods who sold me my horns and set me on the path I ultimately pursued. This is a video about OMA as a company and what has gone into the design and manufacture of their products. Perhaps some of you NYC metro guys will pay him a visit and report back on your experience. Here's the video:  http://oswaldsmillaudio.com

If that link doesn't take you directly to the video I intended, then have fun perusing his extensive site and click on the Blueprint link for the video I intended to share.

Warning: This WILL make you covet things you cannot afford.


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Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #1 on: 2 Jul 2014, 01:38 pm »
I heard a pair of solid cherry speakers with horn mids at RMAF many years ago, they were memorable and sounded great.  :thumb:


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Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jul 2014, 09:55 am »
Most of those speakers must be intended for auditoriums (104 dB/w/m efficiency, 7 feet tall, and 5 ft or higher tweeters).

Tried for years to get into the SET/high efficiency scene, but never found high efficiency speakers that were affordable, weren't colored, and had full bass.

I oppose the mindless proliferation of technology, but that website is a real Luddite trip.  :) :o   (Not a criticism, just an observation.) 


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Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:41 pm »

I oppose the mindless proliferation of technology, but that website is a real Luddite trip.  :) :o   (Not a criticism, just an observation.)

Wolf in sheep's clothing.... they use 3-d printed molds for the investment casting process for the ironic speakers... :)

Beautiful pictures!


Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #4 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:44 pm »
Thanks for sharing. I have never heard from these fellas in PA. If I ever got a really nice Garrard 301 or Thorens 124, I would really look into those plinths. Very nice indeed....


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Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #5 on: 3 Jul 2014, 02:25 pm »
DaveC113, JLM, usp1 & geowak - The speakers you heard were the AC-1. The last I heard, they were being offered for $65,000/pair. They are nearly 7 feet tall and they are made from solid wood. I believe they are limited to 30 pairs because that is how many pairs of RCA MI 1443 (1428b) drivers he has been able to scare up in this lifetime.

Back in the 1930s, during the depression, one of the only growth industries was Hollywood and they were cooking. As a result movie palaces were built in every town and city in our country. Since "talkies" had become all the rage, sound was needed for the ever larger theaters. The amps at the time were single ended tube jobs so highly efficient speakers were required. Mechanical amplification modeled after Rudy Vallee's megaphone came into existence and horn loudspeakers were born. From there refinement developed them into a form that people like Jonathan Weiss and Bill Woods insist has never been equaled to this day. Harry Olsen is their god.

My own speakers are modeled after the AC-1 and, according to Bill get dangerously close to duplicating them. Mine are only 4 feet tall. And I only have about $7-8K in mine, so they are affordable, have no coloration, and deliver excellent bass down to about 40 HZ. The dispersion of the horns is only 40 degrees so you need to sit back at least 12 feet when they are spread about 9 feet apart as mine are. Upside to the narrow dispersion exists, of course. No side wall reflections before the primary waves wash over you.

If I remember correctly, the plinths will set you back about $2 grand. Another item that has always had me interested is the Schick tonearm.


Re: If you are serious about audio ------
« Reply #6 on: 3 Jul 2014, 03:52 pm »
I'm an admitted OMA kool-aid drinker, so with that said... I heard the AC1's at RMAF some years ago and thought they sounded great, the best speakers at the show that year. I then heard them at the Mill, in a big, expansive space -- holey-shmokes, that was something else. I've heard some of the analog gear and some of the amps, and they are all excellent. I haven't talked to JW in a while, but I'd love to hear the new Ironic open baffle speakers. As it is, I honestly have no sense of what they must sound like. I assume great, since I like all their stuff but who knows...