"Let them fight!"

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Rob Babcock

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"Let them fight!"
« on: 16 May 2014, 09:00 am »
Just got back from a midnite showing of Godzilla. :D  Normally I do opening nites, just don't care for the crowds, but this looked to be a lot of fun.  Overall it was a pretty good flick. :thumb:  Let me say from the outset that it's stupid.  Well, duh! :lol:  Pretty hard to make it plausible but they really tried; the movie tries to set up a bunch of science when really we just want a monster movie.  But overall it's pretty well done.  The effects are pretty good, the monster battles are entertaining and the director was obviously a fan of Godzilla.  The movie demonstrates affection for the "franchise" unlike the abomination with Ferris Beuller. :evil:

Minor compliants; the movie sometimes can't decide if it's about people or monsters.  Sometimes Godzilla gets crowded out of his own movie.  And the film is a bit guilty of assembling top flight actors and not giving them much to do.  Elizabeth Olson basically gets to scream occasionally an look worried.  Cranston doesn't get nearly enough screen time.  Still, the last half hour redeems the few failings of the movie IMOHO.  The final battle had the crowd ready to tear down the theater!

Not an Oscar winner but a very fun way to spend a couple hours.  Recommended to fans of monster movies! :thumb: