Joule White at Newport Beach 2014

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Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #60 on: 8 Jun 2014, 06:32 am »
Why's that? Because he told some troll to go stick it? Hardly not IMO... He gained respect points with me.


Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #61 on: 8 Jun 2014, 11:41 am »
Agree and can't understand why it's so terrible for a manufacture to defend their company and call someone out for just causing trouble. I also find it laughable the passive aggressive comment of how credibility and future customers are lost, but hey "no hard feelings".


Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #62 on: 8 Jun 2014, 03:54 pm »
I've never heard your speakers but I follow the Vapor circle. None of this has changed my perception that these beautiful products probably sound great. I would love to hear them in any environment. I was in the Venetian in Vegas two nights ago and there was a trio playing live in the atrium. The acoustics were horrid. There was a lot of reverberation. So much that the violin sound didn't even sound like it was coming from the actual instrument. I moved closer and it became clear enough to enjoy.
         Knowing the basics of room interaction, I would move around at any show until it sounded the best. That may be difficult with lots of attendees but worth the wait if I really wanted to focus on a product.

Vapor Audio

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Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #63 on: 8 Jun 2014, 05:22 pm »
I've never heard your speakers but I follow the Vapor circle. None of this has changed my perception that these beautiful products probably sound great. I would love to hear them in any environment. I was in the Venetian in Vegas two nights ago and there was a trio playing live in the atrium. The acoustics were horrid. There was a lot of reverberation. So much that the violin sound didn't even sound like it was coming from the actual instrument. I moved closer and it became clear enough to enjoy.
         Knowing the basics of room interaction, I would move around at any show until it sounded the best. That may be difficult with lots of attendees but worth the wait if I really wanted to focus on a product.

I'd say we've done enough shows so far, with excellent attendee response all around, to say that we're pretty good at dealing with poor acoustics found in hotel rooms.  Look back through feedback from our rooms at all past shows, and this was the first where any room issues were even mentioned.  This room was an aberration.  The wall behind the seats in this room was quite literally resonating like the skin of a bass drum.  At one point I was leaning against it with music playing at a spirited level, the wall hit is resonance and pushed me a good foot off ... it felt like the wall punched me in the back! 

We ran out of space in the van to take the treatments I wanted, and while they certainly would have helped, they would not have fixed the issue.  The only fix would be another constrained layer of sheetrock to be laid over the back wall.  Maybe even to tear it open first and add more 2x4 bracing.  I know some will think that's BS, that I'm just making excuses ... that's your choice.  Overall however I was happy with how the room sounded so long as you were sitting in the front row.  We did tweak placement enough that the front row was relatively balanced and still imaged quite nicely. 

The one other thing I would have liked to try, but thought of it too late in the game, was to turn the entire setup 90 degrees and put the speakers on the long wall. 

soundofrockets - I deleted your post the first time because it's pointless and has no place, but I guess you thought it important enough to re-post.  Please just drop it.  I'd say considering jhm told me I should have packed it up and went home on the first day (and he wasn't even there), and that I should dump my friend and long-time show partner Steve Nugent, that I responded pretty much attitude free. 


Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #64 on: 9 Jun 2014, 07:18 pm »
After every audio show the reviews talk about a lot of misses and a few hits as far as room set up and acoustics go. IMO, Vapor has a strong batting average in this area. I've seen several reviews where MBL's million dollar system didn't sound very good because of room or set up issues. Same with Wilson and Magico. It seems like at every show either the TAD floor standers or Standmounts are not sounding their best.

Since the guy who derailed this thread quoted somebody at WBF, let's take a look at some quotes from the HMIC over there,  Myles Astor:

On acoustics and set up at these shows: "Hotel rooms are not built for sound and there's not a whole lot you can do with square rooms. We spend months setting up our speakers and one expects a manufacturer to do it in 8 hrs? Hardly. Put a bunch of bodies in it and all bets are off. Plus what do you do about 50 systems on an AC circuit that wasn't designed for that?"

On Vapor at Axpona 2014: “The most surprising sound of the show for me was from the Vapor Audio Derecho loudspeakers“

Positive Feedback said: “The room had a VERY big sound with lots of presence, Nice!“

Going back to a 2012 RMAF, Stereophile wrote about the Joule Black: :Playing M•A Recordings’ fabled CD of Sera Una Noche: La Segunda, his system nailed the timbre of instruments spot on. I was amazed at the depth he achieved from his small speakers, and took special note of the realistic decay of the sound of brushes on cymbals and bells being struck. “The hollow resonance of the percussion seems real,” I wrote in my notes."

Home Theater Shack: "The Vapor Audio room was a pretty exciting place to be, with two high end systems placed at each end of the large banquet room. The speaker's cabinetry is sharp, both from a form follows function aspect, and aesthetically. For me, this was one of the top three rooms I heard at RMAF 2013.

There are many more quotes just like these.

I'd say they know how to set up a room. Some rooms have problems that are just impossible to deal with.


Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #65 on: 9 Jun 2014, 08:56 pm »
HiFiPlus mentions Vapor Joules--Vapor goes international

Vapor Audio’s stunning looking Joule White, priced at $12,995. The black versus white difference is the hard v soft cone drivers, built to suit individuals tastes.


Re: Joule White at Newport Beach 2014
« Reply #66 on: 21 Jun 2014, 07:52 pm »
Confessions of a Part time Audiophile reviews the Empircal/Vapor room.