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steve k

« on: 22 Aug 2004, 02:10 am »
Was Deadfish brought over to the dark side, Darth? Did the Altecs fall in love with those big tubes????? :oops:  :o  :lol: Sorry, I couldn't make it. The wife hit me with a ton of honey do's before the kids go back to school next week. Had to do my time. I still want to hear those puppies sometime, Bill.

Scott F.

« Reply #1 on: 22 Aug 2004, 02:06 pm »
You missed plenty!!!

Tell you how bad Deadfish is bit, he's not putting the Altecs back in service. Since he's heard how they sound with tubes he said he can't listen to them again with solid state stuff.

You also missed another one of Willie's creations. It was a pair of 45 mono-blocks that sounded super-sweet (as usual). We rolled G's EL-34's, Willies 45's, my 2a3's, and the Jolida 300b integrated through the system. Each of them had their own unique flavor as you can imagine but they all sounded great in front of the Altecs.

I think my fav was the 300b. Not so much because of the sound but because when you feed the Altecs a few more watts they absolutely come alive. Those things deliver bass by the train-load.

Bosterkisco, you'd have loved these things.

OK, I figure it's worth one last try........

Bill your speakers suck. Wanna sell 'em to me?

Here's the link to a few pics.;area=browse;album=375

steve k

« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2004, 02:32 pm »
Great pics. Thanks Scott! Bill, dem things are sure purty!! From an era when speakers were designed as a piece of furniture to fit into the room and WAF was still an issue to be dealt with.

JEEZ, how many creations does Dr. Willie have in his laBORatory anyway??  :o  Sounds like Bill may need some consoling at Tubes Anonymous. Hi, my name is Bill and I'm a tubaholic!

Sounds like a great time.


« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2004, 02:39 pm »
Sorry I couldn't make it over.  Like Steve, I had a list of things that had to get done on Saturday.  Great pictures and cool listening room.  I would have loved to hear those big bad boys with the Jolida 300B.  

Come on guys, we need an intervention :!:  I think we should offer something 'tubish' for Bill to borrow until he can get fully converted.
I'll start with a SE-1 amp sporting 2A3 (Sam Tellig's fav from years ago)
Bill, if you want to borrow this you are more than welcome. (Scott, I'm hoping this will move me ahead of you in the bidding to buy his Altecs :lol: )

Also, my Cain & Cain Abby normals came in and are in the process of breaking in.  Bosterkisco will appreciate this-first tune on the Abbys was "Rock Candy" of course.

Scott F.

Re: Rats!
« Reply #4 on: 22 Aug 2004, 03:13 pm »
Quote from: Blackmore
Sorry I couldn't make it over.  Like Steve, I had a list of things that had to get done on Saturday.  Great pictures and cool listening room.  I would have loved to hear those big bad boys with the Jolida 300B.  

Come on guys, we need an intervention :!:  I think we should offer something 'tubish' for Bill to borrow until he can get fully converted.
I'll start with a SE-1 amp sporting 2A3 (Sam Tellig's fav from years ago)
Bill, if you want to borrow this you are more than welcome. (Scott, I'm ho ...

The Abby (normal's) finally showed. Very Cool!!!

PARTY AT MARK'S!!!!!!!!!!!!  :beer:

We suggested that Bill invest in a little HH Scott 299 as a good starter amp. It gives him 15-20 watts plus all that classic tube sound which is a great match for the Altecs. You can get into one that has had some minor updates (caps) for about $350. Great thing about these (besides they sound good and have a decent phonostage) is the fact that you won't loose any money on them. I offered to loan Bill mine so he can see what it sounds like in front of the Altecs.

Your SE-1 should sound great in front of the Altecs. I know my little 2a3 sang really well when we had it plugged in.

Bill, you really don't want to sell Blackmore the Altecs. Trust me. :lol:


Everything I know is wrong....
« Reply #5 on: 23 Aug 2004, 01:24 pm »
Okay, you guys got me.

There is nothing like a 'religious experience' to change one's attitudes.

First off, many thanks to Gavin, Scott and Willie for making it over saturday with their tube amps to help enlighten me to what the 19's have to offer.  Yes, I am convinced they weren't broken when my solidstate stuff made my ears bleed.  :mrgreen:

You guys gotta understand, I've had blocked up ears with some sort of infection for over a week, and my right ear is about screwed, YET, these things sounded better still than any other time since I have gotten them.


Someday I would like to know WHY the tube gear is so better received in the guts of the Altecs and translated to such fine sound, as opposed to simple reproduction of sound thru solid state.  But be that as it may, there is no arguing the point.  Not anymore.
I'm doomed.

Fortunately, I know if I will be in 'TubeHell' in the future, at least I will have good company and good listening!

Personally, I don't know what sounded 'best' and reserve that decision until I know more about what I am hearing, and hopefully, able to hear with both ears again.  They all sounded sweet, from Gavin's amp using my Bryston pre all the way to total tube pre and power with the Jolida.

Where I am at now is exactly where Scott said: No more B-60 on the Altecs.  There is no 'fixing' that with anything to tame it down.  That'd be like trying to turn a truck into a lawnmower.  Perhaps do-able in some way, but what would be the point?  I'm gonna have to let them sit silent, STARING at me, until I figure out how to go from here.

My thanks to Scott and Mark for their offerings of 'loaners' and I might just take one of you up on that offer.  

I had considered building a Foreplay pre to try and tame the bastards, temporarilly, at an affordable cost that might get my fingers and brain involved in understanding what the heck y'all are talking about with all the variety of tubes, and capacitance and yadda-yadda.
I gotta take another course in geek-greek!

Ayup, y'all washed my weekend.  I got a migraine that lasted the rest of the weekend after you all left.  I must have been thinking too hard!
I understand why your brain hurts now, Scott.  It's worth it!  :D

I could go on, and I will, but I must 'to work!', but hated not posting back atchas.  

No luck looking on Ebay yet, Scott, but I'll keep looking.

The jury is out on WHERE I am going to power these things, but there is no question that I cannot go 'home' to pure solid state anymore.

I'm ruint...

...but sound here WILL be reborn!   :)

Best Regards,


« Reply #6 on: 23 Aug 2004, 02:55 pm »
If you want to add some of the benefits of tubes to your system without a major financial investment try a tube buffer. I know Musical Fidelity has one, I've not heard it but I wouldn't be surprised if it sounded halfway decent. FYI the soundroom is now carrying MF. Sorry I couldn't make it out to play on saturday, the joys of working retail plays havoc with the social life.  :)


« Reply #7 on: 24 Aug 2004, 03:12 am »
Sounds like you guys had a good time. Wish I could have made it. It seems that Willie is like Felix the cat (You have to be of a certain age to understand :lol: ). Deadfish since everyone is offering, I too will let you borrow my Fisher 500c. I know it's not SE but it does have a nice Phono,  awsome FM, and an extra 25 watts or so to play with. Bill just let me know.  Also I wanted to run something past you guys. I talked to Steve and Scott about it a few weeks ago. I was thinking of having a dinner for our wives. Since they have been so understanding.  :nono:    It's the least we could do.  :lol: I have had the upgrade fever lately and could use a few brownie points  :mrgreen:   I can seat 5 couples any more than that  would be really be pushing it. Of course I would need you guys to pitch in and help me plan and cook the meal.  :lol: If we have more people than that we may have to just go out to dinner. Let me know what you guys think.


« Reply #8 on: 24 Aug 2004, 04:23 am »
Today's rant, part II

And furthermore...  :lol:

Thanks for the kind offer, Sturgus!
I certainly may have to entertain one of your kind offers soon, or I will have to clean a trashed storage area where my big speaker cables are stashed.  (NOT a pleasant thought!)

I've been poking all over the place today like (gasp!) Ebay and Audiogon, seeing what is out there for what kind of money.
I keep wandering back into the Bottlehead gear and oggling their new S.E.X amp kit... Nice price for a kit integrated and learning experience.
...reminds me of an old line from Nick Danger "I've got a head full of ideas that are driving me insane, and a mouth full of cotton candy...'
(with apypolylogies to Bob Dylan.)

And of course, my new regimen of steroids for my 'water on the ear' has revved me up a little more, as if I needed it!  :nono:

Don't think I could pacify myself with the tube buffer from Musical Fidelity.
Had one a few years back with the upgraded power supply.  Although it definitely changed the sound of my Bryston based rig, eventually it seemed bloaty and imprecise and I got rid of it.  

Sturgus, exact great idea for the ladies!  They put up a lot with us, AND let us 'play' with the gear.  Christmas is coming and it is never to early for us to start brown-nosing.  Would like to make it with the Mrs if possible, as I know it would please her.  Let me know what I can do to help.

And there will always be other days to play.  Steve, I'd still like to hear the Foreplay on these things, with 60watts of ss power if need be.  It might be an option.  Well, hell, everything is an option right now as long as I'm not spending money yet!  

Well, I'll stew now.  

Thanks again everyone for the positive thoughts, inspirations, and new obsession.


steve k

« Reply #9 on: 26 Aug 2004, 03:38 am »
Sturg, that sounds like a great idea for the wives--as long as they'll eat our cooking!  :o I guess if they have enough wine, it won't matter, right? :lol: Count Barb and me in.

Bill, we'll get my Foreplay over there one of these weekends. School just started so we're back on the taxicab circuit but I'll see if we can squeeze it in. A Sunday would work best for me. Is that OK?

After all, you have to have Foreplay before S.E.X. if you're gonna do it right! :mrgreen:



« Reply #10 on: 26 Aug 2004, 03:48 am »
Sounds good, Steve.  
Even an evening, if you get the time.
My saturdays are shot for a few weeks with a sidejob.

My wife started working 3:30-11:30pm now, so I got evenings to raise hell.

steve k

« Reply #11 on: 26 Aug 2004, 10:34 am »
Oh you bad boy, you!

Maybe tomorrow (Friday) night. Let me see how tomorrow comes together and I'll give you a call.


steve k

« Reply #12 on: 26 Aug 2004, 10:41 am »
Brain Cramp!  :roll: I just remembered my daughters have a martial arts belt test tomorrow night. How about Monday night?



« Reply #13 on: 27 Aug 2004, 10:00 pm »
Doncha just hate those brain cramps?

I've gotta work Monday & thursday nites until 6:30.  I can be home by 7:30, if that works.....
....or roll the dice again.. :wink: