Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers

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Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers
« on: 2 Mar 2014, 09:40 pm »

"... the struggle for justice is an essential part of the story of America." - Wadada Leo Smith

I'm currently listening to this timely, masterfully played, and meaningful set of 19 pieces on 4 CDs, which (re)connects music, participatory democracy, social and political change, and significant events in America's history of justice and injustice together in an enlightening, uplifting and inspiring manner. I'm compelled to pass along the good word about these compositions, they are just incredible.

I state that the compositions are timely, as we still struggle with race, class and justice, but Smith's music is inspired by events from the period between Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 and the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Having been born a few years after the latter milestone, during an era that has benefited from those that struggled to get us where we are, I am still keenly aware that laws may outlaw certain practices and activities, but they may not actually be able to create the intended social outcomes: here, we are talking about equality regardless of race, color, or creed. This music, I feel, gets to the heart of the struggle, challenging, but also providing the listener with the strength to stand up, knowing that others like us have done the same not so very long ago and restitched the fabric of the American community for the better.

Trumpeter Smith features his Golden Quartet and Quintet (two drum kits) playing with the 9-piece Southwest Chamber Music group in these pieces.

I had not heard about this album, but just picked it up out of the public library. Some more information here in case you are interested:


Re: Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers
« Reply #1 on: 2 Mar 2014, 11:40 pm »
Thanks for the review and heads up Wilson!

Happy Sunday!  Wish I could do some listening!  Just put a new car seat in for my soon to be 3 year old Annabelle so that the soon to be Theo can upgrade to Annabelle's current car seat.

The joys of kids! :thumb: :thumb:



Re: Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers
« Reply #2 on: 3 Mar 2014, 03:20 am »
Yeah, well this album may not be a "family" theme, maybe when the kiddos are in high school. Put on some Satch or Clark Terry instead for them!

Or better yet, some tunes from your boy's namesake: Thelonious!  :thumb: