Simon Killer

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Simon Killer
« on: 19 Oct 2013, 09:47 pm »
So every once in a while, you come across a small indy film that really surprises. These are often my favorite types of films because they are typically very rich in character development and the story arc(s) tend to be "off the beaten path" and have no desire to appeal to the mainstream palate. I came across this film as a netflix recommendation, so I did my usual quick check of the description and the Rotten Tomatoes rating. The RT rating shows a wide discrepancy between the critics score and the consumer score, which often times can mean it's some artsy film that is critically acclaimed but boring as hell. I gave it a shot anyway and wasn't disappointed at all.

This film is very disturbing and uncomfortable at times, and I think that has contributed to the lower consumer rating. It's very well acted, well directed, and VERY authentic...and I can see why people would have a hard time "liking" the central character, and subsequently the film in general. It probably would have received an NC-17 rating if they had submitted it to the MPAA or whatever.

As the film begins, we have our main character in Paris trying to cope with the sting of a break-up. This was the "hook" for me initially, because most of us have been in that position and know that feeling of desperation and discomfort, where the wound is so fresh that it feels as if your entire world has collapsed and no matter what you do or where you go, you just can't shake it. Although she has asked for space and no communication, he chooses to send an email and reach out...portraying himself as someone who has successfully move on and even having met someone new. It was this contrast between the mindset he portrayed in the email vs his actual mindset that really fascinated me from the get-go and intrigued me with it's authenticity.

I'll leave it there and just say that I highly recommend this film for those of you who aren't easily offended lol. The IMDB link I'm posting below has the official trailer...give it a look!

EDIT: Just FYI, this movie is available via Netflix streaming.


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Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #1 on: 25 Oct 2013, 06:58 pm »
Well done, primarily in the sense that the line was blurred and I wanted to get my hands on this guy.  This guy is my definition of a punk.
Speaks to a point that likely one can not fully immerse into a movie when they know who the actors are.  The lead actor was so convincing that if I saw the guy on the street right after watching this film I would have to think twice about not decking him.  The movie was not bothersome at all but his character was disturbing.


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #2 on: 26 Oct 2013, 12:47 am »
Well done, primarily in the sense that the line was blurred and I wanted to get my hands on this guy.  This guy is my definition of a punk.
Speaks to a point that likely one can not fully immerse into a movie when they know who the actors are.  The lead actor was so convincing that if I saw the guy on the street right after watching this film I would have to think twice about not decking him.  The movie was not bothersome at all but his character was disturbing.

That's a great point about not knowing the actors...and I totally agree, he was extremely solid in the role to where it really had an affect on the viewer. It's like you want to warn people who come into contact with him, but you can't!

I was thinking nobody was going to watch this, let alone comment on it, so thanks for checking out what I think is a very solid film.


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #3 on: 4 Nov 2013, 02:59 am »
I plan on seeing this movie. Thanks!

Rob Babcock

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Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #4 on: 4 Nov 2013, 04:56 am »
Kevin Spacey talked about that once in an interview.  He said he hates to talk too much about his personal life because getting to know him (or thinking you do) makes it harder for you to suspend your disbelief and accept the character he's playing.  I think he has a point.  Generally I don't really feel like I want to know much about actors, for that same reason.  Same goes for musicians, actually.  When I was younger I didn't even like to focus much on the instruments but rather imagine the music coming from the blackness of space.  That's one point to listening with the lights off; only the sound of the music exists.


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #5 on: 4 Nov 2013, 06:57 pm »
I plan on seeing this movie. Thanks!

Let us know what you think  :thumb:


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #6 on: 4 Nov 2013, 06:59 pm »
Kevin Spacey talked about that once in an interview.  He said he hates to talk too much about his personal life because getting to know him (or thinking you do) makes it harder for you to suspend your disbelief and accept the character he's playing.  I think he has a point.  Generally I don't really feel like I want to know much about actors, for that same reason.  Same goes for musicians, actually.  When I was younger I didn't even like to focus much on the instruments but rather imagine the music coming from the blackness of space.  That's one point to listening with the lights off; only the sound of the music exists.

Makes perfect sense...and the impression tends to stay with me, too, if I DO happen to find out something about an actor that I don't like or agree with.


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #7 on: 3 Dec 2013, 05:28 pm »
Ajzepp, my wife and I both really enjoyed this movie! :thumb:
Great acting , fantastic cinematography!, awesome music used to great effect. Interesting plot of course too.
Thanks for the heads up.
Had to wait a while until my father in law was out of the house . Way too racy to watch with him.


Re: Simon Killer
« Reply #8 on: 3 Dec 2013, 06:35 pm »
Ajzepp, my wife and I both really enjoyed this movie! :thumb:
Great acting , fantastic cinematography!, awesome music used to great effect. Interesting plot of course too.
Thanks for the heads up.
Had to wait a while until my father in law was out of the house . Way too racy to watch with him.


Even though it's been a while now since I saw it, I still find myself thinking about it. Great point about the music....I agree it was used very effectively.

Here's a link to a discussion at IMDB that I took part in, and in the first post of the thread there is a link to an email exchange that the OP had with the actor who played the main character in the film. I found it really interesting.

**The thread has spoilers, so for anyone who hasn't seen the film you may want to avoid clicking on the link.