Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...

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Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« on: 5 Apr 2004, 09:26 pm »
Don't read this is you haven't seen it!!
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Ok, near the end -Liz flames the creatures/eggs to pretect Hellboy and that dork agent dude cowering behind the rock.
The VERY next scene all three are in another room and all three in chains and with Rasputin and his nazi bitch sidekick calling the shots.

Did I F'in' miss something???
My wife and I were both like 'How they hell did they get captured, chained and brought to another room????'

It was like someone edited the film we saw and cut out a scene?
I've NEVER had that happen in a film.

Anyone remember this part of the film and know what I missed, or can say I didn't miss anything 'that's what happened when I saw it'?

Anyone else think that it didn't make sense?


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #1 on: 5 Apr 2004, 10:16 pm »
It's probably because when Liz goes all out like that, she kinda spazzes out and then the force of the explosion caused parts of the cave to cave in, but we didn't know that because they didn't show it to us...


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #2 on: 5 Apr 2004, 10:35 pm »
So you're saying it goes from Liz blasting the creatures and the three of them being fine to them being captured -like I 'thought' I saw too?

Meaning I didn't miss anything?


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #3 on: 5 Apr 2004, 11:17 pm »
Well, now that you've mentioned it, I can't think of anything that happened inbetween the two scenes either  :o

So I'm figuring, #1, HB was kinda fubared already which is why Liz had to step in.  #2, Liz gets really tired after one of her "episodes" which is why she was passed out for a good while.  #3, the big Liz explosion caused some cave in action, or just the plain pressure from the explosion caused the punk to conk out.

Whatever  :wink:


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #4 on: 5 Apr 2004, 11:50 pm »

I just never saw anything like that in a film before. Wonder if anybody else picks up on there clearly being a critical scene missing where the good guys actually got captured!?
It was just shocking to me!

I liked it overall, but there were some cheap bits in it.

The hyper CG Hellboy monkey kid at the begining wasn't like the comic (where in the few frames Mignola draws him, he's just a normal sedate kid -who happens to look like a devil) and just seemed silly and cartoony for no good reason in this one.

Did you notice too that when Hellboy is fighting that creature in the train station... none of the people run away?!

They all just sorta 'back off' a bit like they're trying to give these two demonic creatures room to battle- but they want to make sure they don't miss their train either! heheh

At the end of the fight you can clearly see the extras are all totally casual as if there was no mindblowing battle they just witnessed.

One guy just turns to his left and starts walking away like he didn't see anything odd at all. hehehe

I'm hoping it does well enough for a sequel and they try to get right to a good solid plot next time instead of the 'disjointed bits' this one was.

Still a '7' though in my book for all it's good points.  Pearlman's Hellboy is perfect.
Damn glad they fought for him rather than the studios telling them to use the Rock or Vin Desiel.

Better than higher budget/profile Hulk and Daredevil, and mostly lived up to what the comic is.


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #5 on: 6 Apr 2004, 02:45 am »
There should be nothing missing. But it seems like it if you're not paying very close attention, and there's a reel splice right in the middle of it all that if done poorly will make it look like something was cut out of the film.

As it was mentioned earlier in the film, Liz passes out after she has an "episode". HB got his ass beat pretty bad, so he too was out. Myers had been shot (I think, don't recall exactly), and then Liz's flame job did a number on him, knocking his ass out as well. The next thing that is shown happens some time after the blast (though it's not said how much time has passed), is Ilsa picking up Myers grenade belt and mentioning that Myers is awake (though just barely). Myers passes out again and it cuts to everyone being captured.

Nothing missing, it just wasn't 100% clear if you weren't paying really, really good attention throughout the entire film...


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #6 on: 6 Apr 2004, 03:05 am »
Yeah, I didn't consider it much of an issue.  Pretty easily explained away.


Re: Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #7 on: 25 Aug 2004, 05:53 am »
I've just recently found out the answer to this question...

Quote from: azryan

Ok, near the end -Liz flames the creatures/eggs to pretect Hellboy and that dork agent dude cowering behind the rock.
The VERY next scene all three are in another room and all three in chains and with Rasputin and his nazi bitch sidekick calling the shots.

Did I F'in' miss something???

You did miss something during that screening. And it wasn't your fault as you saw a version that was 'cut' due to whomever made up the print at that theater not paying attention.

What had happened was this. That scene (Liz flaming all of the critters/eggs) ends with a very, very black frame with only a few glowing embers on the screen. Buuuut, that's also right at the end of the reel.

So, what had apparently happened in many a theater was that whomever was making up the print/prints at the theater didn't see the embers on screen, and thought it was just the leader on the end of the reel & cut it off. So they also cut off the part showing Rasputin & Ilsa coming in to find everyone but Myers knocked out. Then Ilsa kicks Myers & knocks him out.

THEN it goes to show everyone captured by Rasputin & Ilsa.

So if you saw it where the dumbass/slacker/whatever cut the end of the reel off it would seem rather odd. Then it woulda just gone straight from Liz flaming the critters, to everyone chained up in Rasputin's little lair, bypassing the whole scene showing you how they got there.

I'd heard of people around the area being confused by what happened. But I'd figured it was just people not paying attention as every print I saw was put together properly.

And recently while being bored I found out what really happened on a film-tech site.

So there you have it. Your theater going experience further ruined by idiots because theater chains don't have dedicated projectionists anymore... :shake:


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #8 on: 25 Aug 2004, 08:24 am »

I saw Hellboy yesterday (perth, oz) and Bubba is right.  This is exactly what i saw and it appears that your version has been cut.

I'd be a bit annoyed about that.

As it was mentioned earlier in the film, Liz passes out after she has an "episode". HB got his ass beat pretty bad, so he too was out. Myers had been shot (I think, don't recall exactly), and then Liz's flame job did a number on him, knocking his ass out as well. The next thing that is shown happens some time after the blast (though it's not said how much time has passed), is Ilsa picking up Myers grenade belt and mentioning that Myers is awake (though just barely). Myers passes out again and it cuts to everyone being captured.



Rob Babcock

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Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #9 on: 25 Aug 2004, 08:40 am »
I missed it too, in SD, as did film critic Roger Ebert.  That explains one really weird failing of the film.  Of course, it doesn't explain the lack of plot, story, script & effects... :lol:


Hellboy question (spoiler warning!!!)...
« Reply #10 on: 25 Aug 2004, 06:34 pm »
Thanks Bubba for finding out what really happened!

I'm really pissed that such a dumb thing happened to us (my wife and I), but then I'm also happy that I noticed it.

I bet most people just accepted that what they saw made sense. Or enough sense.

Too much 'brain blindness' infecting people these days. Sit down and shut the brain off and you'll like/accept/understand everything you watch I guess?

Hence the scientific explanation for M. Night Sha-Nah-Nah's success! hehe