Advice please on setting up the A370PEQ with dual 12 servos to work with N3TL

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As the subject line says, could someone give me some advice on what good starting points would be for the PEQ to cross-over to my N3TLs?

As sort of an aside, I'm 53 and have been carelessly playing percussion since I was a teen. I have fairly bad tinnitus that not much can be done with and fairly poor hearing in the upper ranges. I recently went to an audiologist and she recommended getting hearing aids now. I didn't think my hearing was THAT bad but she sold me on the notion that the brain starts to lose it's ability to understand or interpret stimuli like sound or sound in certain ranges if it's not being exposed to it. Music is dear to me so I bit the bullet. These things are expensive - $2500.00 for a basic pair. They get pretty fancy too with things like Bluetooth connectivity and a whole host of programming options.

Anyways long story shorter - I received mine on Monday. I'm somewhat speechless at what I'm hearing. Whether it's water trickling out of the tap or my keys rattling or how my cymbals actually shimmer when tapped lightly - I didn't realize how much I missed that. And the sound-stage of everything. I seem to have forgotten that life is in stereo - or it seems so much more that way now. And in retrospect this is understandable because of the nature of the higher pitches. My life was slowly going mono and I didn't even notice.

Monday night I was pretty eager to get home and listen to my stereo. I listened to several of my favourites. I cried again for the first time in a long time, where the emotion just wells up inside of you because of something so wonderful someone has gifted to you. I only listened to a handful before I shut it down for the night because I have a plan. Friday night I'm going to sit back with a glass of fine whisky and my favorite tunes and go away for a while. I'm really looking forward to it.

It would be great to get my subs working with my N3s better first though. If I can't then fine. I'm pretty happy with them as they are. But it would be cool.

Help would be very much appreciated.



Can't help you with the  PEQ  intial setting but   was really  cool reading  your  little story about  your  "new found"  hearing.    Wish  I could get my  dad  to  inquire a bit about  getting some hearing aids as  his hearing has  gotten so bad,  like you  said,  pretty  much   in a  mono world now.  Pretty sure  he too has no idea what he is missing.

Hope  your Friday eve goes  great , enjoy  it   :thumb:



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 884
Drummer also, with Tinnitus as well. I need to have music playing to fall asleep, in the quiet of night. Mine sounds like white noise (or is it pink?) or tape hiss. At least bass doesn't damage our eardrums! I wear molded earplugs with attenuators when I go to shows, but it's hard to gauge dynamics when playing live with a Band with them in.
« Last Edit: 8 Nov 2013, 05:53 am by bdp24 »

Danny Richie

Start with the amp settings as follows.

Set the crossover point to about 30Hz on the dial.

Set the switch on the left to Ext/12. You might also later try clicking it up into the 50Hz/24 setting, but only after dialing everything else in.

Rumble filter off (unless playing vinyl).

Extension filter to 14Hz and damping set to low. You can play with these later, but start there.

Start with the delay phase to zero. You will need to also try it at 180 and decide which way blends best. There is no right answer because it depends on how far away it is from the main speakers.  The range in between will be for finer tuning. One or the other will get you close.

The level control is also something you'll have to play with to reach the right balance.

See how that all works for you.

And congratulations on the ear opening experience. Enjoy...


Thx Danny



Drummer also, with Tinnitus as well. I need to have music playing to fall asleep, in the quiet of night. Mine sounds like white noise (or is it pink?) or tape hiss. At least bass doesn't damage or eardrums! I wear molded earplugs with attenuators when I go to shows, but it's hard to gauge dynamics when playing live with a Band with them in.

The tinnitus sucks big time. I have a fan that I turn on at night that makes a kind of pink noise background. For playing the drums I have a set of molded ear plugs with filters in them also but I don't hanker to them much. If I'm jamming with the guys I play with a set of IEMs through my own mixer that takes a feed from the main board. If we're just in the jam room I'll have a couple of condenser room mics. This works quite well.