Head-Fi Reviews Silverfi D2 Digital, Spirit & Rumi Interconnects

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Hi All,

Blackmore, a senior member of Head-Fi reviewed, Silverfi's D2 digital cable vs. Oyaide DR510.

In another chapter he continued to audition/compare Silverfi Spirit and Rumi interconnects.

Here's the link below for interested:


Warmest regards.

Sezai Saktanber
Silverfi Cable



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Sorry for starting the thread under wrong heading.


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Members could also read the same review from our blog:



Sezai Saktanber
Silverfi Cable


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Head-Fi/Blackmore compares Silverfi's digital cable D2 against Japanese Oyaide DR 510. Here is his assesments:

"I will start with Digital D-2 and Oyaide DR-510 cables, as it was the first that I did, compared the two using my own interconnects. Both are silver cables, where Oyaide connectors are silver also.

From the first notes I clearly heard the natural tone of Digital D-2 cable. You simply hear it in the way how the instruments sound like, their articulate detail and free of any veil presentation makes it very life like.

Oyaide is Japanese made and knowing the Japanese sound culture, I recognize that delicate tone of it, which impressed and still impressing me with absolutely no fatigue manner of connecting you with music, so, both are close in their manner, but differ in their tonality, where D-2 have more neutral tone with lots of transparency and Oyaide more delicate, which is simply slightly colored. There is clearly more openness and clarity with SilverFi D-2, but not at the expense of natural and musical sound ability. I think that both cables are great, but the chosen way of bringing you closer to music is different. Oyaide can be called more forgiving as it is the way this wonderful cable sounds like, also, and this is where I starting feel that they are walking differ paths, D-2 is simply more transparent and honestly more closer to the record, while due its coloration, Oyaide have that mysterious delicacy that do not feel unnatural or losing the musicality either. Both can be called balanced in the way they portrait music, but in the way they portrait musicians SilverFi D-2 still have more linear structure, nothing jump out or take more attention, while DR-510 clearly showing the slightly upfront presentation of leading part, say, piano or voice. It's not really annoying or disturbing, but still have one step away from how SilverFi is sounding. This also has some little influence on the rest of the spectrum, which may get a bit shadowed presentation, while D-2's simply equally portrait, without hiding any part.

When I was listening to Alboran Trio album "Near Gale"


it was very clear to me how the musicians are presented using those cables, exactly like I wrote, using Oyaide DR-510 feels like you stand almost next to the piano, while some things slightly behind, but SilverFi offer more equally divided picture, where each instrument, or part of it ( think of drums ), sounds at the same level, but still not crossing each other.

Another good example is Anna's Netrebko "Sempre Libera"

 in the presentation of stage, includes Anna's voice and her movements on stage, all have less depth with Oyaide, its more closer to your ears, slightly upfront, like you sitting in the first row but not so with SilverFi, which reproduce clearly better stage depth and width, to me, closer to the record, without mixing or changing anything, like you are sitting in opera theatre balcony, where you can see the whole few and hear the full sound spectrum.

There is no point to talking about the last detail with these as they both bring that easy enough to make sure that you don’t miss a lot or anything, but then again, the tonality is the key here, while both are great, but they do perform in different surrounding and I literally mean wire of course. All this airiness and freedom of extra clothing and shielding, creates that transparent and natural openness of SilverFi cable, while Oyaide, due its total different way of been enclosed, or I would say, surround coated, creates that delicacy, which reflects a lot what silver is capable of, but not at the same way.

Comparing both, a good example will be how the hi hats or cymbals are presented, because it is easy to catch the differences by concentrating on this part of the music and like I already mentioned, SilverFi do not pushed them back, hide or covering them, clearly, they do have their own place and you don’t have to be worry you miss any of them. On the other hand, Oyaide don’t pay that high attention to the smallest detail and let them slightly shadowed, which make them less natural sounding.


To me, both are very well made and worth to own / try and as I already wrote, they are great sounding cables with their own way of  bringing you closer to music. The differences are obvious, but not shocking, at least to my understanding of sound quality, however, even Oyaide do not losing by a large margin, I am defiantly for more open and natural way of SilverFi D-2 and while both getting my recommendation, my personal choice goes to SilverFi D-2:-)

Price wise, it doesn’t matter, as they both cost almost the same, which is very good and your personal preferences are demanding up here only, so, chose your flavor and enjoy!"


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Head-Fi/Blackmore compares two Silverfi interconnects: Spirit SG & Rumi SG:

This part of the review concerns two beautiful SilverFi cables from Black & Blue Series Interconnects, namely Spirit SG & Rumi SG, where Spirit SG was recently added. I was listening to them very closely  for over a month through my headphones & speakers.

If you have read my review about SilverFi  Digital D-2 cable it should be obvious that we are talking about a cable that is very transparent. Without any further surprise to me, here we clearly also have cables from the same family.

I will even go ahead and say, putting these cables all together in my system made a huge difference, but how does the Spirit SG compares to the more expensive Rumi SG? In this review I will try to explain their ways of presenting music, as both of them deserve that for sure.

Rumi SG
General description of this wonderful cable will be refreshing and eye opening. It's like when your eyes are tired and getting less sharp, having some ice cold water all over your face fixes this and makes you feel much better, the eyes getting that therapy shock, which makes you feel like…yes, refreshed, but wait a minute guys as we are not there yet. After you gently touch your face with a soft jack-towel,  several seconds later your skin starts to feel more normal, better say natural, as the blood is getting its speed back and makes this possible and this is the feeling, at that specific moment, like you have been born again and even though that moment does not last long, with SilverFi Rumi SG cables it will and that’s the beauty of it.

Spirit SG
The most correct description I can give, would be natural delicacy. It's when you make that first step out of bodega, while the day is getting to its end and the sun going down and becomes red and the air is not hot anymore, but just warmish with a fresh flavor, which is carried by the wind coming from the vineyard down the hill and after you slowly fall down in to that lazy chair, having a first sip of a soft and slightly sweet rose wine, you are starting to feel that happiness of peace and nothing can change that or nobody can take this moment from you. This is how I feel when I listen to music through Spirit SG cable.

Before I am going in to detail, I would like to say something that I think is very important. Silver, and that is my realization, isn't cold, bright and lifeless sounding material, no, all this depends on the way it's been made and put together.

Sound, emotions & more…


The most important for me, is to concentrate on that particular part of the record so I can detect all differences and nuances. I started with E.S.T. "Good Morning Susie Soho" track no. 2 Do They Jungle , which is a very complex track.

From the first notes it's very clear that Rumi is all about staying tight and articulate, no matter what, cool is what it is. Its natural presentation and ability of portraying the detail from deepest and most complex passages is very impressive. There is nothing around that string, only the air and its damn clear & clean to:-)

It shouldn’t come as an surprise if bass sounds very tight, even maybe slightly dry, but believe me, this is 100% dependable on the record quality, as these cables are all about transparency, especially Rumi. For example, from the Arild Anderson album "Hyperborean" track no.2, which is also the name of it, gives you that amazing double bass solo that somehow lets me think of the lost soul in the desert, full of sorrow, which is surrounded by endless space. Imagine that, it supposed to sound dry, by giving you sad emotions, no sweet moments here, it’s a dream of the lost one who tries to find his way out, but unfortunately, all he has, is the desert of loneliness, however there are some parts of the solo that do sound fuller as well. Those little, short, thrilling moments of weakness, like after a long run, you are out of breath and stop to make the biggest inhale and let all this out the next few seconds, just to become more stable and to me, Aril performance translates and transfers this brilliantly, which is only possible with cables that are able to reproduce this from the deepest parts of the record and both of them do it with ease, but Rumi goes deeper, right to the soul of it.

When you compare to Spirit, its only lost, is with very complex moments, like the Track no.2 from E.S.T., bass simply transforming in more subtle presence, clearly fattier and less detailed. I will not call it messy, but with less presence and authority, but in reality, again, it's the short on air around it. When we come in the solo moment parts, things here are also not the same, while both do a great job, Spirit has more delicate tone and while the bass still has less ego, if you like, its tonality is perfectly natural without any artificial coloration, nothing of that kind, just different, that’s all.  There is also one thing I found very interesting and that is the fact that Spirit has slightly more punch and you can hear/feel it, especially with ambient and electronica, which I believe is because of little bit upfront signature, but basically, Rumi have clearly more air around the notes and clarity, that's the biggest difference, which automatically translates in better detail and balance.

This is a very crucial department as it is territory of most joy, the place where all happens and therefore I choose Buddha-Bar IX 2CD's release by Ravin, track no. 8 from CD1 "Heart Beat Of Life" by Existence.
 The complexity of things in this track are pretty on the age, I mean, sure, we all have our different opinions and ideas of complexity, but, to me, this is more than enough to point out every bit of all things you may find important.
 Before I am going into detail, let me say that both cables are fantastic, but let's take a look a bit deeper.

 Here you will start truly appreciate the air between instruments and every small detail going on that Rumi simply amazes you with. I mean, Spirit is wonderful to, its slightly warmer signature makes the whole presentation more polite, but it doesn't mean Rumi is colder, tonality is different, it's like choosing one tube vs. another. Like I wrote, the track is full of everything, but it starts easy and pretty soon it develops in to the most complex sound. It happens in steps, getting complex and having a little break, then again, all those sounds and voices are getting in one point, in that particular moment when you literally feel the music. I know it may sound strange, but at that particular moment, when many differ sounds cross that mid territory, it feels like  you are inside of all this, like been underwater in the coral Red Sea, where the intensity of colors simply shock you. Same here, very intense and powerful music, but both cables allow you to enjoy this moment effortlessly, where Rumi does not miss a single, little thing at all, which impresses me even more, I simply get goose bumps, which is very emotional moment of been a part of it, simply exceptional.

Both cables are doing great, but freedom from any coloration and greater airiness, makes Rumi my favorite. I mean, of course, there is more detail and preciseness, you hear all that, but that’s not the main reason. Different tonality, that’s what puts Rumi step ahead from Spirit, especially with certain music, such as opera for example, but I don’t see this as a limitation of Spirit, no, it is simply the way it was made, however, when you compare the two, without any doubts, Rumi wins, but also because of its ability of disappear in the sound, getting closer to the source as it can be, naturally adapting within your system and becoming one as a whole, all this makes Rumi a very special and much natural sounding cable than Spirit. When I listen to Anna Netrebko - Sempre Libera - Giuseppe Verdi - La Traviata - È strano! È Strano! Deutsche Grammophon, her soprano fluently takes the highest notes, literally goes through your ears and goes further, without any sign of having trouble, it's like the reality, when you are in the opera theatre, sitting on that best balcony and listen. I don’t know how it works, but it works magically perfect, with both, Rumi & Spirit, where Rumi is neutrally natural and Spirit has more delicate tone, like when you put some tinny cashmere blanket over it, which will softly add that warmth without becoming artificially colored and unatural. Sorry that I am repeating myself, but these cables are all about transparency and natural tone, period. Also it must be said how precise and grain free both cables are, especially through my speakers, endless enjoyment, for example Josete Ordonez Piedras y Rosas EP Studio Master FLAC 24bit 44.1kHz, the guitar solos are so beautiful, crystal clear, clean, precise and very musical.


During the whole period I never felt that one cable totally destroys the other, which is the main thing that I have learned and realized about them. I truly enjoy listening to the music through them, but, there are things that definitely are not the same. The tonality is one of them and while this still is not an issue in general, with more deeper comparison, my favorite is Rumi. This cable goes deeper in to the source, bringing the most of it in a more balanced way, better authority and airiness, with a very realistic and natural tone. Another thing is transparency. While both are great in that department, Rumi does not compromise and shows you exactly what you put through it. This concerns not the source only, but the whole system as I am definitely hearing the differences of my CD player when I use it as stand alone or just transport, so, Rumi shows you all.

Where does all this leaves Spirit? Well, right there where it belongs, in the system of course. This cable is not a loser, actually, this cable is a winner as well, because of its own, very special signature, which is addicting, delightful and very musical, absolutely not artificial by any means, simply naturally delicate. Yes, it has more forgiveness in the character, which make it possible to accept some things easier, but this cable is not a panacea, if you know what I mean. Don’t expect wonders here either, as it will be, just as Rumi, showing no mercy, if you employ this cable wrongly. What I mean is, give these cables a good system with a good quality source and they show you the best of it, there is nothing else you will get,  just what the system is capable of only, so, if you like to try silver cables or would like to upgrade your present ones, these get my highest recommendation.


p.m. Would like to thank Mr. Saktanber for make this possible, who is not only the man with golden ears, but also happened to be a very friendly and kind person.

Also, would like to thank tohenk2 for his generosity by loaning me GS1000 & HD800, rosgr63, maguire and alota for open mind & support and, of course, witness, for introducing me to SilverFi and Mr. Saktanber.

Thank you very much guys, you have been and still are the best!"


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We have another recent review of Rumi interconnect published in a Techno-Fi forum in Turkish.





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Turkish audio webzine Stereomecmuasi reviews Silverfi's Signature Series' flagship Rumi SG Plus interconnect.

For the interested here's the link:


Silverfi Cable


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Hi to all,

Silverfi Cable had USA and Texas listening tours years before here on Audio Circle. Now we are contemplating a new one to introduce our new generation of interconnects to musiclovers/members.
The cables will include Digital D2, XLR Spirit and some others. Please refer to the Head-Fi review re-published here to get what these cables are according to the reviewer. We already have enlisted one US citizen as the 1st. participant of US Tour. Members who would like to participate please send me a pm.


Sezai Saktanber
Silverfi Cable


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Hi to all musiclovers,

Silverfi  had a nice feedback from musiclovers all around the world after the release of Head-Fi thread started by a senior member Blackmore. Consequently we have decided to initiate a new listening tour of Silverfi cable.
This time 3 Silverfi XLR interconnects from our Signature Series will be auditioned by independent audiophiles and publish their feedback. The tour will begin in USA. and head to Australia, then to Europe. Any US citizen interested with the new listening tour please send me pm. Each participant will be keeping the cables for 2 weeks, paying the shipment cost to another reviewer and writing his/her feedback in Head-Fi. They can also publish their review in Audiocircle like we had done before. (Check our earlier USA., NewYork and Texas listening tours in Audiocircle.)


Sezai Saktanber
Silverfi Cable


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Thanks. Listening tour now enlist 5 participants:
(numbers are according to the reception of cables)
1.happy camper (US)
2.mikeeastman  (US)
3.maguire (AUS)
4.audio jester (AUS)
5.alota (POR)



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Head-Fi'er Happy Camper have posted his impressions on Silverfi RUMI, SPIRIT AND SHAMAN XLR interconnects:

 "Happy Camper
Location: Greater Cincinnati area

Ok, this is my take on listening the last couple weeks and doing some comparisons the last two days.

 Signal: Flac 44.1/16 Foobar(no DSP)> Straightwire Starlight USB> Lynx Hilo> review cables> Rotel RMB-100 125w monoblocks> HE-6 (standard cable)

 My normal wires were the Emotiva stranded copper balanced 1 m.

 Music live material

 Shaman- The sound brightens up more with a better balance of tone and timbre. The soundstage was relaxed and natural sounding. The acoustic string has a sweeter ring to it and the vocals more pronounced and exposed. The music was easier to hear at lower volumes with more information being heard.

 Spirit- The music opens up even more with more of the signal being heard. I could hear more of the stage sounds clearly and the soundstage expanded. The decay was longer with a more complex sound. I just got more emotion out of the music and kept me more attentive.

 Rumi- I listened to this the most as it's the best presentation of all. The soundstage was full and expansive. The crowd noise was very directional and clear. The little ques like throat clearing, the shuffling of the bodies as they settle down from an applause, the decay of laughter and conversations. The sound of the instruments were positioned across the stage instead of the three blob positioning I'm used to. It was a noticeable improvement over the other two and reminded me more of a speaker presentation with a more 3-d feel to it.

 The instruments and vocals are the best I've heard from my system to date. The delicate instruments were distinct and well exposed in relationship to the rest of the instruments. You can hear the full body of each note just as clearly as you'd hear it live. The weight of drums are impactful and very real sounding. The texture of the skin and the snap of the stick just jumps out. MIck Fleetwood is so aggressive and you could follow every drum in the kit. If I could use a cliche, there was a film removed from the sound. Electronics were not just a massive wall of sound but very detailed. The marching drums in Tusk on The Dance were very noticeable when they marched onto the stage, they would swing the drums from side to side and you could notice the pitch change coming from front to back as they came across the stage. The growl of the organ resonated with a clear edge at the bottom instead of turning fuzzy and ill defined. Christie's piano was pure and her voice as mesmerizing as sitting in the crowd. The vocals of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young in the 60s had a purity of voice that just meshed so well. Crosby and Nash in particular could harmonize like few others and the presentation drew me into their vocals like I remember them live. When you have that little grin on your face when you hear things in your music that you've never heard after hearing the same pieces for decades, you know there's something working right. Call it synergy, call it magic, call it placebo. But the emotion and gratification I get listening to these cables leaves me wishing I could keep them here.

 I put the Emotiva back in just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself and the sound reverted back to a darker, less dynamic, compressed presentation.

I am very impressed with the clarity and natural sound these cables gave. It was more realistic than I've been accustomed to and I've not been this engaged with my music since I got my HE-6. Now that I know how real my music can be presented, I'm motivated to finish my last tweak of cables and silver has given me the most real sound yet. I will try the purer copper before spending as silver is pretty expensive but I won't compromise now that I've heard these cables. That Rumi is one special cable.

 Thank you Sezai for the time you've given me with your special products. It has been a joy to experience and you've convinced me there are differences in cables. It's not that it changes the signal but lets more of the signal through without any impact on it. So much so that I'm baffled science can't figure it out."