Bolder Cables: smArt DIO

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Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« on: 31 Dec 2002, 01:56 am »
<Review moved over from HD>
Well, it's time I submitted my review for the fully modded smArt DIO (all mods done by Bolder Cables). I'll mainly be comparing the smArt Dio to my CD-1, which is my current player.

The Dio is outfitted with the Bolder digital cable, and a Bolder made custom power supply. I've got it connected to my nOrh ACA preamp with a pair of Bolder Type 2's.

I run the analog output from my CD-1 to input 3 on the ACA, and the digital output from the CD-1 to the DIO, and the analog outputs from the DIO in to input 4 of the ACA. So switching back and forth between them simply is a matter of selecting input 3 or input 4. Makes A-Bing them VERY easy.

I'll make this short and sweet. The overall difference in sound was all in the DIO's favor. Not only was it more detailed, it also helped create a better soundstage and more clearly defined where things were occuring spatially. The highs are cleaner and clearer sounding, and to add insult to injury, the overall tonal balance was wamer, fuller, and more pleasing! What the hell?!

I always figured that the CD-1 was a smokin' bargain, a true tubed output stage, high quality transport, and meticulous layout. Compared to other highly regarded source gear, I thought the CD-1 did extremely well (like against Jason's Sony SA777ES SACD/CD player). The 777 was better than the CD-1, but at $3k list, it had better be  But for somthing as cheap as the smArt DIO to also beat the CD-1 decisively, is a bit of a shocker.

Actually, I have a confession to make - Wayne loaned me the DIO a month ago to see what I thought of it compared to the CD-1. After the 3rd day I knew it really outclassed the CD-1, but dragged my feet on the review, cause I knew I'd have to give it back  

Oh, one area I forgot to mention that the smArt DIO REALLY excells at is micro and macro dynamics - wow, this is where it is extremely impressive. Ebb and flow of music is enhanced. This is one area that is extremely important to me, since I am a very big classical music lover, and w/classical it's not the notes, but the WAY the notes are played that really gives the music it's power, pathos, joy, overall emotion. My system was already pretty good in this area, and for the DIO to simply ratchet that up to another level is very pleasing for me to experience.

And for rock and rap (yes, I really like rap and hip hop, along w/trip hop), the extra punch and slam the DIO exhibits really punches this music home with authority. Eminem's lyrics are actually understandable (but still nonsensical  )

And female vocals? Fugedaboutit. Imagine Holly Cole more clearly rendered, more "real" sounding, but more seductive sounding at the same time.

Actually, on female vocals, this is one area where the CD-1 keeps up with the DIO pretty well. The area that the differ is the other instruments in the band. They are just more real and present sounding through the DIO, while the CD1 causes these instruments to sound veiled and blurry IN COMPARISON. I put the emphasis, because the CD-1 is not veiled or blurry sounding in general. But going to the DIO is like getting the prescription for your glasses updated. Everything seems clear and normal w/your old pair, but slip on the new frames, and everything sort of snaps in to focus, and you just stare at trees like a dolt, because you can actually discern the individual leaves again. THAT's what listening to the DIO is like, at least in my experience.

Anyway, to bottom line my review, the DIO is not going back to Wayne, I'm buying it, because I really don't think I can go back to the CD-1 now that I have been spoiled by having the smArt DIO at my disposal for the last several weeks.

additional thoughts

OK, above was my original review.  Since then I've been living with the smArt DIO for several months.  It is not going anywhere, it is one of those components that (in my experience) would cost a LOT of money to get something better in any signifigant way.  I would like to add that I switched from a Canare terminated digital cable to a bullet plugged bolder digital interconnect, and the improvement was not subtle.  Took a very good sound to exceptional.  At this point, I feel that any improvements I get in sound are just gravy, as I could easily live with this level of quality for a very long time (but of course, being an inveterate audiophile, I'll continually spend more money when improvement is possible :-) )

Also, since the above review, I've done real time A-B comparisons between the smArt DIO and the Sony SA777ES and the Channel Islands DAC.  In my humble opinion, the DIO was substantially better than either for redbook CD playback.  Of course system synergy is still the key, and you mileage may vary. . .

nature boy

Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #1 on: 31 Dec 2002, 05:06 pm »
'Bout time you fessed up with your Bolder fully moddified smART DIO review.  Great job, thanks for the insights as always.

Between your review and the raves that will eminate from the Brian & Wayne show at CES, looks like the pair will continue to stay busy producing a great product.

Looks like I'll finally have to get around to adding one of these DAC's in my system, if I can turn around my vinyl junkie buying habits of late.

Happy New Year and keep giving Jason a lot of sh_t!  Pez, come on couldn't he do any better.



Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #2 on: 2 Jan 2003, 05:48 am »
Not that I will be buying one anytime soon...but..

What it the total cost of a smART DI/O?


Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #3 on: 2 Jan 2003, 03:03 pm »
You can buy the stock ART DI/O from Full Compass for around $130.00

The mod package is $260.00 plus shiping the modded unit back to you.

Roughly $400.00 including shipping for the package.

I also offer a power supply that is quite an upgrade over the stock wall wart that comes with the unit.

The Power Supply is $125.00

The Power Supply can be upgraded with the addition of a Bybee Quantum Purifier for another $80.00.

Total package cost with the upgraded PS would be $595.00 plus about $20.00 shipping in the US.

The cost is roughly $50.00 to ship to most of the rest of the world. The Power Supply can be wired for 220/240 VAC operation as well.


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Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #4 on: 2 Jan 2003, 04:16 pm »
Wayne, I read your post concerning the MENSA upgrade, that it would not be available until later this month.  I'm assuming that  the current $260 price reflects the Smart mod and not the MENSA.  What will be the price for the Mensa mod and what kind of performance upgrade are we looking at?  I suppose all of this pricing talk is hijacking Tyson's review thread.


Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #5 on: 2 Jan 2003, 04:59 pm »
Tyson is a big boy and can handle a little hijacking :roll:

The MENSA mod at this time is just R&D.

Jay has the only unit in the field.

I will have to wait for his feedback, as well as gather more here in Colorado, before I make up my mind if I will even offer this upgrade.

If I do, it will be fairly expensive. The Riken Ohm resistors are over 5 times as expensive as the Dale/Vishay I use now. The labor involved is quite a bit more.

I have to find out if I can even get the resistors in quantity.

At this point, all I can do is speculate that IF I offer the MENSA upgrade, it MIGHT add somewhere between $175.00-$200.00 to the cost of the normal mod.

These figures are just guestimates that in no way reflect the final price for the mods or if I will even offer them.


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Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #6 on: 2 Jan 2003, 06:01 pm »
I don't mind a little hijacking, as long as I get to hear the Mensa at some point :-)

doug s.

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Bolder Cables: smArt DIO
« Reply #7 on: 3 Jan 2003, 06:59 am »
hi wayne, has lotsa rikens; the 0.5w's are $1.80 a piece, not too terribly bad.  but, they say to expect a doubling in price for their next order...


doug s.

btw, i wouldn't mind auditioning another "r&d" mensa, to compare w/my modded di/o!   :)