What's the entry level $$ for cartridges from Odyssey??

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Tonto Yoder

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I realize Klaus is now distributing the Van den Hul cartridges, offering rebuilds, and supposedly selling rebuilt carts.  What's the ballpark figure for the least expensive cart?? I know Van den Hul sells one new model in the $5-600 range and wonder if there are rebuilds in the same price range??

I see that the rebuild service is $325 (with replaced cantilever), but is that only worthwhile if one has a multi-buck cartridge already or would it be a wise choice for a mere $500 cart (I have a Clearaudio Aurum Beta S).?

(I realize it may not be wise to post exact prices here, but ballpark ranges would be appreciated.)


What's the entry level $$ for cartridges from Odyssey??
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2004, 12:50 pm »
I would think his rebuilt stock changes pretty frequently.  The best thing is to call him at 317-299-5578 after 11:30 Eastern Daylight Time


What's the entry level $$ for cartridges from Odyssey??
« Reply #2 on: 1 Aug 2004, 10:34 pm »
As for new carts,  I'm working with vdHul right now to establish the exact pricing for the US  market.  However,  the $ reduction as compared to the former importer is up to 40 % !!!!!
If you're in the market,  just call me.

I'm really excited about this because vdHuls with their micro line stylus simply are the very best in the world,  and I have heard only few so far in my life that can really match them (and I have heard and had quite a few in my system over the years,  from Lyras to Koetsus to Clearaudio, etc.).   Keep in mind that I have the SL   RG 8 Gold for 5-6 years no,  and that $ 5 k wonder is essentially a Grasshopper model.

The best bang for the buck,  without a doubt is the Frog,  which incorporates a lot of Grasshopper technology,  and we'
ll bring the price way down  between 1.5 K to around 1.9 K  or so.  
As for updates or retips,  I have had over 30 carts in the past years,  which were either from customers or which I sold or even kept myself.  Right now,  I have 8 different cartridges, all different models,  and othr than 2 of them,  all vdHul tipped/  It has always been an upgrade because the trackability and bass control and dynamics of this stylus is simply the best.


Tonto Yoder

  • Full Member
  • Posts: 1587
What's the entry level $$ for cartridges from Odyssey??
« Reply #3 on: 1 Aug 2004, 10:57 pm »
thanks for the info.  I'm just toying with the cartridge upgrade idea now, but I'll call when I get down to the real decision.