Mac Mini modifications for Black Lightning Battery Power

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Vinnie R.

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 4910

With all the popularity of mating our customizable Black Lightning with the CAPS servers, we have received emails asking if we offer this for the Mac Mini.  The answer is YES!  8)

With the newer Mac Minis that have the internal AC/DC converter, we modify it to accept a DC-barrel jack to input 12Vdc and we hard-wire
it directly to the motherboard (bypassing the stock power supply connector).  This modification is $250.

The Black Lightning for it (with mating umbilical cable included - you specify length) is a 2-pack version with 12Vdc output.  This unit is $1295 (+ shipping of it and return shipping of your Mac Mini).

This is a BIG improvement over the internal stock switching-power supply - and all of the improvements that our customers with Black Lightning / C.A.P.S. Severs have been raving about on the forums applies here as well!  :drums:

As always, feel free to email me with any questions:

All the best,
