Linear Power Supplies/Teddy Pardo PS - Some newbie questions

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 27
I am an audiophile of about 4 years vintage and I'm becoming more and more convinced that fixing power issues is a must and is a big bang-for-the-bucks item.  I have a general question that I hope will spark some discussion:

How many of you have replaced DAC or transport power supplies with Linear Power Supplies?  Do you recommend doing so?  What kind of sonic benefit do they provide?

Then a more specific question

Any opinion on the Teddy Pardo developments in regulation (TeddyReg)?

And (I am not an engineer) how do you match separately manufactured power supplies with components?  Is it enough to match the voltage input and output or are other parameters important, too?


Re: Linear Power Supplies/Teddy Pardo PS - Some newbie questions
« Reply #1 on: 17 Apr 2013, 05:59 pm »
I haven't replaced my Naim DAC's power supply, but I did add an external Pardo XPS.

It made such a big difference that I wonder why Naim doesn't ship it with the DAC.


Re: Linear Power Supplies/Teddy Pardo PS - Some newbie questions
« Reply #2 on: 18 Apr 2013, 05:08 am »
I've found a good power conditioner does wonders before even considering power supply. Folks with Squeezeboxes found the cheap switching power supply that came with it was great when the power was cleaned up!

Many high end items have linear power supplies. Actually most high end ones do. That doesn't mean they are over-built like after-market ones though.

Funny thing is people often switch to higher quality switching supplies to improve sound as well...