Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone

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Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« on: 30 Oct 2013, 08:24 pm »
Big deal for a lot of people. I've never played call of duty, but it's a sizeable group of people.

Ps4 has the clear performance advantage, and is $100 cheaper to boot. This is how the entire console generation will play out.

For those of you on the fence due to controller, the new Ps4 controller is nothing like the old one, the DS4 is fabulous.

Just beat KZ 3 and Battlefield 3 with the new controller and was able to notch up to a harder difficulty due to the new, extreme precision of the new controller. The controller also has a headset jack built in and they will also have dedicated servers.

Anyway, HUGE performance difference coming home to roost.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #1 on: 30 Oct 2013, 08:59 pm »
I have pre-ordered the x1, but now I believe the smart money is on waiting.  My 360 is doing great, my PS3 is dead. 
There are arguments for both consoles, the M$ version is a much better total system, while the $ony is a faster gaming machine.  But, each will be outdone in arguably 6 months by a PC in terms of gaming capabilities. 
I do not want gamble on a RRoD or YLoD that my PS3 died of.  So, canceling my order for a more stable machine, and probably faster is the smart move.  Both companies have a history of putting in new architecture during the lifetime of current console life.
I can wait and see how the dust settles.  Good luck, and give us your review on the PS4 when it comes out.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #2 on: 30 Oct 2013, 10:11 pm »
Will do. Excited, as much of the exclusive content for ps4 such as Killzone Shadow Fall, The Order: 1886, and Drive Club show a true generational leap.

There is rumor of an upcoming VR hesdset for Ps4 as well. There is a photo of such a prototype floating around the internet, it has thr same light bar shape in front as the ps4 controller. Thinking Gran Touriso 7 in VR with a force feedback steering wheel could be quite good, or any flight sim, etc.

But yeah, ps4 will obviously have the dominant in framerate, prettier version of shared titles between it and Xbox. Possibly the controller is also better too, "game journalists" and forum posters have pretty overwhelmingly reported as such.

If you switch your preorder, look forward to gaming with you Woodsea!


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Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #3 on: 30 Oct 2013, 10:43 pm »
Will do. Excited, as much of the exclusive content for ps4 such as Killzone Shadow Fall, The Order: 1886, and Drive Club show a true generational leap.

There is rumor of an upcoming VR hesdset for Ps4 as well. There is a photo of such a prototype floating around the internet, it has thr same light bar shape in front as the ps4 controller. Thinking Gran Touriso 7 in VR with a force feedback steering wheel could be quite good, or any flight sim, etc.

But yeah, ps4 will obviously have the dominant in framerate, prettier version of shared titles between it and Xbox. Possibly the controller is also better too, "game journalists" and forum posters have pretty overwhelmingly reported as such.

If you switch your preorder, look forward to gaming with you Woodsea!

PS4 is NOT obviously superior!!

Each game platform unit has its unique pluses and minuses. 

There is a really good article in this month's GameInformer magazine that outlines what each platform brings or misses.

PC's do offer much better graphics, but since my gaming computer isn't in my HT, I only see that on a 27" screen instead of a 110" one.  :-(



Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #4 on: 30 Oct 2013, 11:05 pm »
Killzone Shadow Fall: 1080P, 60fps multiplayer
Resogun. 1080P 60fps
Call of Duty 1080P 60fps
knack 1080p
Drive Club 1080p

Etc etc


RYSE: 900P 30fps
call of duty 720P
killer instinct 720P
Battlefield 4 720p

In absoletely every performance metric, the ps4 towers above the x1. Indisputable. And $100 cheaper because no Kinect that nobody wanted, ever.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #5 on: 31 Oct 2013, 01:18 am »
It is irresponsible to jot down some numbers without references, and it is omnipotent of you to say that charging $100 more for a periphery that no one EVER wanted.
I personally love the idea of telling a computer what to do.  Hell, Scottie was taken aback in 'The voyage home' with a mouse input.  What would he think of a two handed controller, to do basic things.
Keep the chatter to responsible and even posting.  No one yet has a consumer product, may have beta but beyond that it is just here say.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #6 on: 31 Oct 2013, 01:33 am »
Not hear say. Truth.

The ps4 has a GPU that beasts all over the xbox. Destroys it. On top of that it has 176GB/sec bandwidth across 8 gigabytes. Devs are averaging 172.

This is thanks to the speedy GDDR5 unified memory vs the old slow pokey ddr 3 on xbox with esram bandaid.

It also has Huma and other hardwarw based optimizations and huge emphasis on gpgpu.

Give it a year, it will get worse. These are cross gen launch titles.

I don't want to say rapes the x1, because that would be too much, but yeah.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #7 on: 31 Oct 2013, 01:36 am »
In terms of rendering capability the ps4 is, by the numbers, more than equal to an X1 with 2 ps3's duct taped on.

Hence. 1080P COD baby!


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #8 on: 31 Oct 2013, 02:01 am »
I understand your point of view.  In terms of gaming hardware, the PS4 should and does smoke the X1.  But, one of these does not just do games.  I was saying if you are a gamer, than a PC will blow the doors off of the PS4 on opening day, but it will cost you 3x the money.  Wait, 6 mos and it will be even steven at best.  Wait another year  and it is left in the dust.  Plus, with cheapening hardware comes new designations of X1 and PS4, yeah for me and all who had patience.
It does not always come down to frame rates and pixels.  Look at Nintendo, they have lost on both of those avenues, but their handhelds blow through the competition.  It is down to gameplay, I have payed my precious dollars on pretty games and framerates, only to be let down by the story or gameplay, on more than one occasion, damn you hyperbole.
I absolutely enjoyed, twice, Mass Effect (series).  Others did not, to each their own.  Games are what it boils down to, plus camaraderie.  I have many live friends, not in person friends, to play with, community and gameplay are what it all boils down to.
I hope Sony brings their best effort after studying the xbox community, because the PS was lacking severely when I was actively involved.
With a 7 year lifespan on both of these units, it pays to wait.  4K is coming and even more.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #9 on: 31 Oct 2013, 02:26 am »
 Ps3 had far more exclusives, and they are STILL putting out huge titles while 360 has lain dormant for years.

I also laugh at 4K gaming as a comparitor. 4K gaming will be for those with $4000 PC gaming rigs. Your average best buy laptop will not be doing 4k  :lol:

Meanwhile,  the ps4 has enough power to display most games natively at 1080P, the tv standard.

Xbox, clearly underpowered in their play for being the next dvr.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #10 on: 31 Oct 2013, 02:35 am »
I will again restate, 1 is for gaming the other is NOT just for games.  Since the beginning they have never stipulated to just being a gaming machine.  By your argument, then I will then throw in the architecture from Intel for chipsets, and the GPU's from AMD for the next year. 
You are not reading correctly my argument.  I will not be plunking down my cash just to have firsties on next gen consoles.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #11 on: 31 Oct 2013, 02:37 am »
Well, enjoy your .. apps I guess ×shrugs×. I buy a console to play games not pay extra for pie in the sky extras.

... not a dancing game aficionado,  so. Can't think of any reasons for a kinect


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #12 on: 31 Oct 2013, 03:29 am »
Dancing games are nice, but telling the damn electronic drones what to do is quite nice.  Really made Mass Effect 3 sparkle. 
Apps are this decades programs...computers run on programs. 
For arguments sake, there are only 3 exclusives that I can think of that I missed out on with my dead PS3.  My kids enjoyed the rest on Nintendo 3ds.
 I missed out on the PC end, because I don't have a PC, and my MBP is Santa Rosa class. 
P.S. you will pay for the extras, because Sony will have to catch up to the Swiss Army knife that the X1 is promising to be.  Just like the X1 will have to catch up to what the PS4 does in gaming resolutions.  It is amazing what bragging rights will do to peoples impressions, I intend to wait it out.  My id does not feel the need to brag.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #13 on: 31 Oct 2013, 03:40 am »
X1will catch up in resolution as a choice only. The performance gap will never be bridged. When ps4 is brought to its knees in 4 years and must display at 720P I fear for the x1's own resolution.  300P?

1.84 Tflops vs 1.18 (is 1.3 but snap (which isn't working atm) takes 10%). 600+ gflops diff. Huge! And that's only one metric!

The Kinect SUCKS as a gaming input,  it's purely there for marketing.
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2013, 04:42 am by Rclark »


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #14 on: 31 Oct 2013, 04:00 am »
The kinect controlled my 2 team members in the main game so I could concentrate on my two fisted controller at the hardest setting that I cleared in ME3. 
We are DONE WITH KINECT arguments.

HT cOz

Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #15 on: 31 Oct 2013, 04:11 am »
It's too early to tell. The smart money is on the sidelines.

HT cOz

Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #16 on: 31 Oct 2013, 04:13 am »
The kinect controlled my 2 team members in the main game so I could concentrate on my two fisted controller at the hardest setting that I cleared in ME3. 
We are DONE WITH KINECT arguments.

Again who knows what's possible with time and imagination.


Re: Call of Duty: 1080P native Ps4, 720P upscaled Xbone
« Reply #17 on: 31 Oct 2013, 05:00 am »
Hey enjoy what you enjoy. If anyone's getting an x1 I hope to see an excited thread next mlnth, the 29th.