Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....

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Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« on: 8 Jan 2013, 01:05 am »
During a recent holiday dinner the topic of living a lifestyle that is more green, that reduces our carbon footprint and that wastes less was suggested by my daughter who had just achieved her undergraduate degree.  We let her go on, as we all nodded our heads in agreement.  Then I praised her for noticing the example that I had worked so hard to set for nearly thirty years.  She immediately became sceptical.

"Listen to that music.  Take a look at that old Dynaco gear.  It was made before your mother and I were married.  Every Christmas since before you were born, and indeed every year since we have enjoyed great sounding music from our hifi system.  We have recycled the old Dynaco chassis' several times with the help of Frank Van Alstine in Minnesota.  If not for Frank that electronics would have seen the landfill decades ago."

Well, they all rolled their eyes and groaned the way they always do about "dad's music".  They have heard me speak with pride many times before about my custom made gear and Frank's design concepts, your business model, and your hospitality when I would visit you.

So, Frank, thanks not just for 29 years of bulletproof gear and great sounding music - thanks for helping me make the point that some folks have been thinking GREEN for a long long time.

Here is a pic of the gear and the labels from the preamp.  Those are my beloved Dynaco Pat-5 and Stereo 120 chassis.  They were upgraded to Superfet and Mosfet circuits in 1984, then in the mid-90's I took them to the Omega III circuit set.  Now they have Frank's Insight circuit set.  The tuner has been kept running strong by following Frank's article in Audio Basics way back when.

dB Cooper

Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #1 on: 8 Jan 2013, 01:51 am »
You're not the only one. Here are some shots of my SCA-80 which friends gave the name "Old Faithful". I had the (very first gen) MosFet circuits put in it (Serial 052984A); never upgraded because they sounded so damn good I could never stand to give it up. It has gotten noisy over the ensuing 29 years (Man what crummy equipment  :roll: ) and I keep meaning to send it up for a "rejuvenation". (There were several iterations of the MosFet circuits; maybe there is even an update that might work with the original boards Frank?)

Bypassing the expense of chassis and metalwork allowed AVA to offer sound that beat the snot out of equipment many times its cost. The downside may have been that some in the industry might have taken Van Alstine less seriously because,well, hey, it just looks like old Dyna stuff. Those who listened with their ears knew better. This amp used to drive my not-very-efficient Allison Fours to levels that got the neighbors' attention... with 25 "paper" WPC.


Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #2 on: 8 Jan 2013, 02:56 pm »
Thanks for the memories guys.

Note that we still do an occasional factory installed Insight+ circuit set in Dyna Pat-5 preamps and St-120, St-400, ST-410, 416 amplifiers and Hafler 200-220 series and 500-600 series amplifiers.

Our new Synergy circuits will fit in the Dyna 150 chassis but not in the others.

And of course we still offer do it yourself rebuild kits for Dyna PAS-3 and ST-70 amplifiers as well as factory wired rebuilds for these too.

These are not a very big part of our business any more but I still like keeping these old useful chassis in service.



dB Cooper

Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #3 on: 8 Jan 2013, 05:54 pm »
Can "Old Faithful" still be repaired (if not upgraded)? Think it has a bad power supply cap(s)- hums (yeah, I know, it forgot the words  :roll: ). It was absolute first gen MosFet which was why i was wondering if any of the later MosFet iterations would work on the original cards. I cant bear to scrap it, built it originally when I was 14, so want to make it work right again sometime.

dB Cooper

Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #4 on: 8 Jan 2013, 06:03 pm »
PS- Riley- used to also have a Fet Three Plus FM5 tuner which I stupidly let go in favor of one of those Magnum Dynalab jobs with the three meters on it- Better reception, not as good sound. Wish I had that back...


Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #5 on: 8 Jan 2013, 09:07 pm »
We can probably repair "old faithful".

Looking at your photo of the insides, the two big chassis mounted capacitors at the top are the output coupling capacitors for the power amplifier sections.  The set of capacitors at the back bottom left are the raw power supply capacitors (can't see exactly what is there from the photo and my memory is not that great either).

Only problem replacing capacitors is that modern replacements are only about 10 percent (or less) of the physical size of the originals so they have to be kludged in, certainly won't fit in the original brackets, way too small to fit now.


dB Cooper

Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #6 on: 8 Jan 2013, 11:24 pm »
Thanks Frank.
Family member health problems derailed the project this past year but I will send you some better quality photos when I am closer to pulling the trigger. Then we'll see what can be done.

Let's see some more vintage "green" AVA gear, folks! Pop those covers and take some pics!!

mark funk

Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #7 on: 9 Jan 2013, 10:55 am »

A few.



Re: Frank was GREEN when GREEN wasn't cool ....
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jan 2013, 02:51 am »
This PAT-4 was saved from the landfill thanks to Mr. Van Alstine’s Audio Basics Newsletter (VOLUME FIVE NUMBER ELEVEN, NOVEMBER, 1986).   The preamp smelled of electrolytic capacitor juice and had lots of drifting carbon comp resistors.  Was it worth restoring it to the original specification?  Probably not, but after reading the newsletter I followed the recommended modifications and wow what a great improvement.    Not saying that this is better than a current production Insight but definitely a good second system preamplifier.   I am in the minority as I prefer the looks of it over a PAS-3.  Maybe it’s the rocker switches. 

Thanks Mr. Van Alstine!
