What are the best RCA sockets?

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Malcolm Fear

What are the best RCA sockets?
« on: 7 Jun 2004, 11:45 am »
I have been comparing interconnects.
One is a length of cable, with two Eichman bullets, plugged into a garden variety gold RCA socket, that is in turn soldered to the input selector switch of my GK-1.
The other is a length of the same cable, with an Eichmann bullet on one end, the other end is directly connected to the input selector switch of the GK-1.
The direct connect cable sounds far superior to the cable connected to the RCA socket.

So folks, what are the best RCA sockets?


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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jun 2004, 12:56 pm »
Hi Mal,

Supposedly, the WBT Nextgen RCA sockets should be very good. They are made according to the same philosophy as the Eichmann Bullet Plugs: As little unnecessary metal as possible.

The Nextgens may still be a little hard to get hold of, but that'll probably improve soon.

I've managed to get hold of a pair the Nextgen RCAs, silver version (both copper and silver versions are available), which I am going to parallel with one of the inputs on my GK-1R (obviously making sure to have only a few centimeters of wire between PCB and sockets). This setup should make it possible for me to make some quick A - B comparisons. It will probably be a little while before I get there, but I will report back to the forum when it happens.


Malcolm Fear

What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jun 2004, 08:16 pm »
Thanks Jens.

I had been comparing some fancy cables (with connectors both ends) to my directly connected CAT 5.
The CAT 5 was winning every time.
It took me a while to realise my mistake.
I will now have to redo the tests with CAT 5 that is terminated bothe ends.


What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #3 on: 7 Jun 2004, 09:34 pm »
I bought some of these to use with my AKSA when I put it in a new case.  (Scroll down to the modified OFC RCA Jacks)  I'll be using the OFC copper wire as well.  I'll be using this on a phono preamp as well.  

Will it be better than the standard gold-plated jack and CAT5?  I don't know.  I think Wayne at Bolder sells these as well... or can get them... I have found Wayne to be a lot more reliable than Chimera but I didn't see jacks and other bits on his site.

I'll try to compare when I get the amp back together.



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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #4 on: 8 Jun 2004, 03:27 am »
Didn't you answer your own question!
Direct connect is the best.   And when you think about it, would you really want to put a big fat piece of metal in the middle of your fancy interconnect!!

But since we all like to have the convenience of an rca, I like the Vampire OFC CM1,or 2, and the top of the line Cardas.  But NEVER the cheapies!!
The new WBT nextgens are pricey @ $23.50ea, from wbt direct or someone who stocks them.


What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #5 on: 8 Jun 2004, 05:30 pm »
direct soldering will win from every plug, IF you have the system who will benefit from it.
But then,are the benefits worth the trouble for you?

To me and many others it is a kind of hobby. I want to be fooled in the magic   of the "real sound' experience only because it is in a way possible. I listen in a seperate room, dedicated to listening only.  I put the lights out 70% of the time, and I gladly sacrifice my wife and the TV set that holds her attention for the whole evening..

Then I don't mind direct soldering the silver self made interconnects to the AKSA input and terminated with Bullet plugson the "loose"ends. I don't even mind direct soldering the heavy speakerwires directly to the output spades of the AKSA as I do not move my system, once it is set and calibrated. (again the difference between soldering and mechanical connection is not subtle in transparent systems)

So how do you want to listen.?


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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #6 on: 8 Jun 2004, 06:46 pm »
Of course you could make your own.
The picture is of a solid Teflon connector. I have since made them of wood and they are quite good. I can't tell the diference between these and a hard solder connection. I only use single conductor pure silver wire in my system so they are very easy to integrate.

Malcolm Fear

What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #7 on: 8 Jun 2004, 08:25 pm »
I do directly solder most of my cables. I want a couple of good RCA inputs to test other peoples leads. I also have leads soldered to the AKSA power amp boards, but can't really direct connect to the GK-1 (otherwise I can't take it on roadtrips).

I am interested in the modded Vampires from Chimera at this stage. Thanks Carlman.


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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #8 on: 9 Jun 2004, 02:16 am »
I have some of the Vampire 800C's from Dennis.   What he does is use a dremel tool and grind the gold plating off the center conductor and make a nice little unm plated place to solder the ground connections on to the body.  He also tins with OFC solder.
My hearing is not acute enough to hear if this is much different from the regular 800C's.   To me the biggest improvement in these is that they are made of OFC copper, rather than plated brass like all other rca males.
I also have them plugged in to the OFC female rca's.   I think you really have to have the full set, and keep the brass out.

I bought a lot of stuff from Dennis last summer, and he's good to deal with.

Malcolm Fear

What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #9 on: 9 Jun 2004, 05:52 am »
Hi Steven
So, you bought some Chimera cryo wire as well?
I tried it and couldn't tell the difference between it and CAT 5.


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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #10 on: 10 Jun 2004, 02:49 am »
Cryo must be why the wire is a lot more expensive than the CCC wire from Michael Percy.
Everyone has their favorites, and this is mine.


What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #11 on: 10 Jun 2004, 05:32 am »
OFF topic. . .

A cookie from DIYAudio.com is trying to get onto my system. . .ONLY on this sub-topic????????



What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #12 on: 10 Jun 2004, 08:16 am »
Quote from: pjchappy
OFF topic. . .

A cookie from DIYAudio.com is trying to get onto my system. . .ONLY on this sub-topic????????


It's from Tom 1356's post....

check the properties of the little red X and you can see it is a cross post from DIY Audio....


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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #13 on: 22 Jun 2004, 01:56 am »
Didn't realize you were using the real cheapie rca's.
Since you can't hard wire everything, you need some rca's somewhere.
The Vampire CM1or2 OFC, are gold plated OFC copper.
Cardas GRFA are silver/rhodium plated brass.
WBT's are twice as much as Vampire.

Also, why not connect your main, or most used, source component direct and not go thru the selector switch?   I think you recently bought a Dact Selector switch, which is an Elma 4 pole switch.  If you look carefully at the switch you'll see the little copper contact pieces.  
Just leave a lug empty on the selector switch, and switch to that one when you want to go direct.


Malcolm Fear

What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #14 on: 22 Jun 2004, 02:10 am »
Hi Steven
Thanks for the info. I'll probably buy some modified Vampires from Chimera.

Going direct.
Let's assume I want my cd to be direct.
Are you suggesting I directly solder leads for the cd into the first stage of the GK-1. Then use a spare input on the DACT where nothing is connected. Switch to the spare when I want to play cd direct. Is that the jist?

Wouldn't any capacitance in the cd lead have an effect when I am playing records etc?



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What are the best RCA sockets?
« Reply #15 on: 22 Jun 2004, 02:57 am »
I use the unmodified Vampires, though I like Dennis's idea with the CM1.  However there isn't much room there to make a nick, or whatever, to allow soldering the ground to the body.

What I have done here is to wire one input direct to the attenuator.   The other input goes thru the selector switch and then to the attenuator.  Bypassing the selector switch, 2 pole Elma switch, seems to make a small improvement, but it is small enough to not matter all that much.   I just seem to be in a real "minimalist" mode at the moment.

But in using the direct connect the selector switch does have to be switched to an unconnected lug to make it "dead".

I dunno, I could be all wrong here, but my direct connect seems to work for me.   I guess you could try both ways and try to hear if there is a difference.

BTW, I pretty much only use one source.  The switch and extra rca's are mostly for looks.