Doom III BFG Edition

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Doom III BFG Edition
« on: 1 Nov 2012, 10:22 pm »
Finally get to do something I always wanted, which is to play through the original Doom, DoomII, and expansions, on high level, and with a secrets map handy.

So far I have to say that the original Doom actually dates very well, gameplay-wise. There is no up or down look, but you don't need it, and the enemies are incredibly fun, requiring very fast reflexes to fight, especially in the numbers they come at you.

Doom was a lot of fun, Doom II is even better, with a far higher enemy count, tougher monsters, and some very ingenious levels, and lots of them.

It's very tactical, very fast (your run speed is like Usain Bolt), and never feels cheap. Your aim is stuck in horizontal, but you must place each shot accurately, and on a lot of enemies you have to unload on them as they keep coming.

It's hi-def, very fast framerate, just a lot of fun. I am very tempted to say DoomII is the best "shooter" ever made.

Haven't played much into Doom III, I'm waiting, but I did go about ten minutes into it. You can just tell that the story is top notch, lots of attention to detail, lots of atmosphere, and while the graphics aren't Killzone 3 or Gears of War 3, etc, they are more than serviceable, the lighting is fantastic, and the framerate is through the roof.

For $40, highly, highly recommended.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 286
Re: Doom III BFG Edition
« Reply #1 on: 2 Dec 2012, 04:54 pm »
I just purchased this. I used to play at the beginning of Doom , Unreal Tournament etc. with a bunch of people at the college I worked at it was pretty cool. Sometimes till 3AM.

I just got a PS3 too because  well, TV sucks!
Am I the only one who notices?

Absolutely terrible!

That is why I spend too much time on the NEW MG board.  :?


Re: Doom III BFG Edition
« Reply #2 on: 2 Dec 2012, 05:57 pm »
So DoomII on Ultraviolence might be the best fps I've ever played in terms of sheer gameplay. It's like playing PacMan and the levels never get dull.

It's taken me nearly 2 weeks to reach level 15 out of 32...

I started playing Doom 3 on there, and while it's good looking and atmospheric, after playing DoomII you're going to be bored.

They just came out with Doom Classic, I believe it's called, check PSN, and it has all of the old Doom titles, the one you and I have has Doom 1, Doom 2, and an expansion for Doom 2, but that's it. Otherwise it has Doom 3 and both the expansions for that.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 286
Re: Doom III BFG Edition
« Reply #3 on: 2 Dec 2012, 06:16 pm »
I did see that. I will get that one later.

Nothing but time.


Re: Doom III BFG Edition
« Reply #4 on: 2 Dec 2012, 09:14 pm »
I'm playing those cause I've done the rest. If this is your first PS3 go DIRECTLY to Killzone 2 and 3. They will sexually assault you graphically and play awesome. Great sound too, those are you high production titles. Dont forget MGS4.  Hell, just pm me.