New:GIK Scatter Plate. Now add Diffusion/Scattering to GIK Bass Traps and Panels

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Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463

Giving Customers Option to Add Diffusion to Absorption Products



ATLANTA, GA (November 19, 2012) – GIK Acoustics announces a breakthrough option to our line of absorption products – the new, built-in Scatter Plate.  Customers can add scattering / diffusion to all our broadband bass traps and acoustic panels by selecting the Scatter Plate, which is a wooden plate crafted with a mathematical sequence of slots that add one-dimensional scattering / diffusion.  The Scatter Plate is built-in between the fabric and the absorption material on GIK Acoustics’ 242 Acoustic Panel, 244 Bass Trap, Monster Bass Trap, Tri-Trap or ArtPanel.  (Please refer to attached illustration.)


The concept of the Scatter Plate follows that of professionally designed control rooms which utilize wooden slats along the walls in front of broadband absorption to give an even balance of absorption, diffusion, and scattering.


GIK Acoustics’ broadband bass traps and acoustic panels offer great performance with an attractive price, and when coupled with diffusion and scattering can give your room a completely balanced sound without over-dampening high frequencies. The GIK Acoustics Scatter Plate sequence prevents periodicity, while giving great scattering from 2.5 kHz up to and above 10 kHz.


Company founder and president, Glenn Kuras adds, “As a company we’re always looking for new and inventive ways to give our customers more options for improving their sound quality.  The Scatter Plate definitely gives flexibility to have both absorption and diffusion in one product.  The results are a more professional sounding room.”


The Scatter Plate option is available as a built-in addition for only $49 per panel.

GIK Acoustics Scatter Plate - GIK Acoustics



About GIK Acoustics:

With thousands of GIK Acoustics bass traps, acoustic panels and diffusions installed around the world and with locations in the U.S. and Europe, it is clear that GIK Acoustics is the #1 choice for recording studios, listening rooms, home theaters, churches, and live auditoriums. Since 2004 GIK Acoustics has provided the largest selection of highest quality products at affordable prices as well as providing clients with a professional design and support staff to achieve a quality acoustic space. Acoustic Panels | Bass Traps | Diffusors | GIK Acoustics -





For media inquiries, contact:

Shelly Williams

Marketing Director
Phone: 770.986.2789 (U.S.)
Toll Free: 1.888.986.2789 (U.S.)
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7558 8976 (Europe)


interesting,I  see diffusion where the fins are very thin,then some are 1" 4"ect,these look pretty wide.
Have read where some say thinner the better for the fins :scratch:.
wonder why the different widths,they must all scatter or diffuse differently for sure.
all are right and yet now depending on the circumstances I guess it depends.
id rather do it once and forget it.

Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463
What you are seeing is the opening where the plate is. It is same concept as a Bad Panel or a slate design you might see in a recording studio. The following picture has the wall with a slat design. Wood | absorption | wood | and so on.



If I read  correctly,these are built into 242s or 244's,if a person already has the panels then we would have to repurchase correct Glenn,thx.

Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463
At this time yes they are only for new orders so we can build them in.  I may come out with something that can be mounted to the front of existing panels but it might be some time. Seems easy in concept but so does a lot of things in life.  :scratch: :D


true enough,Glenn whats going on with those other panels tuned and BB in one I believe

Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463
you mean the FRL? Everything is going fine with them but I am doing a bit more testing. We are selling them as panels for corners (not on the website) and back walls but doing a bit more testing to have it as a wedge unit also.


Yes sorry the FRL's,will the wedges be 4' high as the tritraps or lower thx

Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463
they would be 2' high..


is there a big improvement compared to say the tritraps.
trying to figure what might be better.
Maybe I should buy a lap top to really see WT heck is going on(do have the ext sound card and mike) in my room instead of guessing.
I figured if I did all corners in basstraps and ceiling(all tri's)and did first reflections and back wall with monsters that that should be enough I think,BUT.......

Glenn Kuras

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 463
It does depend on the size and shape of the room but that amount of trapping WILL yield a nice result in the worst of rooms. You may finding adding more down the road is wanted but you will figure that out over time. I can't tell you how many customers have ordered similar to what you just laid out and loved it for years, then came back wanting to improve things even more. It is just like buying great speakers and up grading. Needless to say though what you have in mind covers the areas we like people to do, bass trapping the correct areas and covering the early reflection points.
As far as waiting you can, but there is nothing wrong with the tri trap, as when we put it out it was considered one of the best on the market.  I would say the FRL is 30% better at 40hz, but put the scatter plate in the Tri Trap and you  have both bass trapping and diffusion.


Oh I'm pleased but like an addiction we want more and more,what a fun hobby,c ould have paid off the ol house by now  :lol:,priorities thx Glenn,more to ponder.