
Do the members of AC feel it is time for a new facilitator of this circle?

Is the current facilitator doing enough for this circle?
4 (15.4%)
Do you want a facilitator that writes technical articles and/or start threads that teach you about tube electronics?
3 (11.5%)
What are your expectations from the facilitator? Please provide a brief answer in a post.
1 (3.8%)
Shutup and get back to work.
18 (69.2%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: 23 Aug 2013, 05:30 am

A Change at the Helm

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A Change at the Helm
« on: 16 Aug 2013, 05:30 am »
I thought it prudent to pose this question as I have been a bit busy lately with work and life.  Seems to me that there has been an excessive need for outside assistance in monitoring and discipline.  Apologies, working swing shift plays interference since some threads get rolling in the evening.

I set up the poll so one can select more than one option by multiple votes. At least I hope that's how it works.  Y'all have a week to vote and you can change your vote.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #1 on: 16 Aug 2013, 06:02 pm »
I haven't been  hanging out in  here for too long yet but what I see for the most part I like.   I think it's great that most threads are left to "simmer" on their own and that they are sometimes nudged in  the  right direction with the odd one needing to be sent to quarantine. Different opinions and some debate are good, that is how we learn and as long as everyone can keep it civil, I think it is a good thing.  Granted  there have been a few that have gotten a little out of hand, but I think that is only natural and it is going to occur from time to time. 

As for the technical articles, I don't think the facilitator needs to provide those unless he/you wants to... there  are lots of great threads (technical) created by the members and I don't see a need for the extra "work" to be put on your plate unless,  like I mentioned above,  it is something you  want to do.

It probably comes down to how you feel ....  if you're feeling  like it's becoming too much or you don't have the time to put into it that you'd like, then I'm sure everyone can understand that, everyones circumstances change and adjustments sometimes need to be made.
If on the other hand you are fine with things and enjoy putting the time in here, by all means carry on....

Now shut up  and get back to work   :rotflmao:



Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #2 on: 16 Aug 2013, 07:44 pm »
Thank you, Captain, that's the kind of feedback I'm looking for.  Anyone else want to speak up?  122 views but only one response?  C'mon, don't be shy!

Captain, you are right it has only been a couple of threads with one that went "viral" in few hours and got binned or quarantined.  But I missed one or two and felt guilty about not being on top of my circle.  And I also agree that healthy debate is good and therefore requires the latitude to spin up more than a normal discussion.

Thinking about the techno info side of things.  I do have a couple of ideas so I will gather a bit of material and start a thread or two for educational purposes.  However it won't be a complete tube manual.

I will try to check in more from work.  I have a tendency to immerse myself in projects and right now we are performing an upgrade migration to our GUI control software, the server on which it runs, the database it uses, and the historical trending system.  This includes conversion of the main and historical databases, all the screens (300+), and then testing before rollout.  After that it's back to documenting the I/O for the PLC's in our packaging section.  I spent the better part of the past year and a half doing that for the process section.  52 PLC's is a lot of I/O!


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Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #3 on: 16 Aug 2013, 08:36 pm »
I thought it prudent to pose this question as I have been a bit busy lately with work and life.  Seems to me that there has been an excessive need for outside assistance in monitoring and discipline.  Apologies, working swing shift plays interference since some threads get rolling in the evening.

I set up the poll so one can select more than one option by multiple votes. At least I hope that's how it works.  Y'all have a week to vote and you can change your vote.
A tube tech person would be nice but not a PCB, PushPull or serie production fan.
But you have doing a good job.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #4 on: 16 Aug 2013, 08:42 pm »
Hi Jake,
Just a couple of points...
You don't have to stay on top of your circle every minute of the day. 
Checking in to approve posts a couple/few times a day is good.
Don't let a few stray threads bring you down.
Use Quarantine.  A post as to why it was moved there, what should stop and where it came from is helpful.

Have a great weekend.    :D


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #5 on: 16 Aug 2013, 08:53 pm »
Hi Jake,
Just a couple of points...
You don't have to stay on top of your circle every minute of the day. 
Checking in to approve posts a couple/few times a day is good.
Don't let a few stray threads bring you down.
Use Quarantine.  A post as to why it was moved there, what should stop and where it came from is helpful.

Have a great weekend.    :D

What he said.  There is always going to be occasional friction.   As long as the disagreements are not personal, and politics stays out of the equation,  I wouldn't worry about it.  As long as you are having some fun with this, by all means, keep at it!   8)


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #6 on: 16 Aug 2013, 09:47 pm »

Thinking about the techno info side of things.  I do have a couple of ideas so I will gather a bit of material and start a thread or two for educational purposes.  However it won't be a complete tube manual.

Educational  threads are always good.    They stated a  "how  a tube amp works" quite some time ago over at  AudioKarma and it turned into a neat joint effort by many of the members.  It's a good read for an intor  into tubes, at least  I thought so.
Perhaps starting a couple   educational threads  might   turn into something similar  here 



Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #7 on: 16 Aug 2013, 09:59 pm »
Educational  threads are always good.    They stated a  "how  a tube amp works" quite some time ago over at  AudioKarma and it turned into a neat joint effort by many of the members.  It's a good read for an intor  into tubes, at least  I thought so.
Perhaps starting a couple   educational threads  might   turn into something similar  here 


I agree with the concept.  The issue there would be at what point would the threads be more appropriate in the lab? 


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #8 on: 16 Aug 2013, 10:34 pm »

I agree with the concept.  The issue there would be at what point would the threads be more appropriate in the lab?

Good  point.... guess that is something  that Jake and whoever is running the lab would need to decide.  I'd think it would probably be  fine in eiither  circle  although being  striclty about  tube amps/cirucits, it might be  better here ?



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Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #9 on: 16 Aug 2013, 11:07 pm »
Jake -  I drop in occasionally to see what's being discussed as I do have a couple of pieces of tube gear. I don't recall seeing any threads that really got out of hand, though I probably missed one here & there over the years. Best I can tell you are doing just fine, and I think the evidence of that is that you haven't had to do much to keep civil unrest in line. There hasn't been much. So as Captnh & others have said if you are ok with things, keep on keepin' on. If not, that's a different story. There are enough vocal folks here that if any were unsatisfied with how things were running I have no doubt they'd have spoken up.


PS  And multi-tasking is a myth, except maybe for walking & chewing gum. Stay immersed in the project when you are in that moment, you'll be happier with the end result.  :thumb:


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #10 on: 17 Aug 2013, 12:21 am »
Jake, maybe I'm just easy but I like it just fine. If I have a question I can get an answer, lots of info for every one to use.


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Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #11 on: 17 Aug 2013, 12:36 am »
You can't be everywhere all the time.
I would not worry about a couple of threads going out of control on your Circle. 
It's up to the members to behave decently towards one another.
Your Circle is one of my favorites so please stay on.


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Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #12 on: 17 Aug 2013, 12:52 am »
You can't be everywhere all the time.
I would not worry about a couple of threads going out of control on your Circle. 
It's up to the members to behave decently towards one another.
Your Circle is one of my favorites so please stay on.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #13 on: 17 Aug 2013, 08:02 am »
Thank you, gents.

Hi Jake,
Just a couple of points...
You don't have to stay on top of your circle every minute of the day. 
Checking in to approve posts a couple/few times a day is good.
Don't let a few stray threads bring you down.
Use Quarantine.  A post as to why it was moved there, what should stop and where it came from is helpful.

Have a great weekend.    :D

Good points, Max, thanks.  I just want the membership to be properly served and felt a bit guilty about missing an obvious problem in one thread in particular.  AC has, IME, a certain high quality level that is unmatched by most other forums.  That is more important than my ego.  Hope your weekend is good too.

<edit>  As long as you are having some fun with this, by all means, keep at it!   8)

I am still having fun despite life's efforts to interfere.  Just recently bought a pair of Quad ESL57's from a friend and am planning on bringing up one of my Eico HF-81 integrated amps to power them with.  I really want to hear them with an EL-84 based amp.

<edit>  As long as you are having some fun with this, by all means, keep at it!   8)

Yeah, that's basically what I had in mind.  We'll see how it goes.  :thumb:

I agree with the concept.  The issue there would be at what point would the threads be more appropriate in the lab?

I disagree that just because a thread gets technical it has to be relegated to the Lab.  However a cross-posted link would be a good idea so the information is seen by any and all interested parties.

A tube tech person would be nice but not a PCB, PushPull or serie production fan.
But you have doing a good job.

This is a good example of technological issues that could be argued here or in the Lab.  Fullrangeman, I have read many of your posts and understand your heavy bias toward the point-to-point wired electronics for audio.  I just don't buy it.  This is what Steve Sammet tried to explain in another thread that it is circuit, parts, layout, and design dependent.  For example, I have a good friend in my local audio group that reviews and writes for Six Moons.  His reference system is an all-triode, tri-amped setup driving a three way custom horn system.  He has heard my Valve Amplification Company electronics (PCB based) on several occasions and has told me "Do not sell your VAC gear.  The speakers could be improved on but you'll have to go a long way to beat the VAC stuff."

Again thanks to those I quoted and those I didn't.  I value your opinions.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #14 on: 17 Aug 2013, 01:24 pm »
Jake, my point was not intended to be argumentative, but rather a point of order about where technical issues for tube amps should reside.  Personally, I'm more than OK with posting technical data here on the tube circle, but it could get a bit confusing as to where some tube topics should be posted. 
Perhaps some additional guidance in the ground rules would be helpful.  Meanwhile, let's all continue to use and enjoy this circle.

Ericus Rex

Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #15 on: 17 Aug 2013, 02:56 pm »
I wouldn't mind the tube-o-phile circle going more technical...even to the point where the lab no longer hosts tube info.  It's such a niche field and they can certainly fill that circle with all the other technical info on ss, digital, speaker etc.  A one-stop circle for tubeaholics would be welcome, IMO.

I agree with Capt. Hemo, I prefer moderators to guide circles and not constantly direct them.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #16 on: 17 Aug 2013, 03:30 pm »

I understand your point I just have always felt that it doesn't really make any difference which circle a member posts a thread about, say, a scratch built tube amp, just cross post a link in other circles that may pull more members with an interest into that thread.  No argument perceived.

I agree with Capt. Hemo, I prefer moderators to guide circles and not constantly direct them.

Cool, ER, thanks.  I know you've been here long enough to see that happen.  Just have to sit back and watch, then step up if it turns into mudslinging.


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #17 on: 17 Aug 2013, 03:59 pm »
No worries, Jake!   It's all good.  :D
BTW, I'll be posting some pictures and observations about a pair of DIY mono blocks shortly.  I had a pair of 1625 mono blocks that sounded great, but the ATC speakers I wound up with need more watts to sound their best.  So, I'm having a pair of mono blocks made that will sport a quad of 1625 output tubes vice a pair per unit.  The input tubes are a pair of 12SX7.  We reckon that it will put out from 100 to 110 watts a channel.  The output transformers are bifilar, and the power transformers are both made by Aiden Heyboyer, who does great work.  Coupling caps are Mundorf Silver/Gold, with Vampinre RCA and Cardas Copper binding posts.  Can hardly wait to get them,


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #18 on: 17 Aug 2013, 04:39 pm »
Very cool, Freo!  Please do keep us posted.  I wanna see, I wanna see!


Re: A Change at the Helm
« Reply #19 on: 18 Aug 2013, 08:19 pm »
Will do!  I checked with my buddy today, and he has all the hardware mounted.  So, I suspect sooner rather than later, it should be ready for some serious listening. 
Will post some pics and listening observations.   The 55 watt version of these amps sounded great.  These should sound even better.