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« on: 5 Jun 2012, 02:25 am »
I'm looking to get a set of audiophile headphones with a few restrictions....
1. I'd like to be in the $100-200 range
2. I intend to use them at work (cubicles) so they can't radiate too much
3.  I would like to avoid closed-back and in-ear headphones because they have historically given me a headache.

Questions are,

1) model suggestions for good all around models
2) Anyone dealt with either "best sound company" or "the speaker and stereo store". They are both listed as Grado dealers and I was considering going to listen to the SR80i.



Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #1 on: 5 Jun 2012, 03:11 am »
Well, the Grados leak quite a bit of sound. But most non-closed headphones do.

As for those stores, I haven't heard of either. Grados are not discounted anywhere, so you might as well buy from a known dealer. Audio Advisor is one. Headroom also (www.headphone.com).

Headroom has a very good selection of headphones and spot on reviews.

As for a recommendation, these guys have gotten a lot of good press http://www.headphone.com/headphones/audio-technica-ath-ad700.php


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #2 on: 5 Jun 2012, 11:53 pm »
Thanks for the reply. Normally I buy most things online also, but due to my history of headphones and headaches/ear pain I'd really like to try them out locally before buying. The only reason I'd heard of the stores is Grado lists them as the St Louis vendors. I'll check out the headphone.com reviews.



Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #3 on: 6 Jun 2012, 12:09 am »
Music For Pleasure probably sells headphones.


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Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jun 2012, 02:29 am »
I like the fostex T50-RPs they are vented but not open back so they don't allow other to hear what you are listening too but they do allow the excess energy to escape so you don't get headaches or ear strain.  As far as sonic impressions they are very neutral, maybe a little bass light but very fleshed out in the mids/highs and a decent head stage.  They are very comfortable and very smooth and easy to listen too, I should know I use them for working long overnight shifts in tuneful bliss.

I am currently in the process of modifing mine into something like the Thunderpants from Smeggy on HeadFi but I would be more than happy to let you listen to the drivers or the finished product if you want to hear them.

There are many good online retail shops that carry them.  If you want to hear some good headphones I would check out a Guitar Center or something of that nature, they usually have a lot of really good cans to listen to there, and pretty decent pricing on them as well.


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jun 2012, 02:29 pm »
B&W has a new pair of headphones that sound like they meet your needs. I think they are called the P3. They also have a pair called the P5. Avoid Best Sound like the plague


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #6 on: 6 Jun 2012, 03:02 pm »
I'd really like to try them out locally before buying.

Guitar Center has a decent selection of headphones that are all on display to be auditioned.


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #7 on: 6 Jun 2012, 05:58 pm »
The Soundroom have the B&W P5s for you to listen to. I think they run about $280 a pair. The P3s have just been released and have had rave reviews. I think they run about $180 a pair. If you want to listen to the P5s or find out when they will have the P3s call the Soundroom and ask for Mike Dolan. He'll take good care of you.


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #8 on: 6 Jun 2012, 07:30 pm »
In your position I'd give headphone.com a call - they can give you good advice and carry a good variety at your price point.

Also consider calling

They allow in home audition - perhaps the best way to find out which headphone is suitable for your work environment without causing you headache ...

I have a feeling that your headache may have less to do with "open" vs "closed" and more to do with the fit and how they put pressure on your head and around the ears ...

Good Luck


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #9 on: 7 Jun 2012, 04:37 pm »
Best Sound may have went out of business?

Wylie runs the Speaker and Stereo store out of his house, I believe he's in the U. City area.
He's good to deal with, I'd call him.



Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #10 on: 7 Jun 2012, 05:02 pm »
I recently purchased Shure SRH 940 model from amazon for about 238 shipped.  Very clean and  transparent maybe a bit "clinical", I like them a lot.


Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jun 2012, 01:21 am »
Thanks for all the input. Limited listening so far, but I'm leaning towards the AKG k240. Huge step up from what I've been using. This week I'm hoping to test out the Grados and others though. I'll let everyone know what I eventually get.



Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jun 2012, 02:03 pm »
Best Sound is on Lindberg and, as far as I know, is still in business.  I bought my Grados there many years ago. 
Wiley is a great guy and is easy to work with. 
Several people at the office have Grados and work out of cubicles.  The sound leak is not an issue.
I really like the flat Grado sound.  The only issue I have is that they are not the most comfortable cans for extended listening.
http://www.goodcans.com/HeadphoneStore/ is a good online dealer.  The website has lots of reviews and useful information.



Re: headphones...vendor?
« Reply #13 on: 28 Jun 2012, 11:28 pm »
I wanted to follow up on this post. Basically my search is currently on hold.

First Wylie was great, I enjoyed talking to him. If you want Grados, I suggest you check him out. His prices are a little below the online sites, he is still an authorized dealer, and you get to test them locally before you buy.

Unfortunately I was concerned about comfort with the Grados. Personally they were not a good fit.

I bought a pair of AKG K240 Studios that I demo'd at Guitar Center with no problem. I liked the sound, but after listening to them for periods longer than the 10 minutes or so I demo'd in-store I found that I was getting a tingling, mild pain sensation in the outer-cartilage of my ears. A few online searches later I found that this could be indicative of the beginning of painful nerve death. I decided to return them rather than succumb to a potential painful constant pain outcome.

At this point I should note that I don't have big outer ears and I don't listen at loud volumes. In fact, I can't figure out why people complain about or note that open-ear headphones can be heard by those around them. As a test I turned them up to what I considered to be loud levels, and clamped them to my knee (a head analogue). I couldn't tell that either the AKG or the Grados were even playing at these levels.

After I returned the AKG headphones they fixed the damper in the ventilation unit above my desk. Now my cubicle is significantly louder than it was before, enough so that I am second guessing whether I want to be playing non-isolated headphones loud enough to hear over the rush of A/C.

PS/Aside. On a whim I stopped by Best Buy for the first time in a long time. Yes, they did have a headphone display, but it sucked. Put on headphones, holy-crap that is loud, adjust volume to lowest audible level over store din, listen for awhile, source randomly resets volume blasting you in the ears. The worst offender was the Dr. Beats display which after given me about 15 seconds of the desired acoustic music reset to awful synthesized rap music at a painful volume with no ability to reset.

Also, presuming a Best Buy rep is reading this, if I can't demo audio equipment in the store, what is the advantage of buying local? Local = service, online = cheap. The store I went to didn't have a demo room (most used to). Most of the receiver/cd/etc units weren't plugged in, and the ones that were you couldn't evaluate over the generally loud store.
