Cheap router bits

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Cheap router bits
« on: 8 Feb 2003, 04:19 am »
Yes, its me again!!  I found a deal at my local Menards for a set of cheap router bits ($10 for 6 various bits!!).  I know, I know.... you get what you pay for, but if I am routing MDF only with these, would they bits do a decent job?   They are not carbide tipped, but MDF is not really that hard either.  I would buy others for real wood.




Cheap router bits
« Reply #1 on: 8 Feb 2003, 04:25 am »
True, MDF isn't hard. But it does contain a lot of glue, dirt, and metal. That's abrasive stuff & it'll dull the bits fairly quick.

Non-carbide router bits are something I wouldn't deal with. They'll dull so fast it's not funny. And when they're dull they'll burn the hell out of your workpiece. It's better to just use carbide bits & not damage your workpiece in the first place. Not to mention carbide will give you a better finish.

If you haven't used them yet I'd suggest taking them back. If you want to go with cheaper bits on MDF use get some carbide tipped bits made outside the U.S. They won't last as long as U.S. made bits, but at least they'll be much better than just using HSS bits.

Brandon B

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Cheap router bits
« Reply #2 on: 9 Feb 2003, 09:42 am »
I agree very much.  You likely wouldn't get one good project out of them.



Cheap router bits
« Reply #3 on: 9 Feb 2003, 11:33 am »
A search of the forums at will give you information about recommended router bit manufacturers.  To offset increased expense, buy the particular bits you need rather than a set.  For speakers. you probably only need two or three: a straight bit (for routing the cutouts and rabbets around the cutouts); a flush trim bit (if you slightly oversize your front baffle and then need to trim it down); and a roundover bit (for rounding the edges of the front baffle).


Cheap router bits
« Reply #4 on: 10 Feb 2003, 12:22 am »
Some things you can skimp on, but router bits aren't one of them.  If you like burnt, lumpy edges a cheap bit will certainly achieve that!  I found that out the hard way!

On a side note:  I helped my dad install a new garage door opener a couple weeks ago and he bought a set of cheap drill bits for the project.  That was the first time I ever saw a drill bit BEND!  I swear to you, there were a bunch of bent drill bits laying on the ground when I got there.  75 cents I believe was the price; what a great bargain! :lol:


Cheap router bits
« Reply #5 on: 10 Feb 2003, 01:04 am »
check out, I bought a router set for $80 that came with a ton of really nice bits.  It was their presendential sale.


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Cheap router bits
« Reply #6 on: 13 Feb 2003, 12:18 am »
As others have posted, MDF needs carbide tipped bits.  It's not only the hardness of material but also the abrasiveness of the material that dulls blades and cutters.  Exotic materials like teak, cocobolo, ebony are not only hard but contain silica and other abrasives that easily can easily dull non-carbide tooling.  

Think MDF as one big abrasive piece of composite material.  For good bits, check out companies like CMT, Whiteside, Jesada, or Freud.


Cheap router bits
« Reply #7 on: 16 Feb 2003, 11:13 pm »
Thanks folks,
Looks like I will need to spend some cash!!  This hobby is starting to cost me alot of money and I have'nt even cut my first piece of MDF.  I sure hope these speakers sound good.




Cheap router bits
« Reply #8 on: 17 Feb 2003, 12:12 am »
True, but when you feel how good quality tools slice through wood like butter it's all worth it.  :D It alleviates a lot of construction stress.


Cheap router bits
« Reply #9 on: 17 Feb 2003, 01:15 am »
What speakers are you making? I've made several pairs now and still don't own a router... obviously it would help, but I don't think it's wise to spend too much $$$ on tools until you know you like the hobby :-)


Cheap router bits
« Reply #10 on: 17 Feb 2003, 01:35 am »
I am actually starting 2 projects:

The first one I gathered components for is the KLS-9:

A floor stander with Audax drivers.

After doing more research I decided to start with something a little easier, so will be building the CSS ELF 1.0 using tang band full range drivers ( I think I saw something cool that you put together with some tang band units!).

Even if I do not get into speaker building, I have always enjoyed woodworking.  I have finished numerous basement's, from rough framing to completion and have been involved in many other projects.  This was my excuse to purchase a nice router and some other cool stuff that I have always wanted!!
