Photo hosting websites, which one?

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Photo hosting websites, which one?
« on: 13 May 2012, 05:29 pm »
Hello fellow shutterbugs,

I gots a quexstion I need to axe.  Which photo hosting websites do y'all like and why?

I ask because I have a Photobucket account which I really haven't been actively using and recently went to upload multiple images to.  The first time I did this I was able to select all the files in a folder (~40) and upload them all at once.  Since that one upload event I don't seem to be able to select more than 15 or so files then after that I move my mouse to the next file I want and all the previous ones are dropped.  I thought it was the batteries in my wireless keyboard going bad but changing them made no difference.  The files are all high resolution and ~5 MB so maybe Photobucket is limiting the amount of files due to the time required for a large upload?  Windows issue?  :dunno:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Photo hosting websites, which one?
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2012, 06:55 pm »
My favorite is Photobucket, because it's so easy to use, and there's no limit on the free account.
I think your files may be too big. 5 mb is pretty big to upload to a site. Most won't allow that size. Most of what I upload there are under 1 mb, although I have done one or two 1 1/2 mb before.

I have used, and still have the account, to Webshots. I just like Photobucket better. I don't like Flickr at all. You eventually have to pay Flickr. Good luck.


Re: Photo hosting websites, which one?
« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2012, 07:06 pm »
Thanks, jvc.  I figured in today's age of huge files that wouldn't be a problem.  I'll reduce them in the future.

Thanks also for the tip on the websites.


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Re: Photo hosting websites, which one?
« Reply #3 on: 13 May 2012, 07:46 pm »
If you have a program like Photoshop or Elements, or any other that will let you reduce the size of the pic, try reducing it down to a 5"x7", and see how many MBs that is. I reduce all mine to that size, and then use the crop tool set to 5"x7" and crop it to what I want. That way, my pics are under 1 mb, and not a problem at the host or the forums. Of course, the original stays at it's original size, so you've not hurt anything. The pics on the host site are copies (but you probably already knew that).

Now, if you want to send the original large files to friends and family, I know a good way of doing that. Email won't let you send large files, so I found Dropbox It's free, and very easy to use. You can send large files back and forth using it. Easy instructions are with it too.


Re: Photo hosting websites, which one?
« Reply #4 on: 13 May 2012, 08:31 pm »
Great info, jvc, and again I thank you.  I do have software to resize which I always do for images I upload to AC because I am aware of the file size limitations here.  I just didn't consider it when uploading to Photobucket.  I should have though as it may make it difficult for people to download them if they don't have high-speed internet.  Don't want to be a bandwidth hog!  :wink:

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Photo hosting websites, which one?
« Reply #5 on: 16 May 2012, 09:57 pm »
I think Photobucket may automatically compress the file. Not sure on that one?

I started using Webshots (was that the name of it???) but it's interface was time consuming and not very friendly. Photobucket has been home to several hundred (conservatively), maybe a thousand of my photo's for several years now. Once, I got a heads-up that I was getting close to reaching my maximum monthly bandwidth. Other than that, I've never had a single issue/bug with them. Despite the fact I don't "need to" pay them, I've thought about paying for "pro", just to repay them for so many years of fantastic service.

But then I find something else to spend the money on.  :lol:
