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Thanks for the reply, Alex. I understand that it is an impedance, but why is 75 the magic #? I assume that it is an attempt to match a signal going through a connector to reduce wave reflections. I also assume that it has to do with the frequency of the digital signal.
Scott, what they said.It has been my experoence that the termination (connector) is the real culprit in transmission of data. The reflections within the cable from improper terminations wreak havoc with the interface. With an SPDIF cable I prefer a 1.5m length, too. All of this is empirical on my end. Does anyone have a preferred length for optimum transmission?Dave
It has been my experoence that the termination (connector) is the real culprit in transmission of data. The reflections within the cable from improper terminations wreak havoc with the interface. Dave
Scott,I agree with Dave, the biggest issue is termination.There are 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm BNC connectors. The company has to choose the 75 Ohm version to use with RG59 or similar cable to give a 75Ohm system.From what I have read, RCA's were developed for 50 Ohm applications. Canare is one of the MFG's that makes a 75Ohm version of an RCA connector for use in S/PDIF applications.