Active bi-amping and passive crossovers: why do you need to disconnect them?

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This, frankly, is more about me wanting to experiment with what is possible than any real dissatisfaction with sound quality.
« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2011, 06:37 pm by wgscott »



This, frankly, is more about me wanting to experiment with what is possible than any real dissatisfaction with sound quality.
Have you ever heard any three-way active system yourself or this will be your first experiment?


I've never heard a three-way and had just assumed a bi-amp was the only possibility with my speakers.  At first I saw that they could be bi-wired, but then I figured out (and read) that bi-wiring does little if anything.  Then I heard of what I now understand to be passive bi-amping, but learned that apart from adding more amplifier power, it really doesn't do much more than bi-wiring.  So I am now trying to figure out whether active bi-amping is worth the trouble.  Because it would involve a substantial amount of work and expense, I have ruled out tri-amping, at least with these speakers.


I did search on your speakers and came up to this reality that it won't worth to do it with this model.
Everyone has his/her own idea and I think it should be respectful. If you ask me,the idea about bi or tri amp passively is nothing but marketing and selling you more amps wires.....The real problem is the passive crossover that made out of lossy caps,coils and resisters.If you can live with a fine two way and be happy,would be the only time for passive but for three-way is a different story.


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You dont have to be an expert to triamp.  I just finished doing one.  I surely am not one.  It is time consuming because learning curve is involved, but well worth the effort.  The result is clear, well defined sound quality (that the passive crossover muddles up).  Having said that, it is not going to make your speakers sound like  for example, from Thiel CS2 to CS3! But somewhere in between.  Once you do it you will never go back to passive crossovers again, that is the only draw back if that is a draw back!  If any one is interested in the details I wouldl be glad to share my experience with you.
I did it with only the knowledge gathered from blogs like these.  I can not thank enough the people who put in the time to post their experience for others to benefit from! :D