Okay, even with my expectations low...

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Rob Babcock

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Okay, even with my expectations low...
« on: 7 Apr 2004, 05:24 am »
The Matrix Revolutions disappointed me.  The effects were overdone and overused, the writing was bad, the acting wooden.  The plot was hackneyed in places and non-existant in others.  Add in a deus ex machina ending and a total lack of resolution for the characters and voila! instant stinker.  Although with the treatment and limited screen time for the actual human characters, luckily by the end you no longer care what happens to them anyway.

And what a piss poor effort on the DVD.  The picture was pretty sucky, just a dark mess with no detail or contrasts.  And the sound was even worse.  There were spots with a little low rumble, but the soundfield was overall random and unfocused.  Of course, it suits the unimaginative sountrack.

I didn't really think the original was a great film, but it was a good one.  I think "Reloaded" took the good elements and upped the ante, and was actually a better film.  But they really shit the bed with "Revolutions."

I haven't even decided if I'll keep it just to have a complete "trilogy" (not that it really is one, but there are three movies...) or ditch it and salvage some of my wasted coin.

What a waste of an amusing premise.  What began with some promise has ended with a garbled, gurgling gasp. :?


Okay, even with my expectations low...
« Reply #1 on: 7 Apr 2004, 05:34 am »
Guess you now know why I only saw Revolutions once in the theater (even though I get in to movies free), and Reloaded over 8 times. :shake:

Glad someone else thinks the picture on Revolutions was lame. I wasn't really paying attention, but the sound wasn't spectacular (and had to be cranked a good bit louder than a normal disc).

Rob, if you want to see where the Wachowski's stole the idea for the final Neo/Smith battle, pick this up. An awesome movie, that's much better than Revolutions. Don't pick up the US release though, as it had 16+ minutes cut out, while the Korean release (which is a region free NTSC disc) isn't cut. There was something else that sucked about the Region 1 version, but I don't recall anymore as I've had the Korean release for years now...

Rob Babcock

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Okay, even with my expectations low...
« Reply #2 on: 7 Apr 2004, 06:03 am »
Yeah, the movie failed on every level, a major disappointment.  They really could make another movie just to tie up the plot lines & fill the potholes in the plot, but there really isn't any point.  They pretty much screwed the pooch.

Sometimes I keep bad movies in my colllection simply to complete a set, but I really don't know about this one.  I've kept "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" thus far even tho I thought is was pretty weak just because I haven't gotten around to gathering up a batch to go sell.  On some level I'd like to think this one has some value, but it really doesn't:  crappy picture, so no big demo peice to show off.  Crappy sound, nothing to show off there, either.  I haven't checked to see if there are any worthwhile extras, but what could they possibly say interesting about the making of a movie that's so spectaculary bad?

I figured it wouldn't be great given the extreme negative buzz around it, but I thought it would at least be entertaining.  It even failed me on that count- by the midpoint I already didn't really care much what happened.

Truly a pity.  So much they could have done, but didn't.