Manufacturers - Is your website professional, do you need help?

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I've just updated my pricing structure so that any audio equipment manufacturer can afford a fantastic website.

Your website can be rebuilt, even redesigned for a fixed fee, or if you prefer solely in exchange for equipment. I've changed my pricing so that you only pay for what you need, and you can cut back or ramp up as it suits you.

This is my day job, I am a web development professional. The Perfect Fifth service goes way beyond just updating and maintenance and will actually improve your website so that you make more sales and grow your business. Whatever your business goals are your website can help you reach them.

This is accomplished through analytics and testing, you can read more about that here -

Even if you have no interest in hiring me, i'd be very interested in your feedback. I'm totally happy to answer questions, it's best to write me an email or give me call - my contact details are at the top of each page on my website.

-Matt Turner
Perfect Fifth


Um, this is not a press release, it's an ad. Also, it's not for an audio-related item...


John, I posted a similar post before in the Industry News circle. My service is offered to, and tailored specifically for, audio manufacturers so I believe it should qualify as audio related. I already work with three of the manufacturers who have circles here.

Where would be the best place for this kind of post in the future?



Where would be the best place for this kind of post in the future?

Nowhere. If you want to market a non-audio product to audio manufacturers, contact them using the email address on their website.