Dealers..I try but cannot ...

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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #40 on: 29 Jun 2010, 07:33 pm »
I recently sold some VERY expensive wire dirt cheap.  When a B&M store went under I bought armloads of used wire cheap and didn't research all of it.  I listed some for $50 to help me clean out the basement, and a buyer told me it might be worth much more than my asking price.  I  told him I'd honor the selling price because I bought it cheap and I didn't want to blemish my reputation.  He did his due diligence, I didn't.  That's the way it goes, and I have had people do the same for me.  I have even been given gear before, and done the same for guys getting started in this hobby.  I have also made a lot of friends in the process.

I make a lousy salary, so I have to dig for used stuff to use, or to finance what I really want.

It's a game, we all play it in one form or another, even if it's cruising Goodwill for a score. 

Not worth getting upset about.

Kevin Haskins

Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #41 on: 29 Jun 2010, 08:00 pm »
What the guy did was not dishonest. But to banter about the term capitalism is misleading. What he did has nothing to do with capitalism. That kind of act happens in all manner of economies.
The sole purpose (as I see it) of capitalism is competition from the private sector to produce goods with the end result being the lowest price possible for the consumer. That's one of the main tenents of Adam Smith, and the most intentionally overlooked. That, and the invisible hand that controls the market (morality and ethics).
All that guy saw was a bargain and he jumped on it.
More power to him.
He found his niche in life.

Also it is good to point out that there is nothing inherently "good" about being a consumer.    The reason Adam Smith argues for free trade was that the result of free trade is more freedom.     Ultimately... anything that releases the masses from their time behind the plow or bent over the grindstone, spending less time trying to maintain the basic necessities of life and frees them to spend more time in recreation is considered "good".   

I'd argue that isn't always the case but that is another discussion.   


Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #42 on: 29 Jun 2010, 08:02 pm »
People making money on Agon or Ebay, i would say are quite a bit less then you would think,and fine if somebody doesn't do the research, like the guy you mentioned CJ Sono pre amp,now that should go for about 300,but if somebody pays close to 5, so what,it s a great pre at a good price from a great company,,but now a days, with the economy what it is deals and making money are harder and harder to find.


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #43 on: 29 Jun 2010, 08:25 pm »
And now probably someone will buy it and be happy with it. Or the price will be too high and the dealer will drop his price _and then_ someone will buy it and be happy with it.

Sheesh! People are acting like this dealer stole something from them.

And pay too much for it...

As someone coming up in this hobby, people like me could use a product like that for $1500; not $2200.

It's no different than when someone buys a crappy house in order to flip it; it takes away from someone who wanted buy that house at a reasonable price.


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #44 on: 30 Jun 2010, 07:46 am »
Well maybe some of you are willing to take it.That is fine but if i can help the newcomers,or even a couple,then that is great.I am a fair guy who buys something and sells it for what i have into it...for eg.
A guy had 2 Krell ksa 250 for sale on audiogon for $2350 each and they have never been recapped and I had one for $2500 fully recapped 2yrs ago and I laugh at these guys trying to sell these uncapped amps for huge money.But hey,its all fun and games according to some of you.This is a used market area and if any new guys want a opinion on a product PM me and I hope I can help is all.Yes Werd I will get on with it and enjoy it fully.For a final disclosure.....I love this hobby and Werd and others who have talked to me know it and that I am a no bull kind of guy and to the rest of you..Enjoy the Music guys..peace


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #45 on: 30 Jun 2010, 11:58 pm »
I think tagging this as stealing instead of greed steered this thread into a thumbs up or down on  capitalism thread.  No, it isn't stealing.

I have a friend who flips houses and he marks up his asking price way above market and yet when some fool actually wants to buy it at his asking price and the appraisal doesn't come in he complains like he is some kind of victim.  He doesn't get any sympathy from me as I am sensitive to his greed in the matter.

Regarding the original post: yes, it seems like greed to me.  Just because there seems to be no shortage of fools and their money doesn't make this kind of thing sit well with me.  In my own moral code I simply will not exploit others whenever I know better. You know, preying on the emotional, mental, maturity or other weakness of others.  The more we interact with each other in impersonal transactions the easier it is to just not take ANY personal responsibility. We can altogether bypass any moral or ethical considerations.   :nono:   



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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #46 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:11 am »
I suspect that most people who pore over Audiogon ads are looking for a bargain. The OP and the guy he's complaining about were both doing this. To my mind that puts them on equal terms. Why either of them wanted to purchase the amplifier is immaterial. They each had their own reasons and the best man won. That's all there is to it.

Anyone who chooses to evaluate the motives or moral character of the successful buyer is way out of line. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Mclsound smells of sour grapes. He needs to get back on his horse and keep shopping. Life is not fair. That's life!!


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #47 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:30 am »
I look for bargains on a-gon often.  If I find one and it's something I want to hear in my system, I buy it immediately.  If it's a little too pricey for my set-up / budget, or if it's not as good as my current gear, I spend a few minutes thinking about whether a friend could use it, or if I have the time & desire to try to make a few bucks.  Sometimes the answer to either of those 2 questions is yes, and I'll buy it.  Usually the answer is no and I'll pass.  I've done a ton of A-B-ing of gear by finding bargains and it's made for a better system. 


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #48 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:36 am »
take it easy macroman...I wanted the 250 for my CC is all and was selling my KSA 250 to upgrade and have no problems with you giving your money away.


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #49 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:37 am »
If anyone of us would have bought that amp and two weeks later decided we didn't like it and wanted to sell it...what price would you put on it?  The same price you paid or a market price?

I like this one.

No questions price (or close to it).  I would probably be a little more flexible on my asking price as well.

While I like you guys, I am not here to fund your audio habit.   :wink:

If I am smart enough and lucky enough to purchase gear at a great price, my reward is some profit. 

Trust me, this happens way less than people think and the ledger balance is clearly on the "wrong side" for me.



Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #50 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:40 am »
I spend a few minutes thinking about whether a friend could use it, or if I have the time & desire to try to make a few bucks.  Sometimes the answer to either of those 2 questions is yes, and I'll buy it

According to the delusional self-righteous posting in this topic, if you sell it and make a few bucks, at the least your moral character is in question, and at the most you're a common thief.


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #51 on: 1 Jul 2010, 02:47 am »
I saw a person on ebay sell a bottle of the 1st known bottled beer for a few hundred.  A buyer paid for it, and resold it for it's actual value, which was a few hundred grand. I have known people to find old Klipsch cornwalls at a garage sale for $100, clean them up and resell them for $1000.
C'est la vie.  Big money goes around the world.   


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Re: Dealers..I try but cannot ...
« Reply #52 on: 1 Jul 2010, 01:31 pm »
I have told people a couple of times when they were asking way too little for something. It just felt right to do so.

On the other hand, I generally try to get the best deal for myself that I can. (Sometimes things other than just the price have a large influence on my decision. There are a few vendors that put a lot of themselves in their products, so you get more than just a box of parts. Some of those vendors are here at AC in fact.)