MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...

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MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« on: 26 Apr 2010, 08:04 pm »
I know when we all sit in that listening chair to answer the question posed by our SO's "How much did this all cost?" there are probably 3 different common ways to value it all:

- sum up the MSRP (and watch that SO hit the floor, or ceiling)
- sum up the approximate current used selling prices (still probably a floor or ceiling hit)
- sum up what we actually spent (ditto)

I know personally my MSRP sum is far higher than my used or out of pocket costs. This makes me happy because I believe I got a deal buying a lot of stuff used and/or modding it myself.

But there's also the 4th category:

- sum up EVERYTHING we spent, then subtract what we got when we sold something at a profit or loss (and don't forget all that tweaky stuff stuffed into that box in the corner or that extra amp and replacement tubes and such that you don't use anymore)

Does this last category make you want to cry?

How about that 5th category, for those who buy and hold things for a lot of years:

- sum up what you would probably have to spend to replace your equipment with something that sounds just as good at today's MSRP

Now THAT should make you smile again. Things are so freakin' expensive these days. It's like you're not a man anymore unless you have $5000 to throw at some individual piece of equipment, let alone those $40,000 speakers.


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Re: MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« Reply #1 on: 26 Apr 2010, 08:14 pm »
I haven't kept a running tally on the books but I'm sure I'm way ahead with no money in the system today that wasn't generated by trading in the past. These days I'm glad to break even on something. It's a good thing I built up an early lead. Significant other never complains unless she tries to use it and finds that she doesn't know how since I changed things. This, of course, provides us with something to talk about.


Re: MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« Reply #2 on: 26 Apr 2010, 08:44 pm »
It's like you're not a man anymore unless you have $5000 to throw at some individual piece of equipment, let alone those $40,000 speakers.

Spending big bucks on audio gear does nothing for me and surely doesn't make me feel "manly".  Nope not at all.  Knowing that I can be completely satisfied for lots less, spending large would actually make me feel like a fool.....and like I was used and ripped off.   

The real thrill is in spending small and getting killer performance, and then watching the reaction of your big spending audio buds as they start questioning their decisions.    :o

My 9" tonearm is all I need for macho reinforcement in this game.   Those with 10 and 11 inchers are truely blessed!       :lol:


Re: MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« Reply #3 on: 11 May 2010, 06:57 am »
Well, I have a budget, or at least a price range in mind, when I decide to address something audio-related. Although I often buy used, I have made the occasional new purchase, if I felt it was worth it (eg: ART DI/O, which was better than the products available used at the time, within my budget).

But, this is a lifelong hobby for me. I expect to spend money on my hobbies. So I don't play the lifetime expenditure game ... anymore than I would add up all the cost of all the food I've eaten. Life is short and although money is scarce, it's useless when the deal is done. I would hate to go to my grave wishing I'd listened to more good music on good equipment.

HiFi helps me enjoy my time here, and it's money well spent, as far as I'm concerned. As for the expenditures? No regrets.

I save that for cheap tools that break, products that don't do the job or last, kitchen appliances no-one uses, and all the other errors we humans are likely to make with our dollars.

If you're married and getting flak, just threaten to go to the closet and start counting dresses. Assume $100 a pop, and see where that takes you. The ones she gave to Goodwill? They were $100 a pop too.

WC Fields:
" Bartender, did I spend $100 here last night?"
"Yes, you sure did sir."
"Good. I was worried I lost it."


Re: MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« Reply #4 on: 11 May 2010, 07:16 am »
Well, I have a budget, or at least a price range in mind, when I decide to address something audio-related. Although I often buy used, I have made the occasional new purchase, if I felt it was worth it (eg: ART DI/O, which was better than the products available used at the time, within my budget).

But, this is a lifelong hobby for me. I expect to spend money on my hobbies. So I don't play the lifetime expenditure game ... anymore than I would add up all the cost of all the food I've eaten. Life is short and although money is scarce, it's useless when the deal is done. I would hate to go to my grave wishing I'd listened to more good music on good equipment.

HiFi helps me enjoy my time here, and it's money well spent, as far as I'm concerned. As for the expenditures? No regrets.

I save that for cheap tools that break, products that don't do the job or last, kitchen appliances no-one uses, and all the other errors we humans are likely to make with our dollars.

WC Fields:
" Bartender, did I spend $100 here last night?"
"Yes, you sure did sir."
"Good. I was worried I lost it."

+1 and well said.  It's all about value perception, which is different for each individual.  Just like music we each like or dislike a particular piece, artist, or genre.  I have experienced rewards and disappointments just like anyone else. Fortunately I don't have to justify my audio, or any, purchases to anyone but myself.


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Re: MSRP vs used vs out of pocket vs ...
« Reply #5 on: 11 May 2010, 01:21 pm »
The real thrill is in spending small and getting killer performance, and then watching the reaction of your big spending audio buds as they start questioning their decisions.    :o

I was the latter of system is far less costly today and I'm MUCH happier.  Actually it's the best system I've ever had and way less expensive.  This is the first time in years that I'm content with what I have.   :thumb:

I will say that once it's right, you'll know it.