New showroom almost ready - Audio Circle Manufacturers represented

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Bill Baker

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We have been working on getting our showroom ready for it's reopening in 2010. We tried for January but were waiting on a few speaker manufacturers as well as gettng some of our own products ready. We don't have the speakers here yet but things are in motion.

Take a look at who will be appearing, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.  :green: We still have two more companies to list and are working on the final details now.

All the speakers that will be available for audition in our showroom are from Audio circle manufacturers only :thumb:

Now we just need a turntable manufacturer. If we don't get one, we will bring in something from Thorens or Clearaudio down the road which will be the only retail product we deal with.

We expect to have things ready to open by late February.

Here's all the details:


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 BRILLIANT !, Best of luck. If I was in the Business we would do the same.  Makes so much sense to use the speakers that make your components shine. Synergy up the ying yang. Your own cable line too again BRILLIANT !  How far are you from NYC ?


Bill Baker

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    • Musica Bella Audio
Thanks for the comments Charles. We obviously want our products to synergize with each other but also work well with most other products on the market.

Haw far from NYC? Depends on where in the City you are. On average, about 175-200 miles.

Bill Baker

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    • Musica Bella Audio
To update this venture, we now have the Clearwave loudspeakers here and up and running. We have been notified that the Salk Sound HT2-TL speakers could be hear towards the end of next week.
 That leaves only one spot for a speaker manufacturer and we want to reserve this spot for a speaker using a RAAL Ribbon tweeter.
 The showroom is just about ready for auditions and as soon as the Salks arrive, we will set that system up and start accepting appointments for audition.


Is your Endicott showroom far from the IBM headquarters?
In case I have to go there for something. (Not that there is any immediate plans, but it does happen from time to time)



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I like your listening setup. Mine is similar in the workshop. The sweet spot is the only place to be!  :D

Bill Baker

  • Industry Participant
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Is your Endicott showroom far from the IBM headquarters?

 There is not much left around here in regard to IBM even though Endicott is the birth place for IBM.
 I am with a mile of all the large IBM buildings in this town. In fact, any home runs hit in our little leage program go into the parking lot of what was one of the latest larger IBM buildings.

Bill Baker

  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 4887
  • Purity Audio Design -Custom Design and Manufacturi
    • Musica Bella Audio
Tomorrow we should see the arival of the Salk HT2-TL speakers (at least the other one). I will be working on the final setup of the two main systems throughout the week during the evening hours.

 At this time, we have two Audio Circle speaker manufacturers represented. Clearwave Loudspeakers and Salk Sound. We still have the availability for one one :wink:

 There have been several people that have asked for me to compare speakers. I think the best way to handle this is to mention "differences". The best way for you to get a true sense of these differences is to listen for yourself.

 I will start a new thread after spending some time with the Salk speakers but at least these are broken in.