Need a pre-processor recommendations to match Von Schweikert speakers

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
I’d like to replace my ancient NAD 2-channel preamp and the Outlaw 1050 receiver. 

Since I no longer have the room for two separate components, I need a pre-processor that will have an excellent 2-channel DAC for (FLAC) music playback and DTS-MA/DolbyHD processing to compliment my VSA VR-4JR, LCR-15, TS-150 speakers, Velodyne DD-12 Sub, and the Gemstone 7—channel amp.  I’ve A/B’d this amp with Sim Aurora and in my opinion they sounded identical to my ears.   

So far I’ve eliminated B&K REF-70, Marantz AV8003, and Integra 80.1 processors.  I’m lookin into Arcam AV888 or Classe SSP-800. 

What processor would you recommend that would match my speakers and amp better?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 71
It depends on your budget. Here are a few I have auditioned:
Emotiva audio UMC-1 - exceptional value
Integra DHC9.9
NAD M15/ M15HD - most musical
Anthem processors


I’d like to replace my ancient NAD 2-channel preamp and the Outlaw 1050 receiver. 

Since I no longer have the room for two separate components, I need a pre-processor that will have an excellent 2-channel DAC for (FLAC) music playback and DTS-MA/DolbyHD processing to compliment my VSA VR-4JR, LCR-15, TS-150 speakers, Velodyne DD-12 Sub, and the Gemstone 7—channel amp.  I’ve A/B’d this amp with Sim Aurora and in my opinion they sounded identical to my ears.   

So far I’ve eliminated B&K REF-70, Marantz AV8003, and Integra 80.1 processors.  I’m lookin into Arcam AV888 or Classe SSP-800. 

What processor would you recommend that would match my speakers and amp better?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
Arcam is around $7K and Classe is $9K.  B&K and Marantz don’t have onboard hi-rez HDMI decoding.  When I auditioned Anthem D2, it had a fairly decent HT/Movie capability and sounded too sterile for my music playback taste.

I’ve also auditioned Integra 9.9 in my house.  Since there’s a universal consensus that Integra has a poor 2-chanel analog playback, I decided to test it with a Transporter using S/PDIF digital section.  The Integra sounded restrained and lacked dynamic extension.  At the same I felt that the processor was also suppressing music’s harmonic structure making the overall sound sterile and uninvolving.

So now I’m down to Arcam and Classe.  However, I don’t know of any local dealers who caries either one of them and I can't form any opinion how they would sound in my setup.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 71

I'm not sure how the M15 would sound with the Gemstones, but I urge you to give it a try. I have only heard the NAD M15+M25 combo that is just stunning for home theater and the closest to audiophile quality for 2-channel that I have found as far as surround processors are concerned.



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 701
    • Musical Reality
Hi Alex,

Last week I visit the Audio Show in Bristol UK where I met the Canadian Anthem Statement.

This is a realy impressive product.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
I was able to watch the movie with Anthem D2 and it sounded fine. Unfortunately, it sounded a bit too clinical and cold for my taste when I listened to music using its DAC.  I prefer a bit a more harmonic richness in the midrange.  It sounded a little fuller through its analog path which I’m trying to avoid.

So far I had a chance to hear Proceed AVP2 in my house and it was by far the best sounding processor for playing 2-channel music though the internal DAC’s.  It’s too bad that it’s missing HDMI inputs.  I heard rumor that the same designer has joined Classe and was responsible for SSP-800 development. 

I don’t have local dealers who are willing to stock $9,000 demo.  I'm kind of stuck at this point,  because I'm unwilling to buy SSP-800 unless I can hear one in my house. 


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 701
    • Musical Reality
OK Alex,

I met the big brother D2V and the P5.
They are superior but they cost a little more.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 71

I feel DAC should not be the issue for 2-channel listening since you can invest in the extremely cheap Musical Fidelity V-DAC or the Cambridge audio DacMagic, that are just amazing. Other than the Nad M15, I have not come across any surround processor that does redbook as good as the standalone CD players and DACs.


I was able to watch the movie with Anthem D2 and it sounded fine. Unfortunately, it sounded a bit too clinical and cold for my taste when I listened to music using its DAC.  I prefer a bit a more harmonic richness in the midrange.  It sounded a little fuller through its analog path which I’m trying to avoid.

So far I had a chance to hear Proceed AVP2 in my house and it was by far the best sounding processor for playing 2-channel music though the internal DAC’s.  It’s too bad that it’s missing HDMI inputs.  I heard rumor that the same designer has joined Classe and was responsible for SSP-800 development. 

I don’t have local dealers who are willing to stock $9,000 demo.  I'm kind of stuck at this point,  because I'm unwilling to buy SSP-800 unless I can hear one in my house.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
I was fortunate enough to compare my old NAD 1155 2-channel preamp , with Arcam CD-73 and Cambridge Audio Azur 640D CD players and Proceed AVP2 and was able to form a very good.   Proceed sounded much, much better than my 2-channel preamp with inexpensive CD players. 

However, Ayre K5-xeMP 2-channel preamp with 640D sounded better than AVP2.

I just don't have the room for Ayre in my rack.


Hi Alex, I'm still using my AVP2. It was great in its day comparable to my 360S Dac and 380 pre. Sadly it is long in the tooth now and sounds mechanical compared to the separates in my current stable. I'm keeping it for use of my family. Where it can't be beat is in the user interface. Full control with only 9 buttons on the remote. Perfect for non techies. It eliminated the dreaded "what do I press?" call from the wife whenever I'd be out with the guys :lol:

I settled for the Marantz because I'll be using it and my Pioneer BDP purely for movies via HT bypass on my VK-31SE. Music will be from my Accuphase DP-78. I'll be expecting those calls again.  :duh:


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
My goal is to watch DVD/Blu-Ray concerts 50% of the time and spend the remaining time listening to 2-channel music through the Squeezebox Transporter. 

When you’re referring to the AVP2 mechanical sound, am I correct to assume that you mean that it tends to learn towards more dry and sterile side compared to BAT?  As much as I love BAT, I could never find the space for it…  Life is full of compromises and I can easily live with AVP2 sonic signature. 

What’s your take on Arcam AV888 or Classe SSP-800?


Not lean per se but to me rather dry because I have fallen for tubes I guess. Actually tonally I find the AVP2 very well balanced and dynamic. The few Arcams I own (Diva CD92 and FMJ A22) lean on the warm side. Easy to listen to and quite forgiving. I haven't heard their pre/pro though. I'm almost sure they'll carry their house sound over. I do hope they have improved in the punch department these days. As for the Classes, I haven't heard Classes for a long time. The local dealer appears to be focusing on other brands he carries.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
I can relate to tube sound.  I’ve rebuilt my ancient Dynaco ST-70 from scratch when the power supply caught on fire.  It sounds a bit too warm for my taste with VR-4jr but sounds surprisingly good with Monitor Audio RS-6 speakers. 

I just spoke to one of my local dealers who’s authorized to sell Classe SSP-800.  Even though he does not plan to order one due to tough economic times in our area, he told me that SSP-800 has been greatly improved upon excellent AVP2 design.  This dealer is still using the AVP2 at his home and was fortunate enough to have an extended demo of the SSP-800 in the same room.

According to this dealer, the SSP-800 should deliver a bit more bloom in the midrange, with more dynamic immediacy that should help preserve involvement and excitement of music and at the same time deliver much more transparent highs without sounding dry, brittle, sterile or grainy.   

In his opinion the SSP-800 sounds much better than the CP-500 and it's almost as good as his CP-700 ($8,000 2 channel preamp).  In his opinion, SSP-800 DAC is much better than Squeezebox Transporter which he also uses.

Now, the $9,000 question: how good will the SSP-800 sound with Von Schweikert speakers.



B&K and Marantz don’t have onboard hi-rez HDMI decoding. 
I'm sorry, noobie question here. Could someone explain the above quoted statement? I'm considering the Marantz AV8003 and think that it decodes dolby TrueHD and such through HDMI but turns off Audyssey in the process. Is that what Alex_G is reffering to? Thanks for any clearification. Garth


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39

I should have separated my comments into 2 separate sections.  REF-70 has have fairly decent DAC section for playing 2-channel digital music but lacks DTS-MA or DolbyHD stream decoder.  AV8003 did not excite me when I played 2-channel digital music through its DAC.  I felt it was compressing dynamic immediacy of music and the highs were not as transparent compared to its analog playback capability.  B&K handily beats Marantz when I streamed FLAC music through its DAC.  AV8003 does do bit stream decoding, however I was unable to find manual EQ to eliminate couple of nasty modes in my room. 

I could care less about the Audyssey, as long as I can manually select the resonant frequency, suppress the peaks and adjust the Q bandwidth.  I use Room EQ Wizard and a calibrated mic for all of my room correction activities.


Alex_G, Thanks for the clarification. Garth