Kaplan Cables GS Power Cords: they left me gobsmacked for sure!

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The following details my experience with the Kaplan Cables GS power cords, which currently enrich my system. 

A while back I commented that I had switched to Kaplan power cables, with very positive (and sometimes surprising) results. This was the HE series of power cables.  I spent a happy year with them in my system.  Recently I upgraded to the Kaplan Cable GS (Gobsmacked) power cords, with substantial improvements in audio performance. 

I first became aware of Paul Kaplan’s audio design expertise when he modified my Innersound crossover amplifier.  After hearing from several other people who had equipment modded/upgraded by Paul, I figured he was the perfect candidate for seeing what greater performance could be extracted from an important piece of my audio gear.  The results were more than satisfactory.  Not that the Innersound crossover/bass driver amplifier sounded bad before, but with Paul’s work on it, there was a very notable increase in detail and resolution from the stock amp, as well as improvements in bass articulation.  I was quite please and impressed, to say the least.  So when Paul entered the marketplace with his power cords, I figured I had to give a couple of them a try. If he could work such fine sonic alchemy with my gear, I imagined he would have a worthwhile cable design to offer.

Like many people here, I have heard differences with power cords (even though I did not want to believe it at first, I could hear the differences.)  I've used various power cables over a number of years, including Synergistic Research, Harmonic Technology, and VH Audio. I've built up a fairly resolving system that can make differences (and strengths/weaknesses) in cables pretty apparent (Innersound Eros 3 electrostatic hybrid speakers and Innersound amps, Convergent Audio Technology SL1 Mark 3 tube preamp, etc.)  When I eventually tried the Kaplan HE series of power cords, I came much closer to what I wanted to hear from my system: a detailed but balanced sound.  The Kaplan cable added more of sense of body to the music then some other cables I had used, especially notable in the lower mids and bass.  Yet this addition of body did not come at the expense of midrange and treble/upper treble detail (unlike some other "warm" cables). If anything, it seemed that I got better presentation of the mids and treble but the bonus of more fleshed out (but controlled) lower mids and bass.  I knew I had come close to finding the power cables that would bring out the most in my system.  Interestingly enough, at a couple cable shootouts I attended, the Kaplan cables also came out a favorite among a good percentage of the test subjects, being preferred over some more expensive competition.

One thing useful with Kaplan cables is that there is a choice of pure copper or rhodium-plated connectors.  Which connectors you choose can make a slight tonal difference with the cables.  The copper connectors can bring out a bit more of the warmth/body aspect of the Kaplan cable (at least in my system), while the rhodium plated ones can bring out a bit more frequency extension and detail (some would say it is "more hifi", make of that as you will.)  In my system I prefer copper on my components, the exception being the amplifier for the electrostatic panel of the Innersound speakers.  Here, I had a preference for the Rhodium plated connectors, with their slightly greater high frequency extension and detailing.  The other cables are all copper.

I lived with the Kaplan Cables HE cords in my system for a while, and was quite pleased.  Here I was, closer to my goal of getting the most out of my system.  Then the GS cables came along.  A new design and supposed to be a significant upgrade from the HE series of cords.  So of course I had to try one.  I started by trying it out at one of the main points of the system, the Convergent Audio Technology tube preamp.  What a surprise!  The GS Kaplan power cord was in a whole other league than the HE Kaplan power cord.  The GS was significantly more detailed than the HE version, with greater frequency extension, bass control, etc.  While the HE version has a touch of "warmth" to it, the GS version of the Kaplan power cords has less of a sense of coloration to it.  These cables simply let more of what your system can do shine through (and isn't that what a world class cable is supposed to do?)  The Kaplan Cable GS version indeed merits it's place among the "super cables" of the high fidelity power cord world.  Adding another to the system (and then adding yet another) brought notable improvements.  They brought out the best in my system, bringing it to the point where it sounded so good, it was hard to stop listening to music and get to other things.  And isn't that what most of us strive for in putting together our audio gear, that system that won't let you quit listening to music for hours on end because it sounds so good?

I listen to a wide variety of music, from jazz to rock, punk, blues, classical, dub, folk, experimental, as well as classic soul and funk.  The Kaplan cables bring out the best in whatever I listen to, not "favoring" any style/genre of music, but accurately presenting whatever the recording had to offer.  Especially wonderful is percussion with these cables. There is an exciting presentation of the rhythmic attack of percussion, with all proper sense of pacing, timber and "snap" dished out (if that is what the recording holds.)  Also revealed in total detail are things such as ambient cues that help define the size and depth of the soundstage.  My system can present a nice, open and somewhat large soundstage, and the Kaplan cables (esp. the GS version) helped bring sonic portrayal  to complete fruition.  Instrument and vocal timbers are also rendered accurately.  It's important to note that his is not a "tone control" sort of cable, not "overly warm" or "excitable/zingy", but instead is a cable that reveals more of what is actually there in the recording, as well as what your reproduction gear is capable of.

As with the HE series, the GS cords have the option of copper or Rhodium connectors.  If you have a system that is more on the "tipped up" side of things, you may prefer the copper.  Which means, of course, that Rhodium might be the better option for you if you playback gear leans a bit more to the warmer side sonically. 

These power cables pushed my system to another level of performance.  If you can't swing for the GS version, the HE will get you in the door, so to speak.  But if you do try them, you HAVE to try the GS version at some point, it's not a case of paying more money for a "subtle" upgrade, it's a CRAZY leap forward in performance.  This is a world class cable that I highly recommend.  Gobsmacked is right!  I’m happy because my search for the ultimate power cord is over.
« Last Edit: 30 Jan 2010, 10:17 pm by markmaloof »


Paul also loaned me some of his HE cables about a year ago. Now I've heard and auditioned a lot of power cords and never thought that the differences (not always improvements) were significant enough to warrant getting rid of my DIY cords. The HE's have now replaced all of my DIY cables. They had transparency, fullness, slam, PRAT, etc ... you know all the audiophile terms. yeah, these were a worthwhile upgrade and an improvement readily and easily heard.

So Paul now loans me 2 of his GS cables (a copper and a rhodium). Damn him! The improvements from these were on the same scale as the HE's over my DIY cords. They were a complete leap forward again. Big, heavy anaconda sized sucka's. They have big ballsey bass and notched another level up in transparency while maintaining a balanced presentation overall. Yes, the Rhodiums do sound a bit more forward on top and bottom then the coppers. The copper has a tad more warmth and balance to my ears, but that varies based on where you are using it (I do have an HE rhodium on my phono stage for some extra sparkle).

But I bought a new CD player and a new cartridge this past year and am short on audiophile budget for the forseeable future. So I had to send the GS's back. But now that I know what they bring to the equation they will be gnawing at the back of my head.

I need to find another hobby. Maybe I'll take up house painting (but don't tell my wife or she'll be very happy to oblige me as my first unpaid customer).

nature boy

Thanks for sharing Mark and Bob.  I reallly like the Kaplan Cable H.E. cords with copper plug and IEC in my system.  Dare I try out the G.S. cords?  :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Looks like they provide a real step up from the H.E. cords.



Dare I ask what do the GS Cords retail for ?


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What's gobsmacked?


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What's gobsmacked?

The Free Dictionary is your friend.  :thumb:
Adj.1.gobsmacked - utterly astounded  colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech  Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom  surprised - taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment; "surprised by her student's ingenuity"; "surprised that he remembered my name"; "a surprised expression"




What's gobsmacked?

The process of having the gobbers slapped outa' yah, leaving you in a state of audiophile discombobulation.  Gobbers being "mediacy".