Upgrading the performace of cable boxes for better picture, sound

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1) Has anyone modified a cable box?  The inside of my cable box looks like it has the same kind of parts that can be "upgraded" as are found in amps and cdp's.

2) What were the results?  Did you try to improve the video or audio performance?

I bought a used Pioneer Kuro, and I'm about to switch to HDTV.  I hate Comcast and giving them any money (seriously...hate that company :evil:), and I want to buy a TiVo unit so I can stop renting their box...and I was thinking that it would be cool to improve the sound / picture even further. 


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the bandwidth compression for comcast is so high that improving the cable box won't do you much good...if you can jump ship to fios i can't recommend it enough.

i am loving my tivo hd xl however...especially paired with the netflix instant viewing option...match made in heaven. :)


I built one of the Felix power filters and plugged my receiver/dvr into it, made a surprising difference in my video. I have DirecTV, so not a cable box but I imagine it would help some with Comcast. I have to agree that Comcast pretty much sucks. I've been pretty happy with DirecTV though they have their moments as well.


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I wish we had Fios here in center city Philadelphia.  Unfortunately, Comcast has a monopoly on the cable service downtown.  I live in an apartment building where I can't put a satellite dish up either. 

It sounds like if I go with a TiVo unit, I won't be able to access Comcast's On Demand menu...which is a big minus.  The HBO/Showtime/Starz shows and movies are great to access any time.  I will probably end up buying a unit exactly like the one I have.   

While we're on the Felix subject, is there anyone out there that builds them as a commercial venture?  They sound simple enough, but I'm not going to make my own due to a combination of laziness and a shortage of free time.

Bob in St. Louis

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I built one of the Felix power filters .....
Good point Mike. I've been looking at the Felix threads recently. There have been more than a couple guys report better picture quality by installing a Felix on the power cord of their display unit. I hadn't thought of installing one on the cable/sat box. Good idea.
Maybe one installed on both, the set top box and the display unit.  aa



While we're on the Felix subject, is there anyone out there that builds them as a commercial venture?  They sound simple enough, but I'm not going to make my own due to a combination of laziness and a shortage of free time.

I don't think so but they are pretty easy to build, obviously taking care since you're dealing with line voltage/current.

Maybe one installed on both, the set top box and the display unit.

Yep, I'm going to get that done one of these days. I built a dual Felix for my 2 channel system, the preamp on one and the tubed SB on the other. I have that plugged into a BPT 2.5, works pretty well. I need to try the dual Felix on the TV/SAT but I don't really want to pull it out from the music system.


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I would like to purchase a Felix as well.  Does anyone put these together for extra cash?


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I started a thread asking about Felix's, found here:


Back to internal mods...any ideas?

Bob in St. Louis

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I've never built one, but am handy with a soldering pencil.
I'd have some questions for the Felix experts before I started one.
From what I can tell, there are only a small handfull of components (7 pieces minimum?), unless you get real fancy with extruded aluminum enclosures, hospital grade outlets, etc... then it can get crazy.


EDIT, sorry for the OT Max.


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No worries at all Bob :beer:


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I need to try the dual Felix on the TV/SAT but I don't really want to pull it out from the music system.

Could you post here if you do try the Felix's on your tv/cable box?  I'm curious to hear your impressions about the level of improvement, if any.



   I also found Felix works well feeding my LCD TV and cable box. And surprisingly I can also see some improvement with my good old Apple PowerBook G4's 12" screen... believe it or not :o This is done after the Monster Cable HT1000(?) filter for the TV/cable box and the Felix could the picture still.

    Currently I do have the 2.9A one feeding my LCD TV and cable box. I also built a 9A one but it is feeding my modem, wi-fi router and my PowerBook G4 right now. Since the 2.9A Felix is enough for the TV and cable box.

    I first built Felix for my audio system but after some listening with Felix in my audio system I feel that I do prefer my system without them. Well, I still haven't try the 9A one in my system yet feeding my amps. Oh! BTW... I do have PS Audio P600 feeding my system.

   Anyway, yes I highly recommend using Felix with TV or any video components.... just make sure that the you use coil large enough or larger than what you need :D

   BTW.... I have built 5 so far... 3 for one of our member here and 2 for  myself. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:

Big Red Machine

I'd love to build 2 or 3 of these for use in the HT and 2 channel.  Another group buy?


I'd probably build a couple too.  Sorry for the OT, Max.  I'll be happy to help clean it up.

On Topic, this is actually an interesting topic.  I've never heard of anyone modding a cable box or satellite receiver.  I've always felt they were put together like a $39 dvd player given the impressions/stories I read from service providers.

Bob in St. Louis

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If anyone is interested, I've got (3) SD DirecTv receivers and (1) DirecTv+ TiVo unit I'd be willing to sell pretty cheap. If memory serves, the TiVo unit is a R15 model. Not sure what the other models are. If you're interested, I'll dig them out of storage and see the exact model numbers. They do all have remotes.
That was you wouldn't have to take you own apart.

Sorry for the shill.  :oops:


I built a Felix and cut it into the middle of my regular multi-outlet surge supressor that feeds my TV and cable box and DVD player. Just visit Radio Shack and pick up a cheap plastic project box and cinch down the Felix with a tie wrap to hold it tight. A little bit of silicon on the bottom to help hold it down doesn't hurt either and can help damp the CMC coils, since they can be loose and hum a little bit sometimes.

There is a noticeable improvement in the picture quality. It is something that I consider essential for a good TV picture. really worth the $20 cost of materials and a little soldering time and effort.



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  • Kevin
I wrote this in  another thread:

I mount my STB (8300HD) on Sorbothane Hemisphere pads from Edmund Optics:


The pads cut down the hard-drive noise.


I was able to get into the service menu on the new Samsung HDTV DVR (TimeWarnerCable).  In the service menu there is wealth of information (all read only), S/N on it is 25-35dB depending on the station.  I found that the STB 8300HD analog output sounded much better.  Isolation pads definitely works to minimize the vibration from the spinning HDD.  To get into the service menu, hold the Select button for 10 seconds followed by the up arrow. 
