Zu Audio returns to Factory Direct Sales model

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Red Dragon Audio

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Zu Audio returns to Factory Direct Sales model
« on: 2 Sep 2009, 07:13 pm »
I just heard about the Zu News!   :thumb:

Zu Returns to Direct Sales | New Lower Prices Effective Now

OGDEN, Utah?August 31, 2009?Effective September 1st, Zu Audio once again sells our acclaimed loudspeakers, cables and accessories directly to our U.S. customers, via ZuAudio.com or telephone. After nine months serving our market through authorized dealers in the U.S., you?ve collectively spoken loud and clear: Zu customers want to buy from Zu. We also believe the radically changed economy of the past 12 months has reset music lovers? perception of value. So we?re using the more efficient economics of direct sales to give you more for less: Our new critically acclaimed Essence loudspeaker, formerly starting at $5,000 per pair now starts at $3,495 per pair -- its new everyday price!


If you haven't had a chance to hear the Zu Audio Essence I strongly recommend you do.  The balance the Zu folks have hit between their custom full range driver and the ribbon is simply remarkable - probably would be a great match with Vinnie's Red Wine 30.2 or 70.2 amps.   aa