Odyssey amps & Lorelei make cover story in Mexican magazine

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Eduardo AAVM

The review is not only about Odyssey gear but to development and implementation of a dedicated room, but Odyssey gear got top comments from reviewer:

To save time a paragraph that resumes well the experience:

How is to be there ?
When watching movies and listening in a concert hall as it was happy to play with the feeling of being high accuracy in a cinema: the seats, the screen, the lights dimmed and a surround sound system 7.1 in a treaty Acoustically, it's something else, an unforgettable experience. After listening to a wide musical repertoire, from excellent audiophile recordings of Opus 3 to more mundane material like Madonna, Queen and Manna, came the acid test: Money for Nothing Dire Straits, just turn on the stereo system. I was amazed: low to achieve the Lorelei, after the guitar solo by Mark Knopfler, is just stunning, the endless energy of the amplifier Odyssey Stratos Mono Extreme makes the bass is strong (or as Americans would say: in your face ). Low frequency of each note is as if you would shock breast, crisp, precise, always in total control. Rarely achieves an effect well, I was left without words ... well, where more thinking to do something in my house giving me the pleasure of having my own lair audiophile with this degree of realism and perfect acoustics.



?C?mo es estar ah??
Al ver pel?culas y escuchar conciertos en una sala como ?sta qued? encantado de la sensaci?n de reproducir con gran veracidad el estar en una sala de cine: los sillones, la pantalla, las luces atenuadas y el sonido envolvente de un sistema 7.1 en un espacio tratado ac?sticamente, es otra cosa, una experiencia inolvidable. Despu?s de escuchar un gran repertorio musical, desde excelentes grabaciones audi?filas de Opus 3 hasta material m?s mundano como Madonna, Queen y Man?, vino la prueba de fuego: Money for Nothing de Dire Straits, con s?lo encender el sistema est?reo. Qued? maravillado: el bajo que logran las Lorelei, despu?s del solo de guitarra de Mark Knopfler, es simplemente impresionante; la energ?a interminable de los amplificadores Odyssey Stratos Mono Extreme hace que el bajo sea contundente (o, como dir?an los gringos: in your face). Cada nota de baja frecuencia se siente como si te dieras golpes de pecho, seco, preciso; siempre en total control. Pocas veces un sistema logra un efecto as?, yo me qued? sin palabras...bueno, m?s bien pensando donde hacer algo as? en mi casa; darme el gusto de tener mi propia guarida audi?fila con este grado de realismo y perfecci?n ac?stica.

Eduardo AAVM

Re: Odyssey amps & Lorelei make cover story in Mexican magazine
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jul 2009, 01:54 pm »
Sorry, still in spanish, if you want the PDF let me know.