Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design

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Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« on: 6 Jul 2009, 06:11 am »
I am working on my media room design and came across Sketchup.

Here is 3-4 hours of my time dabbling with the program.  I did score and find the cool Salk HT3's model in the public database.   (Anyone here make this model?!)

I will update this page if people are interested in following my room's progress, both virtual and physical.


My media room (Sketchup in progress)  :)


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jul 2009, 09:09 am »
Wow, looks pretty good!



Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #2 on: 6 Jul 2009, 11:57 am »
Yes, very cool.  I was looking for something like that when I was redoing my room.  Hopefully there is a learning curve.  :D


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #3 on: 6 Jul 2009, 02:43 pm »
Thank you both! 

MaxCast - I was able to get this far with no instruction. But, I poked around more and google has video tutorials.  (Also on youtube)

Download Videos

Lots of models and objects already created and searchable.  I even came across acoustic panels which will help me with room plans.


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jul 2009, 03:43 pm »
Very cool.  What are the dimensions of the room?


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jul 2009, 04:54 pm »
Very cool.  What are the dimensions of the room?

It is basically, 12 x 24 x 8.  But the ceiling is as low as 6 feet before it scales out to almost 8 and I am missing a notch in the back corner.  The grey rectangles on the right of my room are built in storage.  With some tweeking I can get a 4x2 acoustic panel to fit on the doors to storage.  But I plan to use this program to help with my design and ask for peer feedback.   :thumb:

I hope I can calculate the volume of air with this program.  Back to the tutorials!



Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #6 on: 6 Jul 2009, 05:16 pm »
Cool cool.  So hopefully you can get the speakers at least 8 feet apart (each being 2 feet or so from the side walls)?  The more breathing room from the walls, the better, but you also don't want them too close together as your sound stage will suffer. 


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #7 on: 6 Jul 2009, 07:31 pm »
Thank you for the feedback, Nuance!  I am currently following cardas nearfield setup.  So my ears are the same distance as the tweeters are apart, about 5-6 feet.  And the speakers are about 6 feet from the back wall and 3.5 feet from side walls (angled in just behind my ears).  I plan to move around more, but so far this is sounding good - but only after room treatments were put up to get rid of slap echo (still have more to go).  Bass treatments and more acoustics are needed still.  Which is why I started with this design project to begin with.

Do you or anyone recommend sound insulation under the carpet if over a garage?  I seem to lose so much energy (mostly low end) and was wondering if that would help.



Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #8 on: 6 Jul 2009, 08:21 pm »
Ah yes, the nearfield setup of Cardas; gotcha.  I haven't yet tried that, but I hear good things. 

So it's over a garage, huh?  Hmm...  Well, concerning people with carpets I've not yet heard of more ground treatments being added/needed to re-enforce bass response.  It's possible that the speakers just aren't in the best spot for in-room bass response (I believe the Cardas method focuses more on sound stage size and superb imaging).  Like I always say, the best position in your room for a wide sound stage and pinpoint imaging usually isn't the best spot for in-room bass response.  This is why I'd use a subwoofer for 2-channel music, even if I had the HT3's.  It's just easier to get the best of both worlds that way.  But I am a crazy, anal guy, so...   :lol:

But enough of my ranting...back to your bass dilemma.  Have you tried following the good 'ol method of putting the speakers in the listening position then crawling around the room and listening for the best bass response?  This is usually done when trying to place subwoofers, but it works with speakers too.  Then you move the speakers to where the bass sounded the best, so long as it's somewhat coordinates with a doable listening position.  Also, the Wilson Audio speaker placement method is a good one, though it will take time and probably a helper.  Of course, you could do what I do and just experiment with positioning throughout the room to find out if the position is a problem or if it's the room itself.  To do this you just place the speakers in various different positions (both short walls and both long walls, and even diagonally if you can), then use yours ears to determine what place gives you the best of both worlds.  This won't be an easy task with HT3's, but it will at least let you know if the positioning or room is the problem.  Then you tweak from there.  It's very similar to the WASP method, but I usually don't drag my wife into helping me.  :)

Here is a link to the WASP method:

I hope everything turns out well for you.  In that size room, and being above the garage you may run into a few issues, but hopefully none that can't be fixed. 


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #9 on: 8 Jul 2009, 05:44 am »
Here are updated pics of my room.  I made my work table and HT2's (minus the seas driver) from scratch.  And added what ATS acoustic panels I have and their current location.  Any suggestions?  Mind you I plan to raise some but none are permanent at this time.  I need more and thinking GIK with bass traps down the road. 

Thanks again, Nuance.  I will dabble with bass more as I go...

Next up are the lounge and equipment. 


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #10 on: 8 Jul 2009, 05:43 pm »
I added some equipment, my lounge, and my 40" lcd tv.  Currently the LCD sits on a small stand, seen below.  I want to make my own retractable arm to allow me to mount the TV to the wall and extend 3-4 feet.  The TV is light so it should not be a problem (32.4lbs).... I have found extending arms but they only give 1-2 feet max.  May just have to create my own.

But the goal is to push back the TV when listening to music, and pull forward for movies, etc.  Any other suggestions?  Thank you all.

Current configuration

Purposed Extending arm (extended)

Purposed Extending arm (retracted)


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #11 on: 8 Jul 2009, 05:45 pm »
Heeeey - that's looking great, fluke!  I think that near field space will sound great, and pushing the TV back is a smart idea.  What a sweet little get-away!


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #12 on: 8 Jul 2009, 06:15 pm »
Thanks, Nuance!  It is a fun get-a-away!  My first really.  Very excited to do things right and get feedback as I go.  I still need to buy some furniture (or get it built), my table/desk for example, and a display case for my rock collection.  Now I can dabble in Sketchup!  Most of the hard work is done.

I appreciate your feedback!  In exchange for your time, would you like your room done in 3D?  We could collaborate and I could do all the work.  I enjoy the creation process and I am getting better every day.



Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #13 on: 8 Jul 2009, 06:56 pm »
Wow - that's really nice of you.  Once we get the room dimensions for our new home, I may just take you up on that offer.  Too cool!  Thank you!

You have a rock collection?  Could you send some pics my way?


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #14 on: 8 Jul 2009, 07:09 pm »
I have a rock collection, but it's mostly on vinyl and sounds great through my SongTower RT's!   :lol:

I assume you are saying that you have a collection of 'real' rocks.  I suppose it would also be cool if you have a display of your rock music collection.  So...  do you have a collection of rock, or a collection of rocks?  Or both?


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #15 on: 8 Jul 2009, 08:11 pm »
Oh silly me, good and obvious question.   :duh:

I just started collecting rocks (4 weeks ago), minerals and fossils.  I do collect music too, over 140 gigs worth and counting.  :wink: 

I start a lapidary class (rock cutting, etc) this Sept. and plan to make my own slices and do my own polishing and cabs.  I am hooked.   :green:

My goal is to display the nicer pieces in a museum format and maybe even sell some to maintain the hobby.

Still want pics Nuance, or were you hoping for a music related 'rock collection'?  hehe...


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #16 on: 8 Jul 2009, 08:14 pm »
Wow - that's really nice of you.  Once we get the room dimensions for our new home, I may just take you up on that offer.  Too cool!  Thank you!

You have a rock collection?  Could you send some pics my way?

And Congrats on your new home!   :thumb: 


Re: Google Sketchup Project - 3D Media Room Design
« Reply #17 on: 8 Jul 2009, 08:47 pm »
Well, it's not my home yet...still in search.  I just meant once we get the one we want, I'll get the room dimensions.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

No, I assumed you meant actual rocks, not music.  And yes, I'd still like pics.  As for rock & roll, I've got a large collection myself.  Actually, 258.8 gigs to be exact (rock and heavy metal).  I've got about another 115 gigs of other genres, ranging from jazz and classical to new age and sound tracks.  I love streaming music and will never go back.   :thumb: