Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter

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Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« on: 11 Oct 2008, 09:58 pm »
I'm hoping for some advice on choosing a center channel to go with my new SongTowers (RT version), which are on order with Jim. My current setup includes three M&K 750s across the front. They do a fair job pumping out volumes of sound, but my wife has a real problem understanding dialog whenever we watch movies. I'm sure part of the problem is my wife's tinnitus :( as well as the awkward shape of the room :( and the overall lack of any treatments. (We should be able to address the room issues after we build our next house.)

I've traded emails with Jim, and he has of course offered to build a center with the same RT that's going into the towers. Any opinion on what approach might yet the best results?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2008, 10:18 pm »
Take Jim up on his offer to make a ribbon tweeter version of the SongCenter.  Or get a Monster center, or request the smaller version of the Monster center that he is developing for another customer.  I believe they use the same LCY ribbons that are in your ST/RTs.  Just my opinion but I would stick with the Salks across the front.



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Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2008, 03:06 pm »
Thanks Funk.

I agree that Salks across the front is the best way to go. Do you think the Monster Junior would be a better choice for addressing my need to improve the dialog than a SongCenter RT? (The regular monster would run up against SAF, I'm sure.) Would it blend with the STs?

PS. I like your bonsai thumbnail. Are you into the hobby?


Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2008, 08:59 pm »
If you go with a LCY center, please let me know how it performs.  A center channel to match my Ribbon ST's will be the next thing I order from Jim.  Also, please PM me the total cost if you go that route.  Thanks. 


Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #4 on: 12 Oct 2008, 11:28 pm »
I think any of Jim's speakers as a center channel would improve the dialog, since they all excel in midrange reproduction.  Dennis made a post just a couple of days ago regarding the differences between the Monster, and Monster Jr., if I can find it I will post a link, but the gist of it was that it would lose only a marginal amount of bass response.  The mid-range should not be affected at all, so they should both have the same authority for voices.  Correct me if I am wrong but I think the SongCenter would be the smallest of the three, and it would have the advantage of the exact same driver array as your ST/RTs, and it would also be the least expensive (I think).

Thanks for the compliment about my thumbnail...  That is a picture I took while I was visiting an onsen (hot-spring) in Japan.  The spring water had a very high iron content that caused it to look red.  For obvious reasons it was called the "blood" onsen.  As for growing my own Bonsai, it is something that I would very much like to explore.  I don't have the outdoor space, or optimal sun exposure, right now to do it.  I learned that the hard way (by killing a small "easy to maintain" bonsai due to lack of light).  I will cultivate my own, someday.  Are you into the hobby?  I know it takes a lot of time, and patience to grow them properly, but it is a true art-form.


Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #5 on: 13 Oct 2008, 02:45 am »
ATlplasma, I am the customer that Jim and Dennis are going to build/tweak a new V Monster Junior for. This speaker will serve as a center for my V3s I've ordered, and I think it would be overkill for going with the Songtower RTs, since it is a 3 way design. I would suggest considering 2 other options. A ribbon version of the Song Center, or an HT2 monitor built with the LCY ribbon rotated 90 degrees so the cabinet could be used horizontally as a center channel. Those were the other options being considered if Jim and Dennis had been unwilling or unable to creat the "VM Jr". Look for my posts on this site, and discuss these ideas with Jim. He will be very honest and straight with you about them.


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Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #6 on: 13 Oct 2008, 03:10 am »
I'm hoping for some advice on choosing a center channel to go with my new SongTowers (RT version), which are on order with Jim. My current setup includes three M&K 750s across the front. They do a fair job pumping out volumes of sound, but my wife has a real problem understanding dialog whenever we watch movies. I'm sure part of the problem is my wife's tinnitus :( as well as the awkward shape of the room :( and the overall lack of any treatments. (We should be able to address the room issues after we build our next house.)

I've traded emails with Jim, and he has of course offered to build a center with the same RT that's going into the towers. Any opinion on what approach might yet the best results?

Thanks in advance.

Hi  I'm a little bushed, having flown in from the RMAF at Denver and suffered through a 3 hour orchestra rehearsal, but I think the bottom line is that I will be doing a song center with the lcy ribbon.  Personally, I don't think it's necessary for dialog or for a satisfactory match with L+R ribbon ST's, but I can see why people would want a perfectly matched front set.  I'm not sure when that will happen.  I obviously can't use the same front baffle that I have for the ST center, since the woofer spacing will have to be a little further apart to accommodate the larger lcy ribbon.


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Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #7 on: 13 Oct 2008, 01:40 pm »
Thanks to everyone for the great input.  :thumb:

I've got a lot to mull over on this one, but the LCY center is starting to sound like the most appropriate choice. (Not that I wouldn't want to have a Monster or Junior, but either one might would create issues with securing the all-important SAF.)

As an aside, Jim did say that the standard SongCenter is voiced the same the ribbon version.

For Funk. Yes, I've been doing bonsai for about 20 years. I can sympathize with the sunlight issue. I'm battling the same problem but will have lots more room - and fewer shade trees - at my new spread (when/if we sell our current house and can move). Don't worry about killing a few bonsai along the way. Believe it or not that's part of the learning process. Every bonsai person I know has a compost pile full of expired trees. That said, stay away from those $2 million specimen bonsai.  :wink:


Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #8 on: 13 Oct 2008, 02:46 pm »
It is my understanding that the center is only used on voices on movies.   If this is so then I woud be very surprised if anybody could tell the difference between the dome and ribbon on the voice.   Check with Jim.  He is a straight shooter.


PS I am surprised alot! ;)


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Re: Best Center Channel for SongTower w/Ribbon Tweeter
« Reply #9 on: 13 Oct 2008, 02:57 pm »
Thanks Bob.

I think your comment on the center channel with movies is spot on. But I recently bought an Oppo player to experiment with multi-channel SACD and DVD-A music. I'm also trying to anticipate how I might want to handle playback if music-only blu-ray takes off. Of course, as you noted, I'm sure Jim will give me his honest opinion on the best way to go.
