Any other WoW players out there?

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Any other WoW players out there?
« on: 20 Jun 2008, 07:08 pm »
I added this as a new thread instead of reviving the old "multiplayer online" thread.

So, I've not been much of a gamer since high school  -- ahem, think 'pac-man', 'asteroid', 'space invaders' and Atari in the home -- BUT, our 12-year old son has gotten us hooked on World of Warcraft.  It is friggin' BRILLIANT!

The vast majority of our characters are on the Elune server, in our own "Keepers of the Fire" guild.  It is great fun to have "family WoW nights", with the 3 of us questing together or going into the battlegrounds.  What fun!  It also helps with the "world's coolest dad" status  8)

I've created and deleted a number of characters, and my main character is a Level 48 Tauren Shaman that I'm parking in the battlegrounds for a while so I can level up my other characters as well as get some great battleground twinks.
My son's friend's dad is WAAAAY into it and has numerous lvl 70's, and has offered to do some instance run-throughs with all of our characters to get some sweet drops.

Anyway, I may see some of you in Azeroth this weekend and in times to come!



Re: Any other WoW players out there?
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2008, 07:18 pm »
Sweet! I played a little once, my Mac wasnt up for the graphics. I love D&D type video games and am afraid I would get hooked. I put in enough time on my 360 as it is. Me and the daughter like to play Viva Pinata which is very addicting. Anyways, waiting for Fable 2 to come out on the 360. Soon. Sounds like a great way to get involved with the kids.

I also grew up on Pac man, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Galaxian, Defender, Tempest. Those games still ROCK imho.


Re: Any other WoW players out there?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2008, 07:35 pm »
Hi Mike,
Wow is more than a little addictive.  I became compulsive with it for a period of about a month, just as I began learning more.  I found myself spending every spare moment working on my character's skills, leveling, etc.  :o
I've since learned to balance it with other things, like vacuuming and laundry.

Now it is a treat/reward for doing everything else that needs done around the house, and I've done my exercising or family walk.

Tonight will be a family WoW night, and I am looking forward to it.  My wife and I will have some wine and/or beer through the evening, and the 3 of us will have an absolute blast playing.

The game has so many layers, it is dizzying.  It is very easy to get started, but DAMN, it has sooooo many layers of complexity.

We are homeschoolers, and have found this game to be of tremendous eduational value.  The game has its own vibrant economy with players creating or obtaining goods for profit or trade, interpersonal skills and teamwork are essential, tasks are assigned and completed for merit, and countless other and more complex layers that create a great medium for learning life skills.  Who'da thunk it?


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Re: Any other WoW players out there?
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jun 2008, 09:17 pm »
I'm currently playing on and off on the Fenris server.  My main is a 70 Blood Elf Hunter.  I have a few other characters, but nothing serious.  I feel like I've been losing interest somewhat lately though.  I kinda miss my Everquest days to some degree.  Getting together with 50'ish members of our guild to kill creatures unkillable by smaller or even unskilled groups of people.  Working on the strategies and trying to get all 50 people working together as a team was often quite a challenge, and awesome when you get your first victory!  The loot was always good too. :)

WoW does have some raiding content, but focus seems to have mostly drifted away from raiding in favor of Arena competition.


Re: Any other WoW players out there?
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jun 2008, 02:29 pm »
I loaded up the Burning Cusade expansion last night (Father's day gift) - I'm the last in my family to get it, so I created a blood elf mage and got her up to a lvl 16 this weekend.  What fun!  She's hot, too.  aa

My wife brought her lvl 10 Blood Elf rogue into the mix once my character hit that level  so we could level together.

Once we hit lv 14, our son ran us through RFC, then Wailing Caverns so I could get the super-twink Crescent Staff and my wife could get the nice sword for the "leaders of the fang" quest chain, which is a GREAT opportunity to twink low-level characters with a high-level run-through. You can pick up the quest as a lvl 10 (but you really need the high-level support to survive), and the rewards are EXCELLENT  :D
Tonight, he's running us through Shadowfang Keep for more twinks.  I think I'll camp her at 19 to do some battlegrounds.
Cool stuff!


Re: Any other WoW players out there?
« Reply #5 on: 23 Jun 2008, 02:36 pm »
I'm currently playing on and off on the Fenris server.  My main is a 70 Blood Elf Hunter.  I have a few other characters, but nothing serious.  I feel like I've been losing interest somewhat lately though.  I kinda miss my Everquest days to some degree.  Getting together with 50'ish members of our guild to kill creatures unkillable by smaller or even unskilled groups of people.  Working on the strategies and trying to get all 50 people working together as a team was often quite a challenge, and awesome when you get your first victory!  The loot was always good too. :)

WoW does have some raiding content, but focus seems to have mostly drifted away from raiding in favor of Arena competition.
I've never played everquest, although I've heard of it.  Frankly, I'm still learning the ropes with WoW, and it occupies enough time that I can't possibly add another to the mix  :o
Sounds pretty cool, though from what I've heard.