VDA•2 First Impressions

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VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #20 on: 6 Apr 2006, 07:16 pm »
What, then, actually makes for a good transport? It seems to me that most postings refer to jitter reduction and clocking issues when describing a "good transport." Aren't these the very items that are intended to be addressed by the addition of an outboard DAC? If this is the case, is a good transport then defined primarily by mechanics, meaning it dependably rotates is a consistent fashion and speed without vibration when engaged, or what? Dusty, I particularly welcome your input regarding this.

The addition of an external DAC is meant to improve performance by creating better L&R analog signals from the digital signal fed into it, not to be a "transport fixer". Some DAC's address jitter in various ways, but none of them can eliminate it (no matter what they claim). A transport with a more precise clock will still yield the best perfomance.


VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #21 on: 14 Apr 2006, 07:21 am »
Presently doing an A/B comparison between the Audio Aero Prima CDP and VDA*2. Does the quality of the single input cable (VAC to VDA*2) make any difference to the sound? I am using the stock cable. What cable would you recommend as an upgrade?


VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #22 on: 14 Apr 2006, 04:15 pm »
Presently doing an A/B comparison between the Audio Aero Prima CDP and VDA*2. Does the quality of the single input cable (VAC to VDA*2) make any difference to the sound? I am using the stock cable. What cable would you recommend as an upgrade?

The stock cable is more than overkill. Some have commented that the Revelation Audio cable makes an improvement...I tried one and couldn't hear any difference. YMMV


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VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #23 on: 15 Apr 2006, 10:20 am »
Presently doing an A/B comparison between the Audio Aero Prima CDP and VDA*2.

Would be very interested in your impressions - thanks!


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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #24 on: 1 Dec 2007, 04:10 am »
Anyone else who recently bought the VDA-2 want to give your impressions?


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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #25 on: 4 Dec 2007, 09:04 pm »
Not too long ago I listened to a vda2 in balanced configuration feeding a DIY balanced Dynalo discrete headphone amp that powered a pair of HD650s and was thoroughly pleased at the presence and dynamics. The extension was there, yet sounds fully natural with both HD650 and 580s.

The HD650 is imo the pickiest of dynamic headphones that demand the best supporting equipment and balanced operation turns it into a truly reference set of cans. I honestly cannot ever stand listening to them without the right equipment for it, and am happy to say the vda2 with vac belongs in the exclusive circle of sources which I feel truly do them justice.

Compared to the older DAC1, there was no contest, as I preferred the vda in both single ended operation with my tube amps and especially in balanced mode with the dynalo. The newer DAC1 with the lm4562 opamps working off usb on my laptop is more of a challenge because it is slightly more realistic in the midrange while showing some hints of layering and a palatable whole image. When used in balanced mode however, it also fails along with it's older version to fully realize the HD650's abilities like the vda does. The vda brings bass enjoyment to the 650s, which exhibits the kind of bass resolution that is truly addicting. The midrange sings with added resolution without   the slight grain that a lesser amp or dac may show.

Compared to the DDE v3.0, There is a slight loss of air in the highs, but a richer midrange. The bass in the dde is more tout but slightly weak when paired with AKG K501. The vda2 is especially good for the akgs in single ended mode, and when feeding the VanTOTL, there is such a lush experience it confirms my faith in the 501s as akg's best dynamic phones. The the dde vs vda2 when used on the beta22 is a toss up. I like the dde much more with the beta for chamber, classical and electronic music especially for the air and soundstage, while for folk and rock the vda matches the dde in enjoyment.

The sense of ease from the vda2 is the cherry on top and makes this dac something special. Although not the last word on microdetail, it excels in the place I personally value- dynamics, the ability to sound robust yet retains the ability to show transients well, and finally a great sense of ease and air that surrounds and holds everything together for a feeling of naturalness.

I would probably purchase a unit with the vac in the future once I have a balanced beta22 amplifier completed.

The AA DDEv3.0 I have does very well with my tube amps, but is not balanced and really shines with tube equipment.

Equipment used:
Audio Alchemy DTI v2.0, DTI Pro32, DDE v3.0, Benchmark DAC1, DAC1 USB
Sennheiser HD580, HD650
DIY balanced Dynalo, 3channel beta22, DIY VanTOTL

I have not tried using the AA d-d processors with the vda2 and probably should have  :duh:.... Maybe when I buy a vda2 I can give impressions on the effects of the dti2 and pro32 with the dac.



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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #26 on: 5 Dec 2007, 04:05 am »

Thanks for the detailed response.  Just curious, did you borrow the VDA2 from someone you know or did you purchase it from CI Audio and then return it?


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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #27 on: 5 Dec 2007, 04:32 am »
Hi, I borrowed one with the vac power supply. I was always interested in it but never thought of borrowing one let alone purchasing one just out of curiosity sake. I thought it would be a waste to get one without using it in balanced mode.

It was when I got a balanced amp and a usb dac1 for extended loan that I realized I might as well irk a vda2 from someone to compare to the new dac1 whose older version did not impress me at all. It was hard to pass up because I know CI audio spawned from a former audio alchemy member and since I love both the DDE and Number Cruncher,  the vda2 would probably be my cup of tea.

I was pleasantly surprised because not only did it trump a much more expensive peer as the dac1, but because even in single ended mode, it is a dac that I would own, but to be fair, I have no use for one right now and is not enough improvement/features to warrant replacing my dde3 with.(I have loads of hdcds)

I am very particular when it comes to audio equipment, and most of all, with sources. Not to be boastful but I have high standards for dacs and don't take kindly to radical designs or mystic designs- rather, place equal importance on design/specs and actual sound. Quite bluntly, the vda2 is a damn good piece of gear compared to the medley of crap out there that pass off as reference sources.


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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #28 on: 5 Dec 2007, 04:48 am »
Great response.  Thanks.

I've read nothing but good when it comes to the VDA-2.  I've recently upgraded to Emotiva seperates which I really like and I've added a Squeezebox, which I also really like, but now I want to add the VDA-2 & power supply.  Unfortunately, I might have to upgrade my subwoofer first though.  While I'll enjoy the subwoofer, I'm really curious to the difference an external dac will make with my SB.  Due to the budget, I have to purchase things in phases, so I need to prioritize.  :(


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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #29 on: 6 Dec 2007, 11:04 am »
Does anyone think thie VDA-2 would be a worthwhile upgrade over an Audio Alchemy DDE v1.2  ?


  • Jr. Member
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Re: VDA•2 First Impressions
« Reply #30 on: 4 Jun 2008, 07:40 pm »