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« on: 7 May 2008, 10:07 pm »

I hope James don't kick mah butt all the way to Kentucky on thisun.
I wonder what I could compare the BCD-1 to as far as other dedicated,
red book cd players.I do have a Arcam FMJ139 cd/dvd player,
but I want to use that just for dvds.My prepro is the Av-8.
Have been looking at Audio research CD-7(8,000)Tubes.
  I'll see if my dealer who(sell's both),
will let me borrow them for week or so.
Any FEEDBACK would really be appreciated,Thanks,Don :dunno: :dunno:


Re: BCD-1
« Reply #1 on: 30 May 2008, 04:33 pm »
Even though I only had a couple of hrs. with the CD-7(broken in and the Bryston BCD-1(new)
To my ears,I liked the BCD-1 more,it was punchier and for a better word,alive.It was definately more
like being in the studio with the musicians.And of course the major price difference 8300.00 to 2410.00
And for musically I found the difference to close for what I like to justify the price difference.Even if they
were both given to me and I  could have either one,I'd take the BCD-1.SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I ordered
a BRYSTON BCD-1(19"BLACK)The two players were ran thru a Audio research pre amp.I suppose it would
have been nice to audition longer,but I think a person can also start thinking too much or listening to much.
I should be able to hear basically right away(FIRST IMPRESSIONS)That's the way I hear it.


Re: BCD-1
« Reply #2 on: 30 May 2008, 05:02 pm »
What you're hearing with the BCD-1 is the quality of the recording.
Last night I played Tangerine Dream- East, a concert performed in 2004 in East Berlin. I never heard TD sound so real. I had the impression of being at this 'live' event.
Then I played Pink Floyd- Pulse cd. Which IMO doesn't have the resolution of the dvd played at 640 bits Digital Dolby.
But as I posted before, if you have the time. You can re-master some recordings that aren't too bad to begin with through the BCD-1. Played again through the BCD-1 it will sound as good as the actual event. For example: If I took this Pulse cd and remastered it. I'm willing to bet it would sound better than the dvd. Some cd's can be oversampled however and sound dry or shrill as a result.


Re: BCD-1
« Reply #3 on: 31 May 2008, 05:33 am »
Well I took up the Pulse challenge and spent the evening re-sampling. My record levels should have been adjusted higher. On playback I have to crank the volume past my normal level.
Anyway, I cranked the re-make comp. louder than I can handle. It's so smooth it doesn't clip the amp.. Playing my test track 'Comfortably Numb' I can say with confidence this re-make betters the dvd even without a direct comparison.

Easy money on a sure bet!