My New AVA System

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My New AVA System
« on: 10 May 2008, 05:51 pm »
Last summer, while installing my new Mach One woofer surrounds, it hit me: 'As much as I like music, I haven't spent a dime on a stereo since I was 21.'  I decided it was time to upgrade my system to something new.

So, I start looking for audiophile systems. I found Home Theatre galore. I joined several Forums, just like this one. I told the readers that I was looking for a good two-channel system that would replace my nearing twenty-five year old set up. I had people telling me "Wait 'til the new version of HDMI."; "Use the mains set to large; no sub"; "It's all in the calibration. Hire a professional."

Wow; how stereo has passed me by.

So, I decide on a set of speakers. No, they are not the very best I could afford. Why? Because I am looking at "Reference Amplifiers" that cost my annual salary, each. I'm looking at cables that equal my son's annual tuition, each. I'm thinking to myself "Darn; Should've bought those monoblocks in '89.

In the meantime, three months has passed by. I entered so many Forums. The most experienced folks told me how to calibrate my system. Calibrate? Seriously? Somehow, that's like an adjustable air-bed that makes you comfortable at 'Your Number.' You're up all night trying to figure out 'your number' instead of doing what you're supposed to be doing.
Enough of the HT crowd. After four months, EBay, here I come. I'm looking for a couple of 250 watt monoblocks that I can run my speakers with. I find a Hafler DH-500. Wow, I remember David Hafler! So, I query his name; there's bound to be good amp's there! Nope. Hafler is gone.

But, in the mix is "Audio by Van Alstine". They rebuild Hafler amps. Woo-Hoo!!! All I need to do now is buy the DH-500, send it in, get it rebuilt, and I'm there!

So, I go to the AVA website. I start doing the math and I realize that I can buy brand-new gear, rather than a rebuild, if I just change my budget a bit. Okay; I'm there. I want one!

On the website it says, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Do some research, we love educated customers." So, I decide to get educated. I sit and read virtually this entire Forum. Nearly every page, every post. I read every Audio Basic. That made me go back and read some of the Forum again. (I know; I need to get a life.)

This was going to be no small expenditure for me. I had already read for months. I already knew the sound I wanted to hear. Somewhere in the Forum, Frank writes "It's all about the music. Remember that." I always remember what someone of experience tells me to remember.

In January, I got a little bonus. I called AVA and ordered an Ultra 550 Amplifier and an Omegastar SL Preamplifier. What was really cool is that Frank himself answered the phone. I told him that I was surprised he was answering. He told me "This is the fun part." I agree! He also gave me a quick tip on the right cable connectors to use. Following that, I ordered cables and IC's from BJC. Lastly, I called my Buddy and told him I wanted to pull the trigger on his company discounted speakers.

Eventually, all of the pieces arrived. Some friends helped me rearrange my living room and we finalized the whole set up. Finally, it's time to listen to some music! Wow, it sounded nice!  I had made a nice little test disc, and we all sat and listened. It was just stunning. Beautiful imaging, range, and extension. Crystal clear highs, deep extending bass, and a very perceptible soundstage. One of my friends kept closing her eyes during one particular live recording. I thought that maybe she was getting a headache from the volume. She said "No; I can see where every person is playing this." She went on to point out where each person and instrument was on the stage. I quickly grabbed the cover art and we all looked. Sure enough, she was right!

There was one personally annoying little problem though. When listening alone, I could hear a small 'hiss' from the speakers. It was perceptible to me from anywhere in the room. With no music playing I could hear it. In quiet passages I could hear it. I checked all of the connections, cables, etc. I had an electrician friend come over and check the outlet. It wouldn't go away. Now mind you, to most who listened it was imperceptible, To me, it was just nagging. Enough; I called Frank. I fully expected Frank to tell me some cool filter or widget I could buy and solve the problem. He asked me a lot of questions about my speakers, cables, and listening room. Following that, he told me he could do a real quick little change to the Omegastar that would fix my perceived problem. So, I boxed up the preamp and sent it back to Frank.

When I received the preamp back, Frank included a quick note. He explained what he did to take care of the hiss, and a bit about transient detail and the use of negative feedback in the circuits. He finished the note with "We hope this performs to your satisfaction now." That made me feel pretty foolish... It had performed to my satisfaction. There was just a slight annoyance involved, not unsatisfactory performance. In any case, I reconnected everything an anxiously gave it a listen.

I could tell a difference immediately. For one, the hiss was gone. Just dead black silence. Cool! But, it seemed to me that some of the dynamic range was lost as well. The highest highs and the lowest lows just didn't seem to be as pronounced at quiet, or normal, listening levels. When turned up, it sounded just as pretty as before, but listening at normal levels just didn't seem to be the same. It bothered me. It also made me understand what Frank was talking about with transient detail.

The very next day I called Frank. I told him my thoughts on what I was hearing, and asked him if I could use his 30 day trade-up policy, even though more than 30 days had passed since my purchase. He said "Sure; what do you have in mind?" I told him that I wanted to upgrade to the Omegastar EC. The reason for this, I explained, is that the EC model has the same filter that is selectable. At low listening levels I could turn it off, and at loud listening levels I could activate it and have the best of both worlds. Frank said "Can I compel you to do something different? Spend a bit more and get the Transcendence Eight; I think that's what you're looking for." So, I ordered the T8.

A few weeks later I spoke with Frank again. He told me that he had just finished with my T8 and that it was ready to go. I sent back the Omegastar and in short order received the Transcendence Eight.

The very first impression that I had was that the T8 is heavier. Also, the vented top lets you see the cool handiwork inside. After connecting everything, I turned the unit on and let it get warm for a good thirty minutes. I played the same test disc again. Wow!

The first thing that struck me was the imaging. I could hear every detail, every layer, every note of every instrument as a unique source, in unique placement from one another. The harmonic balance was just perfect. Everything so articulated, just like being there. The soundstage is wider than my speakers, and deeper than my room. The other thing that's interesting is the vertical height of the soundstage. Some notes come from near the ceiling, in exactly the image they belong. The dynamics are striking, from the most aggressive attacks to the most quiet passages, and more importantly how they just play together as they should. I can hear bows running across a string before the string gets vibrating enough to play a note. I can hear the sax players' lips part, the breath being taken, the air going into the instrument and finally the crystal clear, full and open note being played. The definition is the most pleasing. There is multi-dimensional bass lines that I have never heard before. Deep saxophone notes, with deep bass drum notes, and bass strings playing, too. Each extends into the room, each is separate, distinguishable, and just beautiful. There are bass notes that I cannot hear, but can feel. It is just stunning. Vocals are gorgeous, rich, detailed, and sound like the artist is in the same room. There is no bad listening area. The soundstage is completely enveloping and detailed. Many times I have looked behind and to the side of where I was sitting to see what that sound was, only to realize that it is the music, and the soundstage is coming from beside and behind me. Volume is absolutely effortless. No matter how loud I want to make the music, it plays perfectly, retaining all of the perfection I have noted so far. At quiet levels, it is just as pleasing and perfect. I love this system and how nicely it plays the music. You were right, Frank. This is what I was looking for. Just beautiful music that makes you pay attention to only the beautiful music.

Thank you, Frank. I did remember that it's all about the music. I appreciate your patience, and unbelievable products, and for making me understand what you mean. My thanks, too, to the rest of the AVA crew: To the gentleman that told me he built my Omegastar, and didn't make me go through some mindless checklist of things I had already tried; and to Mary Staples, who made me laugh when I was having a pretty bad traveling day for my work; and to everyone else who contributes to such a fine product, and such profound satisfaction with that product. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you on this Forum, too. I don't know if you realize how much of a service you provide to someone who is trying to learn, but your input, thoughts, opinions, and past experiences that you write of in these pages is invaluable. A lot of your posts are pretty darn funny, too. Thanks to each of you.

Have fun, Folks. And thanks again, Frank. I am proud to have your name in my house.



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Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2008, 07:21 pm »
Incredible 1st post Jerry :notworthy:, welcome to AudioCircle.  :thumb: It's truely a pleasure to read about such an inspirational journey, one that many of us have taken. It's good to have ya aboard.  :D



Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2008, 07:25 pm »
Welcome to the Audiocircles, Jerry!

I own both the T8 and the OmegaStar and they are both a treat. You really don't need surround sound with AVA, just some nice speakers and a nice source. I am a vinylphool and of course have the phono option on both preamps. I find it amusing that the sound field goes way behind and to the sides of the speakers as well as you described. To me, a system is working well when the sound field immerses the listener into a musical cocoon. I too, hear the breath of the musician, the squeak of the guitar strings and what I really enjoy, the ambiance of the recording.

Happy listening.



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Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #3 on: 11 May 2008, 01:56 am »
So what was wrong with the Omegastar preamp? What caused the hiss, and how did the transcient details get lost after the repair? Is it the characteristic of the Omegastar preamp?


Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #4 on: 11 May 2008, 03:23 am »
What about an AVA DAC? No DAC?


Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #5 on: 11 May 2008, 09:33 am »
Welcome Jerry. Great story, we appreciate you sharing it with us. Glad you're already enjoying the MUSIC. It doesn't need to be as complicated as some make it.


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Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #6 on: 11 May 2008, 02:33 pm »
Great post Jerry. I had a very similar experience building my two channel system. With Franks help and the help of all the knowledge and opinions found in these circles I have found myself in a very happy place musically. I'm glad you found that place, too.

Frank and AVA certainly deserve all of your well stated accolades.

...and do try the DAC


Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #7 on: 11 May 2008, 02:50 pm »
I second that notion on the Ultra DAC.  It is superb....


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Re: My New AVA System
« Reply #8 on: 11 May 2008, 03:22 pm »
So what was wrong with the Omegastar preamp? What caused the hiss, and how did the transcient details get lost after the repair? Is it the characteristic of the Omegastar preamp?

There is nothing wrong with the Omegastar preamp. It is a very nice sounding preamp. It was everything I had hoped for, and more. For the money, it may be impossible to beat.

I don't know what caused the hiss... Maybe a really bright listening room? It was just an annoyance to me personally. A lot of my friends thought I was nuts. In any case, it does not exist now... Speaker break-in, maybe?

As for the slight loss of detail, that may just be me, too. It still sounded just perfect, just not the same as it had. The only characteristic of the Omegastar that I noted is that it is one fine preamp. It's like having a fine automobile. The T8 is like the same fine automobile, but with a sports touring package. Both are very nice, one is preferable to me for driving.

What about an AVA DAC? No DAC?

I wish...  That is certainly the next on my list. I can't wait!!!