Gone Baby Gone

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Gone Baby Gone
« on: 4 Nov 2007, 01:49 am »
My wife and I watched "Gone Baby Gone" this afternoon.  We chose this movie based on viewer's reviews on the internet that rated the movie 8.3 out of 10 stars.  The acting was good and it an interesting plot with a very thought prevoking ending.  When we left the movie my wife asked me how I would rate it and I said about 7 stars out of 10.  She was in agreement.



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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #1 on: 17 Feb 2008, 02:28 am »
Saw this one today, I honestly don't know what to think of this movie.
Most of the time I wanted to find Ben Affleck and shake him.  I usually can watch a movie bad or good IMO and take something good away and be done.  But with this one, I can take some good away but still I am left bothered by the directing/screenplay and still want to shake Ben Affleck.  My wife and I pressed stop with a headache. It just got on my bad side from the opening scene. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 5.

Maybe it's just me, anybody else seen this movie?


Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #2 on: 17 Feb 2008, 04:08 pm »
Just finished it here, too...

If it were up to me, I'd keep Benny behind the camera, cause usually what annoys me most is seeing his overrated, no-talent mug in front of it. His little brother is ten times the actor that Benny is. That being said, I thought the film was relatively well done, and I like the fact that the ending is not cut and dried. It definitely makes you think (particularly when the little girl tells him the name of her doll), and I enjoyed most of the acting performances. I'd probably give it an 8/10.


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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2008, 04:54 pm »
Well I'll agree keep Ben behind the camera but he maybe annoyed me more as a director this go round.  The movie just played to much trickery, and made it obvious they were trying to trick or lead you by throwing obvious clues etc.. out there.  It was like the worst well done movie I've seen in a while, like he studied various movies and tried to copycat with a few twists and make the best damn movie ever of that genre.

Spoiler Alert*****

I NEVER bought Casey (Ben's brother) as the lead "street smart" guy.  From the onset I was thinking bad casting.  Every other character was more believable than him to me, especially every other "urban" character.  He just seemed out of place to me, as did his partner/girlfriend who seemed to contribute almost nothing to the film until the very end (she could have stayed home all movie long.)  She was there it seems (early on) on to help give him street cred. when anybody said or looked at her the wrong way Casey suddenly turned into  Scarface or something. "You ever disrespect my girl like that again and I'm gonna" ... cut your sack off and so on...please.  O.K. then why bring her to the seedy bar then, or the drug lords house if you don't want anybody looking at her the wrong way, let alone putting her life in danger.

Just so many holes, I just felt like my intelligence was being insulted through most of the film.  The mother of the kidnapped girl was so unapologetic and unhelpful to find her daughter to the point where you hated this women (the intent I guess), then all of a sudden she just changes to this remorseful, please find my daughter Casey, promise...you have to promise me Casey...I'm changing my life. Now in the span of a minute we're supposed to switched gears on a dime and feel sympathy for her.  Then we don't see her again until the end of the movie and she's right back to being the unfit mother that we were supposed to hate. I could go on and on...  This one just tried to be and do too much IMO.

And if Morgan Freeman (IMO, inserted to give the movie some weight and credibility (Ed Harris as well) wanted a child that badly why not just adopt one, I mean come on, why would decorated and heralded officiers even get involved in this illegal situation knowing full well it could likely have not succeeded.

Also, did you noticed the women in the film all left their men, men who were supposed to be trying to do the right thing, what was that abou? Two of them left for no good damn reason IMO.  Again I could go on and on...swiss cheese of a movie that I enjoyed to some degree but it left me scratching my head like few movies do. 


Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #4 on: 17 Feb 2008, 10:27 pm »
Launche: You must not know very many addicts, lol. The way her behavior was depicted in the film was very accurate.  Addicts - particularly moms - are extremely selfish and reckless a lot of the time (mostly when they're actively using), and then can just flip almost on a dime and have a period of remorse/regret/etc. As for Casey Affleck's character, I think it was clear from the scene where the aunt and uncle come over to his place to ask for their help, that they were just in over their heads. They were fumbling around, not sure of what to say to the family, not sure of what to say to each other. When Casey had to puff out his chest and try to act a badass, I tend to think it was simply something he felt he HAD to do in order to function in the face of intimidation - but it's not something he's good at, so it looks awkward. The bottom line is, I don't think he IS street smart, and he knows it.


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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #5 on: 18 Feb 2008, 01:35 am »
Spoiler Alert***

Actually I do know some addicts she played her character very well but I still am not buying the 180 degree flip so fast.  As for Casey puffing his chest, not buying that either.  In most instance he had already made his point...the rest was pointless to me.  When the druglord asks Casey to lift his shirt to check for a wire, then asks the girlfriend to do the same (which is logical to me and in no way was he offending or violating her) Casey goes off on this rant about how he'll haunt the guy forever and bring down his empire etc... if he ever disrespects his girl again.  Acting more intense and threatening than when he was making the proposal about the missing girl.  You don't want her to be disrespected then don't bring your girl to a druglords house.  Funny how she never went with him whenever any gunfire happened to break out. It could be just me but it just didn't click smoothly for me, it was a good movie but with alot of annoyances and holes to me.


Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #6 on: 18 Feb 2008, 02:52 am »
I had a response prepared to continue our discussion, but then I realized you were a Dolphins fan...there's simply no hope for you  :lol:


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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #7 on: 18 Feb 2008, 04:28 am »
I had a response prepared to continue our discussion, but then I realized you were a Dolphins fan...there's simply no hope for you  :lol:

Ouch, that hurts.

The Dolphins...the new Dallas Cowboys.


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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #8 on: 18 Feb 2008, 04:44 am »
We just watched Gone Baby Gone on DVD today.  Long, overly complicated, but it kept my attention.  Granted, the plot is over the top, and no where near plausible in the real world, but it was better than most movies I have seen recently.  Reminds me of "Training Day". 


Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #9 on: 18 Feb 2008, 07:42 am »
Hey John...I saw you posting over in the slim devices forums...you likin'  your squeezebox?

Launche: Is the John Beck experiment over yet?  :lol:  (Sorry, but I have to beat ya while you're down, cause I know you guys won't stay down for long  :wink:  )


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Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #10 on: 18 Feb 2008, 02:06 pm »
Hey John...I saw you posting over in the slim devices forums...you likin'  your squeezebox?

I am generally very pleased with it. Er, I should say "them" because I now own two of them.  I should also note that I find this site much more helpful than the slim devices forum. 

Now back to the topic of "Gone baby gone" and Dolphin bashing.   :lol:


Re: Gone Baby Gone
« Reply #11 on: 18 Feb 2008, 03:57 pm »
Right on...on both counts!  :thumb: