Update on DAC 2.1 Deluxe and Adagio EXtreme reviews

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Bill Baker

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Update on DAC 2.1 Deluxe and Adagio EXtreme reviews
« on: 15 Jan 2008, 09:41 pm »
Hello AC,
 I have been receiving many inquiries about what happened to the Adagio EXtreme Loudspeaker review. Well, without going into details, it should be up as soon as the CES rush is over. It has already been edited so we should see it very soon.

 My website also mentions a fortgcoming review of our Audio Note Custom DAC 2.1x Deluxe. This one is still on my bench being built and will be shipping to the reviewer around the end of the month. This DAC was suppose to be built for our reference system but a reviewer snagged it so I will have to build another once I get caight up on the benches. :cry:

 I have also had a few asking if there will be a professional review of our Audio Note Custom M3 Deluxe preamp as this and the DAC are our most popular pieces at the moment. At this time, there is nothing in the works for a review but at least we have customer feedback. I am almost finished with our own M3 Deluxe for the showroom and should have it up and running within the next week or so aa ((as soon as I finish the reviewer's DAC)).

 Please hold tight as I will keep everyone updated as things progress.