TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40

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TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40
« on: 7 Oct 2003, 05:07 pm »
Two weeks ago I took the plunge to add Brian's TRT caps to my RM-40's.  While doing so it was obvious that this was the perfect time to make the slight modification necessary to go from passive to active biamplification (shorting out one coil).  Brian had told me that adding the caps was "quite a job" but that the improvement  "though not earth shattering will be noticable". Boy, did I ever get lied to!!!   Firstly, adding the TRT's was a piece of cake. The hardest thing really was getting the old caps loose from the circut board.   I did the first speaker in about three hours from start to finish, and I am not much of a do it yourselfer either. The second speaker, now that I knew what I was doing, only took a little over two hours.  At age 70+ if I can do this by myself, anyone can!  As to Bryan's comment that the difference would be noticable -- I am absollutely astounded. There is at least a 50% improvement in sound!  Active biamplification has the advantage of reducing inetrmodulation distortion (in theory). However  I found the improvements with the Marchand crossover that Brian recommend , although noticable to be slight.  Brian maybe its just that you have designed the RM-40 so well that any such distortion is not noticable. All in all, this was a very easy change to make, worth the time and expense many times over.  Next project  --  the FST tweeter.


trt mod
« Reply #1 on: 7 Oct 2003, 05:44 pm »
plmonroe, congradulations on doing the modification yourself.
   Could you elaborate a little more on the improvement in sound you're now getting in comparison to before and which capacitors were in use before the switch?
Thanks, Stan


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TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40
« Reply #2 on: 7 Oct 2003, 08:24 pm »
Which capicators? Those replaced were the stock ones which came with the RM-40's when I bought them in April of 2000. As I recall the modification replaces about all  of them.  Bryan does a good job with the modification kit and the instructions he supplies are about as good as they come.  There is a tiny bit of soldering, but it is minimal.  As for the sound, although there is a touch of  improvement in  he bass (tighter, more distinct) the gains are  mainly to the mid range and trebble.  Here the sound is more delicate and transparent with , for lack of better terms,  it sounding richer and sweeter.  Really makes a huge difference, far more than the recent acoustic treaatments for my room which cost quite a bit more.



TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40
« Reply #3 on: 7 Oct 2003, 09:17 pm »
what crossover points/slopes are you using with the Marchand?  what exactly did you do to convert the system for active biamping, you mentioned shorting a coil?


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TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40
« Reply #4 on: 7 Oct 2003, 09:52 pm »
There is a large oblong coil about the size of ones fist  in the crossover section of the speaker behind the lower mid range woofer.  Bryan said to simply short it  out by soldering a wire across its input and output.  Not liking to burn my bridges, I did this a bit differently. I soldered a length of wire to the input and another to the output, drilled a small hole in the cabinet, ran the wires through it to the outside and sealed the hole. By twisting the ends of the wires together I short out the coil for active biamplificaation. If I ever want to go back to passive,  or no biamplification I just disconnect the ends of the wires and the coil is back in operation once more. So, I can have my cake and eat it too if I wish.

I have the Marchand crossing over at 200hz. Bryan suggests starting here and working downward to 166hz to see what setting sounds best  The slope is 24db per octive.  I also tried an Ashley crossover using the same settings. Bryan favors the Marachand  however I could detect no difference between the two units.



TRT's and Active Biamplification for the RM-40
« Reply #5 on: 7 Oct 2003, 11:18 pm »
Glad I asked.... sounds like a great use for the toggle switch to me.   :idea:

I was planning on deleting the toggle on my pair since I have two discrete pairs of speaker cable anyway.  I sent B an email to see if he can wire the toggle for active vs passive bi-amp operation on my in-production RM/x, which I understand are veneered and getting painted.
