Fun with movements

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Fun with movements
« on: 25 Nov 2007, 04:33 am »
Today was a new record for shooting 4x5, 14 shots at two locations!  I also tried out some new Ilford HP5 400 ISO film.  (sure 'nuff, there's a bit 'o grain here)  Anyway, this was the first shot of the day with my usual Delta-100 of some old lime kilns.  Finally a proper scene to use front rise!  Woo!  Even though it is a huge pain to use on account of the recessed lensboard, the 65mm Nikkor does have that looming wideangle magic going on.  It's amazing how close I can get to the thing and still get it all in.  A polarizer darkened the sky.  It cut into the structure too, but I kinda like it.  Better than a white sky.


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2007, 01:16 pm »
Whoa! Nice image. The first one looks like it's leaning to the right, is that something to do with the perspective, or is it really doing that? BTW I thought the Shen-hao didn't need a recessed board for some reason... have you tried the lens on a flat board? (Just curious)


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #2 on: 25 Nov 2007, 05:18 pm »
It might be, those things are probably a bit off plumb.  I didn't do any rotation or skew in Photoshop, I just left it as is.  The middle and back kilns are a little wavy too.

I tried the 65mm with a flat board but the bag bellows get in the way.  If I use the regular bellows and flat board I can bring the lens all the way back if necessary, but you can't do any movements.  The 90mm I use with a flat board and it's so much nicer.  I thought about attaching some little metal breakout rods that stick out from the shutter lever and aperture controls so they'd be easier to adjust.  Then to make matters worse if I use my Lee filter mount it's nigh impossible to get at the lens. But the topper is the cable release which is the biggest P.O.S. ever.  If you screw it in tight it will jam and not trip the shutter, if you screw it in a little less tight it might fire but the cable release will jam.  You have to thread it in to where it's loose and almost falling out in order to get a smooth, repeatable action.  But it has to be held at just the right angle.  I guess that's what I deserve for buying a cheap-ish Chinese board on eBay. 


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2007, 02:50 am »
Full Ass !!!!!


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2007, 07:12 am »
What's full ass? 

The 2nd shot got all fogged up, but the glare kinda made it look ancient so I helped it along some more.  I am not sure if it is the gaffer tape I used to fix the film holders or that I took the darkslide in and out twice or what.  Didn't shade it from the light or something.  Hmph.  But hey, now it looks 19th century.

I also ran across a great old ruined farmhouse that same day. Some foggy edges on the window shot, but I think it helps the filmyness look which I love.  Seems like the more scummy and dirty something is the better it looks on BW film.  I was mostly glad I didn't get into any "imperial entanglements" here for trespassing on this property.  Not sure who'd complain, but you never know.



Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #5 on: 28 Nov 2007, 08:59 am »
I think the last one's a beauty. Is that the 65mm lens again?


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2007, 01:58 pm »
What's full ass?

Your image(s)!  Unless you might say the use of gaffers tape constitutes half-ass?  Can something be 3/4-ass or is all or nothing?  So again, I say your work is full-assed. :thumb:


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #7 on: 28 Nov 2007, 02:44 pm »
Strangest compliment i have heard in a while!  Makes sense when you think about it. 

PS. i really like the last set of 3 with the old farm house.  especially # 1 and 3.

What's full ass?

Your image(s)!  Unless you might say the use of gaffers tape constitutes half-ass?  Can something be 3/4-ass or is all or nothing?  So again, I say your work is full-assed. :thumb:


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #8 on: 28 Nov 2007, 04:01 pm »
Thanks much Christof, and RooX! :)  Yes, assedness can be divided fractionally although full and half are the most common.  3/4-Ass might be more insulting though, as it implies that the person was too lazy to add that extra quarter ass.  Although usually the ass scale it doesn't apply to creative endeavors, I'm willing to make an exception in this case.

If I remember correctly all the farmhouse shots are with my 90mm lens.  I think if I could have only one lens the 90mm Schneider would be it.  Last night I discovered that I can get a quasi-funhouse mirror stretch effect by maxing out front fall and rear rise and then angling the camera towards the subject.  It's kind of cool; I guess it's because you're at the very edge of the lens' image circle and it's more perspective-distorted there.  Very dark on the groundglass, though.


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #9 on: 29 Nov 2007, 11:26 am »
One lens to rule them all.... ;)


Re: Fun with movements
« Reply #10 on: 22 Dec 2007, 04:18 am »
Cold, damp, foggy, no sun; hey that sounds like perfect weather for photography! :)  Okay, well it's not THAT cold.  Snow is the real melty\snowman-friendly kind.